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ὕνις , εως ιος Hdn.Gr.2.761), ,
A.ploughshare, PPetr.2p.133 (iii B. C.), PCair.Zen.782a).37 (iii B.C.), PStrassb.118.15 (i A.D.), Corn. ND28, Babr.37.2, Plu.Rom.11, Artem.2.24, Gp.2.2.3, Sm. 1 Ki.13.20, PTeb.406.19 (iii A.D.), PFlor.134.3 (iii A.D.); also ὕννις , , Sch. Hes.Op.425, Hsch.; ὕννη , , Aesop.98b. (Plu.2.670a derives the word from ὗς, from the hog's nozzling and rooting.) [υ^, AP6.104 (Phil.), 7.175, 176 (both Antiphil.), 280 (Isid.), Babr. l.c., Hdn.Gr. l.c.; Suid. is in error when he says τὸ δὲ υ μακρόν.]
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (2):
    • Hesiod, Works and Days, 425
    • Plutarch, Romulus, 11
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