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Antias, Quintus Valerius

A Roman historian who flourished about B.C. 80, and wrote the history of Rome from the earliest times down to those of Sulla. His work was full of exaggerations, but is still, in a way, the most important immediate predecessor of Livy. His history was in at least seventy-five books, for book lxxv. is quoted by Gellius (vi. 9, 17). Livy appears to have drawn upon him largely, for he mentions him by name thirtyfive times in the existing books; and in the first decades of his work follows him unhesitatingly. The fragments of the Annales may be found in Peter's Historicorum Reliquiae, i. 305. See also Nitzsch, Röm. Annalistik (1873); and Teuffel, Hist. of Rom. Lit. (Eng. trans. 1891).

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