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LY´COA (Λυκόα: Eth. Λυκοάτης), a town of Arcadia in the district Maenalia, at the foot of Mt. Maenalus, with a temple of Artemis Lycoatis. It was in ruins in the time of Pausanias, and is represented by the Paleokastron between Arachova and Karteroli. (Paus. 8.3.4, 36.7; Steph. B. sub voce Leake, Morea, vol. ii. p. 52; Boblaye, Récherches, &c. p. 171; Ross, Reisen im Peloponnes, p. 120; Curtius, Peloponnesos, vol. i. p. 358.) There was another Lycoa not far from the Alpheius, near its junction with the Lusius or Gortynius, at the foot of Mt. Lycaeus. (Pol. 16.17.) It has been conjectured that the proper name of the latter of these towns was Lycaea, since Pausanias (8.27.4) speaks of the Lycaeatae (Λυκαιᾶται) as a people in the district of Cynuria, and Stephanus mentions a town Lycaea (Λύκαια). (Leake, Morea, vol. ii. p. 304.)

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