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3. Foote: a lay of Island no.10.

We all are anxious now to hear,
     Amid the war's alarms,
That Captain Foote, at “Island Ten,”
     Achieved a “feat of arms!”

But Foote, who won a pair of feats
     Upon the Tennessee,
Says: ”Sailors sail, or swim, or steam,
     Foot-feats suit infantry!

”Now, give me but a troop of horse,
     Four-footed then I'll be,
And from my boats and “horse-marines”
     The rebels quick shall flee!

[2] ”So do not, friends, because I wait,
     Club-footed Foote now dub;
For though you fear your Foote is lame,
     They'll find that Foote a club:

That's if I fight them on the land,
     On foot or in the saddle,
But if I meet them on the wave,
     They'll find your Foote a paddle!

”So never fear-like knight of old,
     My anxious city-sirs--
This Foote will win you “Island ten,”
     And win, to boot, “his spurs!” “


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