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4. the Irish boys.

At Winchester, two Irish companies, in the rebel service, refused to fire on the United States flag.--Louisville Journal.

the Irish boys are bold and brave,
     The Irish boys are true;
They love the dear old stars and stripes,
     The spangled field of blue.

'Tis Mulligan can tell the tale
     Of how they fought that day,
When with the foe at Lexington
     They met in bloody fray.

Fast whizzed the shot and murderous shell,
     The bullets fell like rain;
But dauntless stood his brave brigade--
     The heroes of the plain.

Then pressed the foe in serried ranks;
     But not to them they yield,
Hunger and thirst had done their work,
     Before they gave the field.

Oh! honor to the Irish boys,
     And cheers of three times three;
Old Ireland is with our side--
     I wish that she were free.

The Irish boys are bold and brave,
     The Irish boys are true;
They love the dear old stars and stripes,
     The spangled field of blue.

Oh! brave were those who nobly fought;
     But braver still the band
Who, forced by rebels in their ranks,
     United, made their stand.

They saw the old and honored flag
     Borne out upon the air,
And not a gun was raised against
     Its floating folds so fair!

Ah! Lexington and Springfield boast
     Their heroes true and grand;
But Winchester shall stir men's hearts
     Throughout Columbia's land.

Oh! honor to the Irish boys,
     And cheers of three times three,
For Ireland we'll fight some day,
     And she shall yet be free.

C. M.
--Philadelphia Press.

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