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Index to genealogies.

The names of families are printed in small capitals, and the figures annexed indicate the pages where they may be found; the other names denote persons mentioned in connection with the several families, whether as intermarrying or otherwise.

Abbott, 477.



Abdy, 477.





Adams, 477-9.






































Albone, 479.


Aldus, 479.

Alexander, 479.

Allen, 479.


Ames, 479.


Amsden, 479, 80.







Andrew, 480, 1.


















Angier, 481, 2.


























Appleton, 482.

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John Russell (39)
Daniel Prentice (38)
Lydia Brown (37)
Elizabeth Jarvis Stone (32)
Joseph Winship (30)
Ruth Shepard (30)
Aaron Hill (28)
Benjamin Cutter (28)
Deborah Parker (25)
Elizabeth Green (24)
Jonas Clark (24)
Seth Hastings (23)
John Cooper (23)
Andrew Wilson (22)
Ephraim Frost (22)
Richard Robbins (21)
Richard Dana (21)
Jonas Wyeth (20)
James Munroe (20)
William Fessenden (20)
Thomas Williams (19)
William Watson (19)
Elizabeth Smith (19)
Theodosia Jackson (19)
Samuel Danforth (19)
Hepzibah Champney (19)
Samuel Whittemore (18)
Samuel Sewall (18)
John Marrett (18)
Torrey Hancock (18)
Lydia Fiske (18)
Naomi Cook (18)
Andrew Bordman (18)
Mary Adams (18)
Nathaniel Sparhawk (17)
Jonathan Moore (17)
James P. Richardson (16)
Edmund Rice (16)
Marmaduke Johnson (16)
James H. Hall (16)
William Reed (15)
Edward Fillebrown (15)
John Dickson (15)
Lucy Coolidge (15)
James Oliver (14)
Henry Dunster (14)
Edmund Trowbridge (13)
Nathaniel Patten (13)
Samuel Jones (13)
Joseph Cooke (13)
Samuel Bowman (13)
John Ward (12)
Mary Tufts (12)
Susan Stearns (12)
Esther Peirce (12)
William Manning (12)
Benjamin Locke (12)
Samuel Hyde (12)
Nathaniel Woodward (11)
William Winthrop (11)
Jeduthun Wellington (11)
Jonathan Remington (11)
Zechariah Hicks (11)
Benjamin Goddard (11)
Joel Foster (11)
Abigail Crosby (11)
Samuel Brooks (11)
Andrew Belcher (11)
Mary Angier (11)
Thomas Andrew (11)
Oren Willard (10)
John Warland (10)
John Swan (10)
Jonathan Perry (10)
John Oldham (10)
Asa P. Morse (10)
Jonathan Mitchell (10)
Samuel Kidder (10)
Josiah Hovey (10)
Thomas Hooker (10)
Joseph Holmes (10)
Curtis Davis (10)
James Cutler (10)
Ruth Carter (10)
William Barrett (10)
Matthew Allen (10)
John Wyman (9)
Edward Wigglesworth (9)
Francis Whitmore (9)
John Whiting (9)
Samuel Walker (9)
William Tyng (9)
Hepzibah Tidd (9)
Sarah Phillips (9)
Daniel Mason (9)
James Hubbard (9)
Jose Glover (9)
Joshua Fuller (9)
Thomas Bond (9)
Sarah Wright (8)
Charles Wood (8)
John Upham (8)
John Taylor (8)
John Stratton (8)
Samuel Sprague (8)
Sarah Rand (8)
Joseph Porter (8)
Isaac Livermore (8)
John Leverett (8)
Ann Harrington (8)
Thomas Hammond (8)
Daniel Gookin (8)
William Goodwin (8)
Edward Goffe (8)
Thomas Gardner (8)
William French (8)
John Eliot (8)
Benoni Eaton (8)
Matthew Cox (8)
John Chamberlin (8)
Simon Bradstreet (8)
William Bowers (8)
Lemuel Blanchard (8)
Silas Barnard (8)
Stephen Willis (7)
William L. Whitney (7)
Joseph Warren (7)
Thomas Thwing (7)
Andrew Stevenson (7)
Edmund Quincy (7)
John Pratt (7)
Stephen Palmer (7)
Mary Ann Newman (7)
Samuel Kent (7)
Justinian Holden (7)
William Harris (7)
John Gibson (7)
Francis Foxcroft (7)
Thomas Fox (7)
Thomas Dudley (7)
Gilbert Crackbone (7)
Thomas Cheney (7)
John Butterfield (7)
Humphrey Bradshaw (7)
Nicholas Bowes (7)
John Biscoe (7)
Daniel Abbott (7)
Noah Wiswall (6)
John White (6)
John Wheeler (6)
Henry Thompson (6)
Mary Pierce (6)
Joseph Parsons (6)
John Palfrey (6)
Urian Oakes (6)
Edward Mitchelson (6)
Jonathan Lawrence (6)
Edward Kendall (6)
William Hunnewell (6)
Thomas Greenwood (6)
John Gay (6)
Gershom Eames (6)
Samuel Child (6)
John Brackett (6)
Thomas Blodgett (6)
Nathaniel Appleton (6)
Jonathan Wade (5)
John Vassall (5)
Thomas Symmes (5)
Atherton H. Stevens (5)
William Spencer (5)
Thomas Soden (5)
Hannah Simonds (5)
Joseph Sill (5)
Roger Shaw (5)
Habijah Savage (5)
George S. Saunders (5)
Samuel Robinson (5)
Nathaniel Prentiss (5)
Joseph Miller (5)
Jonas Meriam (5)
Samuel Lyon (5)
William Knight (5)
Samuel Jennison (5)
William Hunt (5)
Elizabeth Grant (5)
John Gove (5)
Stephen Gates (5)
Joshua Gamage (5)
Charles Frothingham (5)
Peter Fassett (5)
Nehemiah Estabrook (5)
Daniel Denison (5)
Elijah Corlett (5)
Edward Collins (5)
Thomas Chesholme (5)
Elizabeth Chadwick (5)
Robert Bull (5)
Thomas Brigham (5)
John Bradish (5)
Pyam Blowers (5)
Elizabeth Bemis (5)
John Bartlett (5)
Daniel Bacon (5)
Edmund Andros (5)
Reuben Winslow (4)
Thomas Weld (4)
Mary Tompson (4)
Jonathan Teel (4)
Samuel Sweetser (4)
Abraham P. Sherman (4)
Sarah Scott (4)
Franklin Sawyer (4)
Almira Sanderson (4)
John Ruggles (4)
John Rogers (4)
Mary Rayner (4)
Solomon Phipps (4)
Timothy Paine (4)
Lucius R. Paige (4)
John Nutting (4)
Mary Nowell (4)
Henry W. Muzzey (4)
Reuben Luxford (4)
Joseph Loring (4)
Thomas Longhorn (4)
Nathan Leonard (4)
Nathaniel Jarvis (4)
William Howe (4)
Henry O. Houghton (4)
William Healy (4)
John Haynes (4)
Roger Harlakenden (4)
Joseph Gibbs (4)
Thomas Fitch (4)
Samuel P. P. Fay (4)
Abraham Edwards (4)
Stephen Daye (4)
Rufus Davenport (4)
Oliver Cromwell (4)
Israel Cheever (4)
Samuel Chandler (4)
Benjamin Bird (4)
Joseph Bates (4)
Roger Bancroft (4)
Jonathan L. Austin (4)
John Woodbridge (3)
Oliver Wendell (3)
Albion K. P. Welch (3)
Oliver H. Webber (3)
Henry Ware (3)
John Waite (3)
Joshua Underwood (3)
Stephen Tucker (3)
Samuel Truesdale (3)
William Blair Townsend (3)
Edward B. Thomas (3)
Mansfield Tapley (3)
Dauid Stowell (3)
John Squire (3)
Mehetabel Skinner (3)
Robert L. Sawin (3)
Caleb Sampson (3)
John Rolfe (3)
Spencer Phips (3)
Hannah Phelps (3)
Herbert Pelham (3)
Edward Parks (3)
Thomas Park (3)
Humphrey Osland (3)
Ephraim Mullett (3)
Abraham Morrill (3)
John Mirick (3)
Israel Mead (3)
John Maynard (3)
Simon Lynde (3)
Joseph Lee (3)
Benjamin I. Lane (3)
Henry Lamson (3)
Ebenezer King (3)
John Kenrick (3)
Lemuel Jenkins (3)
George H. Howard (3)
Mary Holman (3)
Nehemiah Hobart (3)
Richard Hildreth (3)
John Haskell (3)
James Greenleaf (3)
Thomas Graves (3)
Amy Goodnow (3)
Hannah Goddin (3)
Joseph Gerrish (3)
Timothy Flagg (3)
William Fisk (3)
Thomas Fayerweather (3)
Levi Farwell (3)
Benjamin Eustis (3)
Elizabeth Ellery (3)
Richard Eccles (3)
Thomas Durant (3)
Emanuel Downing (3)
Benjamin F. Dexter (3)
Deane (3)
Andrew Craigie (3)
Elizabeth Corey (3)
Arthur Cole (3)
Charles Chauncy (3)
Clement Chaplin (3)
Lydia Capen (3)
Samuel Burr (3)
Mary Burgess (3)
John Bunker (3)
Thomas Boylston (3)
Mary Boyce (3)
John Bowles (3)
Jonathan Bosworth (3)
Oliver Blake (3)
Rebecca Billings (3)
John Betts (3)
John Benjamin (3)
Joseph Belknap (3)
Sarah Beers (3)
Joseph Bean (3)
Mary Batson (3)
Edwin Barry (3)
Henry Ballard (3)
John Badger (3)
Joshua Avery (3)
Jane Atkinson (3)
Mary Aspinwall (3)
John Arnold (3)
Jacob Amsden (3)
William Ames (3)
Samuel Alcock (3)
Edward Wyer (2)
James A. Woolson (2)
John Woodmancy (2)
William Witherell (2)
John Willett (2)
N. Wilkinson (2)
Wilcox (2)
Samuel Wheat (2)
Helen Weston (2)
Andrew Warner (2)
Humphrey Vincent (2)
Hezekiah Usher (2)
William Towne (2)
Frank Todd (2)
Daniel H. Thurston (2)
John Wingate Thornton (2)
Samuel Thatcher (2)
Mary Teele (2)
John Tainter (2)
William Stoughton (2)
Anthony Stoddard (2)
Fordyce M. Stimson (2)
Mary Stebbins (2)
Joseph Stanhope (2)
Thomas Stacy (2)
Joseph Stacey (2)
Nicholas Simpkins (2)
Samuel Shove (2)
Ann Seccomb (2)
Ebenezer Seaver (2)
Ebenezer Seager (2)
Anna Sawtell (2)
John Satle (2)
John Sargent (2)
Richard Saltonstall (2)
Simon Sackett (2)
John Rutter (2)
Henry W. Rugg (2)
Isaac Royall (2)
David Ross (2)
Roscoe (2)
Hannah Rockwell (2)
Ebenezer Roby (2)
Nathaniel Richards (2)
Zebina L. Raymond (2)
Stephen Randall (2)
John Pynchon (2)
Richard Proctor (2)
Phebe Preston (2)
Sylvanus Plympton (2)
Edward Pinson (2)
Jonathan Pierpont (2)
Francis Perriman (2)
Ebenezer Pemberton (2)
Moses Payne (2)
James Patterson (2)
Daniel Patrick (2)
Elizabeth Osborn (2)
James Olmstead (2)
Michael Norton (2)
Norcross (2)
Curtis C. Nichols (2)
Andrew Newell (2)
John Needham (2)
John Myrick (2)
Abiel Murdock (2)
James Minot (2)
Eliab W. Metcalf (2)
Increase Mather (2)
Thomas Martin (2)
John Marshall (2)
Daniel Markham (2)
William Mann (2)
George Macsparran (2)
James Russell Lowell (2)
Joseph Lowden (2)
James Lovell (2)
Andrew Lopez (2)
Henry W. Longfellow (2)
Abigail Logan (2)
Edmund Lockwood (2)
John Legg (2)
Hepzibah Laughton (2)
Elizabeth Latham (2)
Samuel Larkin (2)
Elizabeth Knapp (2)
Thomas Judd (2)
Waitstill Jordan (2)
David Jeffries (2)
Samuel James (2)
Jonathan Ireland (2)
Daniel Hudson (2)
John Hopkins (2)
Samuel Holley (2)
John Holbrook (2)
Joseph Hodges (2)
John Hobbs (2)
Leonard Hoar (2)
Isaac Hinkley (2)
John Hews (2)
James Hayward (2)
Elizabeth Hayman (2)
Peter Hayes (2)
Charlotte Hawes (2)
John Haven (2)
Richard Hassell (2)
Thomas Haskins (2)
Benjamin Harwood (2)
Hannah Hartwell (2)
Mary Hagar (2)
Lucas B. Grover (2)
Moses Griggs (2)
Thomas Gould (2)
Sarah Godding (2)
Ann Gleason (2)
William Gilbert (2)
Elbridge Gerry (2)
Bartholomew Gedney (2)
Benjamin Garfield (2)
John Fownell (2)
John Fowle (2)
Stephen Fosdick (2)
Francis Flint (2)
John Ferguson (2)
Katherine Felch (2)
Thomas Fanning (2)
John Eyre (2)
Daniel Epes (2)
Hannah Emmons (2)
Charles W. Emery (2)
Barnabas Edmands (2)
John Edgell (2)
Elizabeth Dutton (2)
Francis Draper (2)
Anna Dix (2)
Timothy Dickinson (2)
William Darby (2)
Rowland Coytmore (2)
Joseph H. Converse (2)
Anna Coney (2)
Mary Conant (2)
William Colson (2)
Anthony Colby (2)
Edward Russell Cogswell (2)
Jonas Clarke (2)
Leonard Chester (2)
Philip Carteret (2)
Humphrey P. Caldwell (2)
Ephraim Buttrick (2)
William Butler (2)
Eunice M. E. Burt (2)
Ann Bullard (2)
Peter Bulkeley (2)
Daniel A. Buckley (2)
Samuel Buck (2)
Elizabeth Buck (2)
Christian Boyden (2)
Robert T. Bourne (2)
Godfrey Bosville (2)
John Bonner (2)
Israel Blackington (2)
Thomas Bittlestone (2)
Abraham Biglow (2)
David Bennett (2)
Samuel Batchelder (2)
George Barstow (2)
Jonathan Balch (2)
Humphrey Atherton (2)
James Apthorp (2)
Angler (2)
William Andrews (2)
Matthew Abdy (2)
James Yates (1)
Samuel Wyllys (1)
Mary Wyatt (1)
Elizabeth Worthington (1)
John Wootton (1)
Henry Woolcott (1)
Millicent Woodis (1)
Wooddrop (1)
Emma Woodbury (1)
Samuel Witt (1)
Henry Withington (1)
Eliza A. Winsor (1)
Elizabeth Winneck (1)
Joseph Winn (1)
Mary Wilkins (1)
Andrew Wiggin (1)
Whiteley (1)
George Whitefield (1)
F. E. Whitcomb (1)
William J. Whipple (1)
Wharton (1)
Whalley (1)
Whaley (1)
William Wetmore (1)
Ethan Wetherbee (1)
William Westwood (1)
Henry C. Wells (1)
Richard Webb (1)
Weare (1)
Mary Wayte (1)
Samuel Watts (1)
John Walton (1)
William Wallace (1)
John Waldron (1)
William Waldegrave (1)
Samuel Wakeman (1)
Maria Wainwright (1)
William Wadsworth (1)
Joel Viles (1)
Benjamin Vaughn (1)
Charles Valentine (1)
John Underhill (1)
John P. Turner (1)
J. Hammond Trumbull (1)
William Torrey (1)
Calvin H. Topliff (1)
Timothy Tomlins (1)
Hannah Tolman (1)
Jonathan Titcomb (1)
Israel Thorndike (1)
Thorn (1)
Thomson (1)
Henry Thayer (1)
John Terry (1)
Oliver Tenney (1)
Josiah Tennell (1)
Christopher Tappan (1)
John Talcott (1)
Lydia Tabor (1)
Samuell Symonds (1)
Thomas Swoetman (1)
Francis C. Swift (1)
Susanna Swett (1)
Thomas Swetman (1)
David H. Sumner (1)
John Streeter (1)
Hannah Stowe (1)
Edward Stow (1)
Seth Storer (1)
Ezra Stiles (1)
John Steele (1)
Steams (1)
Jonathan Starr (1)
William Stanwood (1)
John Stanton (1)
Timothy Stanley (1)
John Squiers (1)
George Spooner (1)
Mary Spear (1)
Henry Somers (1)
Thomas Skidmore (1)
Sarah Singletary (1)
Joseph Simons (1)
John Ranslow Sigourney (1)
John L. Sibley (1)
Samuel Shrimpton (1)
Shirley (1)
Tryphena Shipley (1)
Sherborne (1)
Edward Shepherd (1)
Mary Sheaffe (1)
Abigail Shattuck (1)
Sexton (1)
Chester Sessions (1)
Willard Sears (1)
Hannah Searl (1)
Thomas Saxton (1)
Elizabeth Saxon (1)
Elisha Savil (1)
John Savell (1)
Nathaniel Sartell (1)
George P. Sanger (1)
Elizabeth Sanders (1)
John Salter (1)
Salstonstall (1)
Aaron H. Safford (1)
Joseph Sabin (1)
Alice Rushton (1)
Romer (1)
Giles Roberts (1)
Ezra Ripley (1)
Rider (1)
Robert Reynolds (1)
John Reyner (1)
Redding (1)
Edward Rawson (1)
Alexander H. Ramsay (1)
Rainsborough (1)
Jesse Putnam (1)
William Pulteney (1)
James M. Price (1)
William Prescott (1)
Potter (1)
John Poole (1)
Pond (1)
Polly (1)
Ruth Polley (1)
Ann A. Plummer (1)
Mary Pitts (1)
George F. Piper (1)
Jonathan Pierson (1)
John Pickering (1)
Phil (1)
Thomas Handasyde Perkins (1)
Mary Pepperell (1)
Hannah Penniman (1)
Mary Peirson (1)
Samuel Pease (1)
Thomas Payson (1)
George W. Paul (1)
William Partridge (1)
Bryant Parrott (1)
Samuel Parris (1)
William Parmenter (1)
Ebenezer Parkman (1)
Richard Parke (1)
Richard Palsgrave (1)
Roger Owfield (1)
John Orne (1)
Orcutt (1)
Margaret Odlin (1)
John Noyes (1)
Nathaniel Norden (1)
Elizabeth Newland (1)
William Newell (1)
Alexander Nelson (1)
Dennis B. Nash (1)
John Murray (1)
Charles T. Murdoch (1)
John Mullis (1)
Emory A. Mulliken (1)
Thomas Moulton (1)
Charles Morton (1)
Joanna Morrison (1)
Mary L. Moody (1)
Moodey (1)
Elias Monck (1)
Sarah Mixer (1)
Joseph Miriam (1)
Charles J. Mills (1)
John Milledge (1)
Thomas B. G. Messinger (1)
Joseph Merriam (1)
John Mellen (1)
Lydia Meek (1)
George Meacham (1)
James McEnery (1)
Robert McCleary (1)
Joseph Mayo (1)
Thomas Mayhew (1)
Sarah Mattocks (1)
John Martyn (1)
Benjamin Marston (1)
Rumney Marsh (1)
Mary Mansur (1)
Royal Makepeace (1)
Henry Maddock (1)
MacKEYey (1)
Byfield Lyde (1)
Richard Lumpkin (1)
James Luke (1)
Martha Eliza Lucas (1)
Charlotte Lowe (1)
John Lowder (1)
Lovering (1)
John Lindall (1)
Harriet Lincoln (1)
Peter Lidgett (1)
Rachel Leven (1)
Mary Lemon (1)
Richard Lechmere (1)
Philo G. Lawton (1)
George B. Lathrop (1)
James Lanman (1)
Caroline Langdon (1)
Lamed (1)
George H. Kuhn (1)
Henry Knox (1)
William F. Knowles (1)
Nathaniel Kingsbury (1)
James Kettell (1)
Mary Kendrick (1)
Daniell Kempster (1)
William Kelsey (1)
Oliver Kellam (1)
Omen S. Keith (1)
Benjamin Keayne (1)
Moses S. Judkins (1)
Stephen Jennings (1)
Jefts (1)
Henry Jaques (1)
Justin A. Jacobs (1)
Ives (1)
Nehemiah I. Ingraham (1)
Sarah Hutchinson (1)
Abraham Hurley (1)
Theodore C. Hurd (1)
John S. Huntress (1)
William Hull (1)
James Howland (1)
Thomas Hosmer (1)
Hosley (1)
Edmund Horton (1)
Nicholas Hoppin (1)
Henry Hooper (1)
John Hood (1)
Frederick W. Holland (1)
Samuel Hodgman (1)
Thomas Hodgkins (1)
William Hobby (1)
Hixton (1)
Gad Hitchcock (1)
Adeline Hiscock (1)
Israel Hinds (1)
Edward Hilton (1)
Stephen Higginson (1)
Francis John Higginson (1)
Herring (1)
Joshua Henshaw (1)
Luke Hemenway (1)
Hannah Heath (1)
Jonathan Hearsey (1)
Healey (1)
Haywood (1)
Richard Hay (1)
Atherton Haugh (1)
William H. Hatch (1)
Walter Hasting (1)
John Hartshorn (1)
Stephen Hart (1)
Eliza Harlow (1)
Dudley Hardy (1)
Abby Hanscom (1)
Peter Hanchet (1)
Katherine Halton (1)
Elizabeth Haley (1)
Robert Hale (1)
Hadden (1)
Guy (1)
Esther Guernsey (1)
Francis Griswold (1)
Griffith (1)
Elizabeth Griffin (1)
Leander Greely (1)
William Gray (1)
John C. Gray (1)
Samuel Gowen (1)
Samuel Gorton (1)
Mary Gorham (1)
Richard Goodman (1)
Zaccheus Goodale (1)
Goldthwaite (1)
Richard Girling (1)
Timothy Gipson (1)
Hannah Giles (1)
Joshua Gee (1)
Garrett (1)
Thomas Brattle Gannett (1)
Gambell (1)
T. Gage (1)
Persis Fullerton (1)
Cato Freeman (1)
John Foye (1)
Walter Foss (1)
Jonathan W. Ford (1)
Ephraim Forbes (1)
Foorth (1)
Foordham (1)
Jesse Fogg (1)
Benjamin Faulkner (1)
Margaret Farrar (1)
John Farr (1)
Reuben Farnsworth (1)
John C. Farnham (1)
Joseph Farley (1)
Edwin E. Fairbanks (1)
Charles Everett (1)
John Eveleth (1)
Estwick (1)
Daniel Epps (1)
John Endicott (1)
Benjamin D. Emerson (1)
William Emblin (1)
Nathaniel Ely (1)
Elson (1)
Ellson (1)
John Ellis (1)
Samuell Eldred (1)
Barbara Eden (1)
John Eddy (1)
Eason (1)
Priscilla Dyke (1)
Sarah Dyer (1)
Dunklin (1)
Eben M. Dunbar (1)
Doubleday (1)
Ebenezer Dorr (1)
Doolittle (1)
Lawrence Dolhond (1)
John Dolbeare (1)
John C. Dodge (1)
Thomas Ditson (1)
Thomas Dill (1)
Dickerman (1)
Elizabeth Denny (1)
Joseph Dennie (1)
Deming (1)
Jonathan Deland (1)
Henry Deering (1)
Ezra Dean (1)
George H. Davies (1)
Lydia Dane (1)
Henry I. Cushman (1)
Luther S. Cushing (1)
Peggy Cunningham (1)
John Crowe (1)
Creary (1)
Edward Crafts (1)
Cradock (1)
Joseph Cowley (1)
Isaac Cowdrey (1)
Lovice Corbett (1)
Sarah Ann Coombs (1)
Abigail Cooksey (1)
Ezra Comee (1)
John Colston (1)
Benjamin Colman (1)
Collor (1)
Elizabeth Collis (1)
Edward Collinges (1)
Sarah Collier (1)
Elizabeth Coggan (1)
Joseph Cogan (1)
Coffin (1)
Penelope Cochran (1)
Clement (1)
William Clemance (1)
A. B. Cleaveland (1)
Barbara Clapp (1)
Nathan Childs (1)
William E. Channing (1)
Joseph Cawthorne (1)
F. M. Caulkins (1)
Jane Carson (1)
John Carruth (1)
Carley (1)
Aaron Cady (1)
Mary Butman (1)
William Buss (1)
Ruth Bushell (1)
Jonathan Bush (1)
Josiah Burrage (1)
John Burns (1)
Burnet (1)
Daniel Burnap (1)
William Burges (1)
John Burbeck (1)
Simeon Bundy (1)
Thomas Bumford (1)
Buckner (1)
John Bucknam (1)
Joseph Stevens Buckminster (1)
William Buckland (1)
John Bryant (1)
Mary Bry (1)
Abel W. Bruce (1)
Robert Browne (1)
Sarah M. Brocchus (1)
Phebe Britton (1)
William A. Brewer (1)
Jahleel Brenton (1)
Mary Breed (1)
Robert Bray (1)
Christopher Brandon (1)
Mary Braman (1)
Peleg Bradley (1)
Isaac Bradford (1)
George L. Bradbury (1)
Edmund Boynton (1)
Elizabeth Bowen (1)
Lydia Boutelle (1)
John Borland (1)
Boone (1)
Robert Bolton (1)
Ebenezer Blunt (1)
Richard Bloss (1)
Blois (1)
Mary Blanford (1)
Mary Blaisdell (1)
Mary Blackman (1)
Bixby (1)
Ann Bissell (1)
Barnabas Binney (1)
Bingham (1)
Thaddeus B. Bigelow (1)
Sarah Bicknall (1)
Thomas Berry (1)
Bellingham (1)
Elizabeth Bell (1)
Charles Beck (1)
Thomas Beals (1)
Thomas Beale (1)
Thomas Beal (1)
Anna Batt (1)
John Barrows (1)
Jonathan Barron (1)
Richard Barnes (1)
Mary Barlow (1)
James M. Barker (1)
John Banister (1)
Banbrick (1)
Loammi Baldwin (1)
Abel Baker (1)
Benjamin Bailey (1)
Benjamin Bagnall (1)
Thomas Ayres (1)
Joseph Ayers (1)
Zenas C. Atwood (1)
Jonathan Ashley (1)
Rudolph N. Anderson (1)
Leonard C. Alden (1)
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