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حَافِدٌ حافد sing. of حُفَّادٌ (L) [and of أَحْفَادٌ, a pl. of pauc.,] and of حَفَدَةٌ, (S, A, L, Msb,) which last signifies (tropical:) Assistants, helpers, or auxiliaries; and any who work, or labour, in obedience to orders, and strive together in quickness; (Ibn-' Arafeh;) whatever serve thee and work for thee and assist thee; (El-Hasan;) assistants, helpers, or auxiliaries, and servants; (S, A, Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ حَفَدٌ , which is likewise a pl. [or rather a quasi-pl. n.] of حَافِدٌ; (K, TA;) [and حُفَّادٌ:] and also, (A, Mgh, Msb, K,) hence, (A, Mgh, Msb,) as some say, (S,) a man's grandchildren; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) because they are like servants while young: (Msb:) or sons' children: (A:) or a son's children: (Mgh:) likewise pl. of حَافِدٌ: (S:) and ↓ حَفِيدٌ , which is said in the K to be syn. with حَفَدَةٌ as meaning “ grandchildren, ” is a sing., of which حَفَدَةٌ and حُفَدَآءُ [and إَِحْفَادٌ] are pls., (TA,) and signifies a grandchild: (L, TA:) [it is vulgarly applied to a son's son; and سِبْطٌ, to a daughter's son:] or حَفَدَةٌ signifies a man's children: (CK:) or his daughters; (K;) by which, as some say, are meant those who serve their parents in the house: (TA:) or his children and grandchildren who serve him; accord. to Zirr and 'Ikrimeh; but this is contradicted by 'AbdAllah Ibn-Mes'ood and others: (L:) or such relations as are termed أَصْهَار: ('Abd-Allah Ibn-Mes'ood, L, K:) or such as are termed أَخْتَان: (Fr:) or one's wife's sons by her former husband. (Ed-Dahhák.)

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