Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says that
Gen. Scott, in reply to a letter from a Southern citizen, stated that
Sumter is to be evacuated.--A Washington dispatch says:
The facts are, that a messenger has been sent to
Sumter to announce the decision of the
President and the
Cabinet to
Major Anderson, who will communicate it to
Gov. Pickens; but the mode of evacuation has not yet been decided upon.
Gen. Scott favors the garrison coming overland to
Washington, whilst the
President prefers they should be brought to
Fortress Monroe in a steamer direct from the fortress.
Three soldiers, who obtained their discharge from
Fort Sumter, arrived in
New York Wednesday.
They say
Maj. Anderson is short of both provisions and fuel.
According to one of their statements, there are twenty-five more men whose term of service expires this day, Wednesday, 13th.
He says that none of them will re enlist.