House of representatives.
The House met at its usual hour, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Ford Journalist yesterday read and approved. Mr. Grarier, of Tennessee, announced the peace of his colleague, Mr. Atkins, who is fully qualified and took, his seat. A bill was read from the Senate in relation in the compensation of officers of that body; which was referred to the Committee on false. The States being called alphabetically for stations and memorials, Mr. Carlton, of Ala, submitted the following revolution, which was adopted: Resolved. That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to prepare and present, at the earliest practicable moment, to this , a bill giving suitable encouragement and inducement to the manufacture of arms, gunpowder, and other munitions of war, within the Confederate States. Mr. Royalton, of Ark., presented the following: Resolved. That the Committee on the Judiciary be requested to report a bill declaring that officer shall act as President of the Confederate States, in case of the removal of the President and Vice President, or of their m resignation, or inability to discharge it duties and powers of said office. Adopted. Mr. Brenett, of Ky., offered the following solution, which was passed: Resolved. That the committee appointed to investigate the causes of our recent disaster effort Donelson, &c, be instructed to report to the House who was, the senior General commanding at Fort Donelson during the engagement at that point; who was second command, and who was third in command also, why it was that the two senior General in command abandoned the position, having the junior General to surrender.-- Also to report why the transports then in us vicinity of Fort Donelson were not used a moving our forces from the presence of a overwhelming foe. Mr. Bell, of Mo., offered the following condition: Resolved. That the Committee of Ways and be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill authorizing the payment, at the Confederate seat of Government, of taxes levied by act of Congress on property of citizens receding out of the State or States in which paid property may be located. Adopted. Mr. Miles, of South Carolina, presented a memorial from Rev. Moses D. Hoge, relating to chaplains, which, without being read, was appropriately referred. Mr. Heinrike, of Tenn., presented a memorial from citizens of that State, which was referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Swane of Tenn., submitted the following joint resolution, which was read and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs: Resolved. it has become manifest that the Government of Great Britain, unmindful of the true interests of that country, and in disregard of that policy which has neither to characters the action of enlightened nations, declare, so far, to recognize the existence of the Government of the Confederate States, Therefore. The Congress of the Confederate States do re That the President be, and he is hereby requested to withdraw, from Great Britain to Commissioners heretofore sent hither, and leave the Government of that country forth to pursue such policy in reference to these States as it may team best, without unsettled or suggestion on the part of this Government. Mr. Peyor, of Va., offered the following resolution, which was adopted: d That the Committee on Military be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill for the organization of one or more battalions of Pontonters. Mr. Garnett, of Va., offered a resolution bet the Committee on Military Affairs be infracted to inquire into the expediency of publishing a corps of heavy artillery, in order to provide instructed artillery men for by ford batteries and forts. Mr. Smith, of Va., introduced a memorial with reference to a certain claim, which, without reading, was referred to the Commines on Claims. On motion of Mr.Gartrell, of Geo., the m then went into secret session.
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