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MANTUA (Mantova) Lombardy, Italy.

Named for a legendary founder, Manto, the city is of Etruscan origin (Aen. 10.204). Etruscans were superseded by Gauls, probably ca. 400 B.C., and later by Romans, who made it first a colony, then a municipium with Latin status after the social war. Full citizenship was granted in 49 B.C. The town was invaded by Alaric and again by Attila in the 5th c.

The modern city is virtually divided into two islands separated by the narrow marshy channel of the Mincio. Little remains of the ancient town beyond some inscriptions and a geometrically decorated mosaic found near the Ducal Palace.

A fine collection of Classical sculpture, acquired from many sources by the Gonzagas in the 16th c., may be seen in the Ducal Palace, now a museum.


A. Levi, Sculture greche e romane del Palazzo Ducale di M. (1931).


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