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[for the Richmond Daily Dispatch]
to the ladies of Virginia.

The undersigned committee appointed for that purpose, ask your attention to a subject which all must now feel to be very important.

The war which has been suddenly and cruelly forced upon us by the authorities at Washington must inevitably cause a great deal of suffering amongst our troops. Thousands of our husbands, brothers and sons have been, almost without warning, summoned from the comforts of home to the exposure and rough experiences of the camp. They have obeyed the call of our State and Confederate authorities with an alacrity as affecting as it is noble. It can scarcely be expected that the sacrifices made by them will not be seriously felt, even if that Providence which has so signally favored them hitherto should continue to shield them all in the hour of battle. We are sure that every arrangement which ordinary prudence could suggest will be made by our Government for the sick and wounded; yet we are equally sure that a great deal should be and can be done by the women of our State to promote the comfort of our soldiers. They can, if sufficient means are furnished, procure many things which the medical department of the best organized army could not be expected to provide. It would not, perhaps, fall within the line of a surgeon's duty to suggest arrangements for the sick which readily occur to the minds of mothers, wives and sisters. And however ample or careful preparation may have been made, the women of our State should render to our authorities all possible assistance in this work.

We make no appeal to you to come up earnestly and unitedly to our help — such an appeal would be unnecessary. We design simply to state that an organized movement is already in progress, and to suggest how you may co-operate. A society consisting of dele gates from the different churches, was formed on Monday, June 17th. It started with ample funds for present necessities. A committee was appointed to collect and dispense such material as may be needed for garments, &c., for the sick and wounded. Another committee was appointed to engage competent nurses for the different camps and hospitals, and to accept the services of any who may volunteer to act as nurses. Already some of our number have ministered efficiently, and, as we have reason to know, most acceptably, to sick soldiers who have been quartered in this vicinity. These and others will be ready to perform similar offices for any who may be placed in the hospitals. Plans have been adopted to continue such supply of funds as can be collected here, and we are encouraged to believe that we are prepared for any call that is likely to be made upon us at this time. We shall, however, need eventually the co-operation of our sisters through out the State, and therefore we would suggest that in every county and in every community societies be formed at once. Whatever amounts can be raised, let them be forwarded as soon as possible to our Treasurer, Mrs. Samuel M. Price.

We will say in conclusion, that the most of those who may be wounded in any battle that may take place will be brought here; still, as already mentioned, we propose to send nurses and comforts to the different camps. You will therefore feel as deep an interest as ourselves in the success of this movement. We have the President's sanction for what we propose, and with your aid promptly rendered we may, by God's blessing, do a great deal for the bodily and spiritual comfort of those who may endure pain and suffering for us and our country.

Mrs. Wm. H. Macfarland,

Mrs. F. G. Ruffin,

Miss. Catherine H. Myers,

Mrs. F. E. Nelson.

Mrs. H. B. Gwathmey,

Mrs. Jno. Stewart Walker.

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