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[990] In a crisis such as this, forethought is an ally both to those who speak and those who listen.

Yes, I agree. And before she spoke, my friends, if she were blessed with a sound mind, she would have remembered caution, even as she does not now.

[995] Where can you have turned your eyes, that you arm yourself with such rashness and call me to serve beneath you? Do you not see? Your nature is a woman's, not a man's, and the strength of your hand is less than that of your adversaries. And their fortune prospers day by day, [1000] while ours ebbs and comes to nothing. Who, then, plotting to subdue such a man, would escape destruction unharmed? See to it that, badly as we fare now, we do not acquire greater evil, if any one hears this talk of yours. [1005] It brings us no relief or benefit, if after winning fair fame we die an ignominious death. For death is not the most odious thing; it is rather craving death, but lacking the means to die. No, I plead with you, before we are utterly, totally destroyed [1010] and before we leave our house desolate, restrain your rage! I will take care that your words remain secret and harmless for you. You in turn must get hold of good sense at long last and yield to the powerful since you have no strength.

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  • Cross-references to this page (2):
    • Herbert Weir Smyth, A Greek Grammar for Colleges, PRONOUNS
    • William Watson Goodwin, Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb, Chapter IV
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