It is the consuls who ought to complain of these numerous and enormous
injuries done to our allies, and to kings, and to free states. Kings and
foreign nations have always been under the protection of that magistracy.
But have any words of the consuls been heard on the subject? Although,
indeed, who would listen to them if they wanted to complain ever so much?
Could they make any complaint about the king of Cyprus, who not only did not
defend me while I was still standing,—me, a fellow-citizen, who
had no charge brought against me, who was attacked only as a screen to
conceal the attacks intended for my country,—but who did not even
protect me after I had fallen? I had yielded, if you assert that the common
people was alienated from me, (which it was not) to unpopularity; if you
think that everything was thrown into confusion, to the times; if violence
was at the bottom of it, to arms; if there was a confederacy against me, to
a bargain made by the magistrates; if there was danger to all the citizens,
then I had yielded to the one great consideration, the safety of the
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