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A Yankee thief Caught.

--A daring attempt at burglary was discovered and defeated on Tuesday night by a free colored man named William Thomas Saunders. Thomas discovered a man boring with an augur into his door, and permitted him to proceed until, having finished the job, the burglar's arm was thrust in to unlock the door, when a blow from the axe of Thomas nearly severed the intruder's arm from his body. The latter left his augur and ran away, but was tracked by his blood, and found in a state of great exhaustion. He had stolen the same night some $900 worth of articles from L. R. Padgett, on Bridge street. Circumstances have led to his identification as the author of other robberies. His name is J. S. Lepray, says that he belonged to the 3d Michigan cavalry, and left Richmond three weeks since. He impugus two other parties as accomplices. He was very much exhausted from loss of blood when before the Mayor yesterday, and his confession was necessarily short. He was committed to jail. Lynchburg Virginian.

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