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Hustings Court.

--This body disposed of the following cases yesterday:

Walter Tate, indicted for keeping a negro policy office. Held to bail to answer at the next term.

Miles Cary, indicted for assault and battery. Fined $20.

Rufus, a free negro, charged with stealing a silver watch from Joseph N. Vaughan, was tried and acquitted.

James Slaven, for selling liquor without a license. Fined $60 and costs.

Wm. Peasley, John Brown, and William Brown, indicted for assault and battery.--Fined $60 and costs.

Edwin Myer, for receiving a pair of stolen boots. Acquitted.

John Barton, Patrick O'Brien, Thomas H. Wilkinson, George W. Elam, and Robert Birch, indicted for assault and battery.--Fined $25 and costs and sentenced to jail for twelve months.

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