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False pretences.

--Yesterday morning as a marketman named Gilliam, from New Kent county, was on his way to the First Market with live turkeys and a slaughtered hog, he was stopped in Rocketts by a denizen and told that his hog would be confiscated if taken to the market-house. Supposing the statement to be true, Gilliam sold his hog to his informant for much less than the market price. Reaching the market place he informed the Clerk of the fraud practiced upon him, and efforts are now making to punish the purchaser for buying meat under false pretences.

Country people ought to know that they can get more for their products at the market-houses than anywhere else, and if they are green enough to be met on the road by traders and sharpers and chiseled out of what they ought to have, they deserve to lose. The city does all it can to encourage and protect them, but they must exercise some discretion to ensure that protection.

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