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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 20, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 2 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 2 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 2 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 2 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Index, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 15, 1864., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 1 1 Browse Search
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Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 8: from Hatteras to New Orleans. (search)
ss the river, where we established ourselves by entrenchment across the levee. To understand the purpose of this movement, it should be told that the only way to get up the river by land on either side was to go up its bank close to the water's edge. Here frequently there was no passable ground more than sufficient for a carriage road. So that when I had taken possession of the west bank of the river there was no earthly hope that the troops in the forts could get to New Orleans. On April 27, the majority of the garrison of Fort Jackson mutinied against their officers, either spiked the field-pieces or turned them against their officers, and deserted and came up five miles and surrendered themselves to my pickets. The day afterwards the officers surrendered the forts, having substantially no garrison, to Captain Porter, most of whose vessels were twenty-five miles below. There have been three contested questions of fact, on which the officers of the army and Porter, on beha
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 25 (search)
rdinates to disobey my lawful orders. General Halleck, who had so long been in Washington as the chief of staff, had been sent on the 21st of April to Richmond, to command the armies of the Potomac and James, in place of General Grant, who had transferred his headquarters to the national capital, and he (General Halleck) was therefore in supreme command in Virginia, while my command over North Carolina had never been revoked or modified. [Second Bulletin.] War Department, Washington, April 27--9.30 A. M. To Major-General Dix: The department has received the following dispatch from Major-General Halleck, commanding the Military Division of the James. Generals Canby and Thomas were instructed some days ago that Sherman's arrangements with Johnston were disapproved by the President, and they were ordered to disregard it and push the enemy in every direction. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Richmond, Virginia, April 26--9.30 P. M. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Gene
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Contents of Thie first volume. (search)
were Taken,147 101.N. Y. 7th Regiment--Its March,148 102.Gov. Letches's Proclamation, April 25,154 103.Gov. Ellis' (North Carolina) Proclamation,155 104.Gov. Burton's (Delaware) Proclamation,155 105.New Military Departments,155 106.N. Y. 71st Regiment, Letters from,156 107.Washington--Oath of Allegiance,158 108.Women of New York, Address to,158 109.Gov. Hicks' Message to Maryland Legislature,159 110.Blockade of Virginia and North Carolina,161 111.Edward Everett's Speech, Boston, April 27,161 112.Fort Pickens, Reinforcement of,162 113.N. Y. S. M. 5th Regiment,163 114.Vice-President Hamlin's Speech, New York, April 24,163 115.New Orleans, Review of Confederate Troops at,164 116.N. Y. Firemen Zouaves, Departure of,165 117.Jefferson Davis' Message, April 29,166 118.The Weverton Letter,175 119.A Sign of the Times,175 120.A. H. Stephens' Speech at Atlanta, Ga., Ap. 30,175 121.The Palmetto Guard, &c.,177 122.28th Regiment N. Y. S. M.,178 123.Philadelphia Letter to Gen.
t of flame From her cannon, thundered shame!-- So they thought. VI. And strange enough to tell, Though the gunners fired well, And the balls ploughed red as hell Through the dirt; Though the shells burst and scattered, And the fortress walls were shattered-- None were hurt. VII. But the fort — so hot she grew, As the cannon-balls flew, That each man began to stew At his gun; They were not afraid to die, But this making Patriot. pie Was not fun. VIII. So, to make the story short, The traitors got the fort After thirty hours sport With the balls; But the victory is not theirs, Though their brazen banner flares From the walls. IX. It were better they should dare The lion in his lair, Or defy the grizzly bear In his den, Than to wake the fearful cry That is raising up on high From our men. X. To our banner we are clinging, And a song we are singing Whose chorus is ringing From each mouth; 'Tis “The old Constitution And a stern retribution To the South.” --Vanity Fair, April 27
g barracks of pine and oak Set fire from Morris' Island, The gallant Anderson struck his flag And packed his things in a carpet-bag, While cheers from bobtail, rag, and tag, Arose on Morris' Island. Hokee pokee, winkee wum, etc. VII. Then came the comforting piece of fun Of counting the noses one by one, To see if anything had been done On glorious Morris' Island: “Nobody hurt!” the cry arose; There was not missing a single nose, And this was the sadly ludicrous close Of the battle of Morris' Island: Hokee pokee, winkee wum, etc. VIII. But, gentle gunners, just wait and see What sort of a battle there yet will be; You'll hardly escape so easily, Next time on Morris' Island There's a man in Washington with a will, Who won't mind shooting a little “to kill,” If it proves that We Have a Government still, Even on Morris' Island! Hokee pokee, winkee wum, Shattering shot and thundering bomb, Look out for the battle that's yet to come Down there on Morris' Island! --Vanity Fair, April 27<
8. a suggestion, to Major Anderson. Although without question All credit is due To your courage and skill, Dear Anderson; still, One little suggestion V. F. makes to you. Why didn't you throw, When the first bullet fell Round your fort, a few shell Ten inches or so Towards the town Where they say, All the people came down To see, through their glasses (The pitiful asses!) How soon stout Fort Sumter would crumble away? Suppose that a bomb-- Or a dozen — had come Majestically sailing Right over the railing, That runs round the green, (Which a delicate flattery Has christened “The Battery,” ) How many brave Southerners there had been seen? And each beautiful lady Of the “Five Thousand” fair, Who “held themselves ready” Would they have staid there? 'Twas a thing to have done, If only for fun, Just to show how the gallant spectators could run! --Vanity Fair, Apr
21. out and fight. Out and fight The clouds are breaking, Far and wide the red light streams, North and west see millions waking, From their night-mare, doubting dreams, War is coming. As the thunder Mid the mountain caverns rolls, Driving rains in torrents under, So the wild roar wakes our souls. Out and fight! The time is over For all truce and compromise, Words of calm are words of folly, Peaceful dreams are painted lies; Sumter's flames in Southern waters, Are the first wild beacon light, And on Northern hills reflected Give the signal for the fight. Out and fight! Endure no longer, Goading insult, brazen guilt; Be the battle to the knife blade, And the knife blade to the hilt, Till the sacred zone of Freedom Girds the whole Atlantic strand, And the braggart and the Gascon Be extinguished in the land. Chas. G. Leland, in Vanity Fair April 27.
e in the morning at the point of the bayonet. But our boys are determined and in for it. Our bayonet exercise has got to put the whole regiment through fire and brimstone. To tell you the truth, our boys expect to be split to pieces. But we have all made up our minds to die at our post. We have one great consolation before us: the famous Seventh Regiment of New York will join us to-night in Philadelphia, and at three o'clock in the morning we expect to take up our line of march. There is an unheard — of hot time before us; we are furnished with no ammunition as yet, and we are to rely on our bayonets and revolvers solely. Our Lieutenant is collecting our letters, and I must leave you. Perhaps before you receive this I may be lying on the field among those recorded with the dead. But what is more glorious than to die for one's country? I am in as good spirits as our dubious position will admit, and I will die like a soldier — and a true one if I must. --Boston Express, April 27
decorated outside with red, white, and blue ribbons, and inside with a hundred dollars in gold. The gift was accompanied by a pretty note, of which we give the following extract: Please accept, with a mother's offering, a mother's fervent prayers. Our hopes are all with you. God bless and keep our darling boys — old Massachusetts' sons, our hearts' dear treasures, the defenders of our flag. Again and again, God bless you! The money will aid to maintain the large body of men now in the quarters, and the casket will follow the fortunes of the regiment, as a pleasant souvenir from a patriotic lady. Captain Sanford, husband of the lady above alluded to, has tendered to Governor Andrew the use of the steamer Menemon Sanford, to transport troops or munitions from this city to any of the forts in our harbor. He has also offered the services of his steam tugboat, day or night, to tow vessels carrying troops or supplies to or from any of the forts.--Boston Saturday Express, April 27.
A deputation of sixteen Virginians and eight Marylanders visited the President on the 21st of April, and demanded a cessation of hostilities until after the session of Congress. Mr: Lincoln of course declined the proposition. One of the deputation said that 75,000 Marylanders would contest the passage of troops over her soil; to which the President replied, that he presumed there was room enough on her soil to bury 75,000 men.--V. Y. Times, April 27.
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