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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Camp fires of the boys in Gray. (search)
aboriously through the Patriarchal age, on through the Mosaic dispensation to the Christian era, takes in Grecian and Roman history, by the way, then Spain and Germany and England and colonial times, and the early history of our grand Republic; the causes of and necessity for our war, and a complete history up to date. And then slowly unfolds the little matter. We always loved to hear this man, and prided ourselves on being the only mess in the army having such treasure all our own. The Auger having been detailed for guard-duty walks off, and his voice grows fainter and fainter in the distance, and we call forth our Poet. One eye is bandaged with a dirty cotton rag. He is bareheaded and his hair resembles a dismantled straw-stack. His elbows and knees are out, and his pants, from the knee down, have a brown-toasted tinge imparted by the genial heat of many a fire. His toes protrude themselves prominently from his shoes. You would say, What a dirty, ignorant fellow. But liste
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
about two thousand men killed and wounded, and that of the Confederates was about the same. General Crawford's brigade came out of that terrible fight a mere remnant. Some regiments, like those of the One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania and One Hundred and Second New York lost half of their number, dead or wounded. General Geary, with one Pennsylvania and five Ohio regiments, made one of the most desperate charges during the battle, and was severely wounded, with most of his officers. General Auger was also badly wounded; and General Prince, while passing from one part of his command to another, in the dark, was made prisoner. Lee, in his report (Reports of the Army of Northern Virginia, page 18), says he captured 400 prisoners, including a brigadier-general, 5,800 stand of small arms, one piece of artillery, several caissons, and three colors. Among Lee's officers who were slain was General C. S. Winder. At dusk, Ricketts' division of McDowell's corps arrived on the field, and t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 23: siege and capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson. (search)
ate in May. His troops were commanded by Generals Weitzel, Auger, Grover, Dwight, and T. W. Sherman, and the beleaguered gar May, 1863. with those which came up from Baton Rouge under Auger and Sherman, and the National line on that day occupied the about five miles from Port Hudson. At Port Hudson Plains, Auger, on his march, encountered and repulsed a force of Confedert, made a vigorous attack, but it was long past noon before Auger in the center, and Sherman on the left, were fairly at work Creek into the interior, within supporting distance of General Auger's division, which extended from near that point about tme northeasterly angle of the Confederate works, while Generals Auger and Dwight should make a feint or a real attack, as ci the attack. Acting Brigadier-General Dudley's brigade, of Auger's division, was held in reserve. It was intended to have Wleft, but without effecting an entrance into the works, and Auger was as gallantly struggling, but to as little purpose. Suc
om, 3.393; occupation of by Sherman, 3.394; buildings burnt in by order of Sherman, 3.405; Sherman's march from to Savannah, 3.406-3.414; visit of the author to in 1866, 3.404, 522. Atlanta, ram, capture of by Capt. Rodgers, 3.199. Aserasboroa, battle of, 3.499. Averill, Gen. W. W., his cavalry fight with Fitzhugh Lee near Kelly's Ford, 3.22; operations of in West Virginia, 3.112; his raid on the Virginia and Tennessee railway, 3.113. Auburn, Va., cavalry fight near; 3.100. Auger, Gen., at the siege of Port Hudson, 2.63 i. B. Bailry, Lieut.-Col., Joseph, dam constructed by across the Red River, 3.267. Baird, Gen., at the battle of Missionaries' Ridge, 3.167. Baker, Senator, speech of in New York at the Union Square meeting, 1.356. Baker, Col. E. D., energy and gallantry of, 2.141; death of at Ball's Bluff, 2.142. Balloons, use of in connection with the telegraph (note), 2.132. Ball, Mr. Lincoln's inauguration, 1.294. Ball's Bluff, battle of, 2.14
al-poke.Binot. Apiary.Blade. Atmospheric churn.Bob-sled. Auger. Earth-boring.Bog-cutting plow. Aveler.Bott-hammer. Aver the velocity without changing the nature of the result. Auger. The first boring-tool may be assumed to have been an awmedieu's auger. Shetter's American auger. The Twisted Auger is an American invention, and was made by Lilley, of Mansfie considered separately. Cook's auger. L'Hommedieu's Auger, 1809 (Fig. 423), has two pods, two cutting-lips, a centralthe twist are concave, and the rear convex. The Slotting Auger cuts laterally, the work being fed against its side. It ise twist of the auger. Auger-twisting dies and blank. Auger, square-hole. An auger to cut square holes was described J is operated by the hand-crank shown in the plan-view. Auger die. In another form the auger-die consists of a seriesnd music of the Romans were introduced from the Etrurians. Auger and oracle still exist in the land of their adoption. Th
terchangeable among themselves, so as to allow the key to be set up with various combinations agreeing with the set of the tumblers. 2. (Wood-working.) a. A boring tool used by attachment to a brace, whereby it is rotated. An auger has many points of resemblance to a bit, but has a cross-handle whereby it is rotated, whereas a bit is stocked in the socket of a brace, and is rotated thereby. The following are the varieties of Boring-Bits, and their adjuncts: — Annular bit.Broach. Auger.Bung-borer. Auger-bit.Center-bit. Awl.Chamfering-bit. Bit-holder.Coal-boring bit. Boring-bit.Cone-bit. Brad-awl.Countersink-bit. Dowel-bit.Nose-bit. Drill.Opening-bit. Drill-bit.Piercel. Ducks-bill bit.Pod-bit. Expanding-bit.Plug-center bit. Faucet-bit.Pump-bit. Felloe auger.Quill-bit. Flute-bit.Reaming-bit. French-bit.Shell-bit. German-bitSpiral bit. Gimlet-bit.Spiral-rib bit. Gouge-bit.Spoon-bit. Grooved bit.Terrier. Hollow auger.Twisted bit. Shell-auger.Vent-bit.
nt.Cable. Submarine. Anchor-gate.Cable. Suspension-bridge. Anchor-suspension cable.Caisson. Angle of repose.Camel. Aqueduct.Camp-sheeting. Arch.Canal. Arched beam.Canal-lift. Artesian well.Canal-lock. Asphalte pavement.Canal-lock gate. Auger.Carpentry. Baleine.Causeway. Ballast.Cendree de Tournay. Bank protector.Centering. Banquette.Chemise. Basalting.Claw bar. Batter.Cob wall. Battering plumb-rule.Coffer dam. Battery-head.Compo. Beam.Concrete. Bearing-pile.Conduit. Beche.′er's plane. A long plane set in slanting position, sole upward, upon which staves are jointed. A jointer. Planes and shaves are or may be used in smoothing the work. See list under next article. Coop′er's tools. — Adze.Butt-howel. Auger.TaperChineing-machine. Barrel-machine.Cleaving-knife. Barrel-head machine.Cooper's hammer. Borer.Cradle. Bucket-machine.Cresset. Bung.Croze. Bung-cutter.Crozing-machine. Doweling-machine.Jigger. Drawing-knife.Jointer. Driver.Overshave<
Needle. No.Name.Date. 18,732ChaseDec. 1, 1857. 58,614DavisOct. 9, 1866. 125,774WeeksApr. 16, 1872. 146,505BeckwithJan. 20, 1874. 2. Wheel or Band. 11,680ShawSept. 12, 1854. 12,856Chilcott et al.Jan. 12, 1855. 13,065SingerMar. 15, 1855. 16,518AlexanderFeb. 3, 1857. 17,825BartholfJuly 21, 1857. 23,823ClarkMay 3, 1859. 26,816DickJan. 10, 1860. 27,412PaineMar. 6, 1860. 31,805HicksMar. 26, 1861. 32,517HowellJune 11, 1861. 43,514MackJuly 12, 1864. 43,705PhelpsAug. 2, 1864. 43,890Auger et al.Aug. 23, 1864. 48,204PlanerJune 13, 1865. 48,206PlanerJune 13, 1865. 55,847GallethJune 26, 1866. 56,730DeweyJuly 31, 1866. 57,116GallethAug. 14, 1866. 57,287ChickenAug. 21, 1866. 64,184StannardApr. 23, 1867. 68,420DollSept. 3, 1867. 89,501PrattApr. 27, 1869. 91,149MillerJune 8, 1869. 101,779SpoehrApr. 12, 1870. 112,016CarpenterFeb. 21, 1871. 116,618McDonald et al.July 4, 1871. 116,779WestJuly 4, 1871. 119,246SmythSept. 26, 1871. 120,614BarthNov. 7, 1871. 129,487MillerJ
iprocating and rotary.Sectional cutter, for planing-machines. Mortising-machines, with pivoted tables.Gage-latae, with slide-rest. Segment sawing-machines, with radius arms.Screw-thread machines, with rotary cutters. The circular saw is described in Miller's English patent, No. 1152, of 1777. Hatton patented a planing-machine in England in 1776, but the description is vague. Wood-working tools and ma-chines′. See under the following heads:— Addice.Brog. Adze.Broom-handle. Auger (varieties; see auger)Broom-handle machine. Axe (varieties; see Axe).Broom-splint machine. Bark-cutting machine.Brush-back machine. Bark-grinding machine.Brush-handle machine. Bark-planing machine.Buhl. Bench.Bung-cutter. Bench-clamp.Burnetizing. Bench-hook.Butter. Bench-screw.Butting-machine. Bench-strip.Button-lathe. Bench-vise.Button-machine. Bending-wood.Calipers. Bit. Boring (varieties; see bit).Calking-tools. Cane-polishing machine. Blind-slat cutter.Cane-splitting machi<
nd reported to General Banks Jan. 1, 1863; was then referred to General Auger, who gave orders to proceed to Carrollton, and report to Generaton Rouge as a part of the First Brigade, First Division, of Major-General Auger commanding. March 13.—An important reconnoissance was mad in camp at Merritt's Plantation. May 21.—The whole force of General Auger having been brought together, the line of march was taken for ers. In the general assault, on May 27th, a call was made in General Auger's division for volunteers to a storming party of two hundred met was attached to the First Brigade, Colonel Chapin commanding, and Auger's division. March 14.—The regiment participated in the feigned ahe 21st, it participated in the battle of Plains Store, and won General Auger's commendation, and especially distinguished itself by its stea to the regiment. On the 14th of June, it made, with the rest of Auger's division, a feigned assault upon the rebel works, and lost eighte<
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