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ntispiece Silver inkstand presented to Mrs. Stowe by her English admirers in 1853xi Portrait of Mrs. Stowe's grandmother, Roxanna Foote. From a miniature painted on ivory by her daughter, Mrs. Lyman Beecher6 Birthplace at Litchfield, Conn.10 Portrait of Catherine E. Beecher. From a photograph taken in 1875.30 The home at Walnut Hills, Cincinnati From recent photographs and from views in the Autobiography of Lyman Beecher, published by Messrs. Harper & Brothers.56 Portrait of Henry Ward Beecher. From a photograph by Rockwood, in 1884 .130 Manuscript page of Uncle Tom's Cabin (fac-simile)160 The Andover home. From a painting by F. Rondel, in 1860, owned by Mrs. H. F. Allen186 Portrait of Lyman Beecher, at the age of eighty-seven. From a painting owned by the Boston Congregational Club . 264 Portrait of the Duchess of Sutherland. From an engraving presented to Mrs. Stowe.318 The old home at Hartford374 The home at Mandarin, Florida402 Portrait of Calvin Ellis Stowe
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 2: school days in Hartford, 1824-1832. (search)
e than that view of the divine nature which was for so many years preached by her brother, Henry Ward Beecher, and set forth in the writings of her sister Harriet,--the conception of a being of infining the infinitely perfect Being, cannot suffer, because suffering indicates imperfection. To Miss Beecher's mind the lack of ability to suffer with his suffering creatures was a more serious imperfecng under conviction. Then also the pastor of the First Church in Hartford, a bosom friend of Dr. Beecher, looked with melancholy and suspicious eyes on this unusual and doubtful path to heaven,--buttook place in the summer of 1825, when she was fourteen, and the following year, April, 1826, Dr. Beecher resigned his pastorate in Litchfield to accept a call to the Hanover Street Church, Boston, Mo it. In the mean time, the school is prospering. February 16, 1827, Catherine writes to Dr. Beecher: My affairs go on well. The stock is all taken up, and next week I hope to have out th
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 4: early married life, 1836-1840. (search)
ss, perjury, and the connivance of some unscrupulous justice, Professor Stowe determined to remove the girl to some place of security where she might remain until the search for her should be given up. Accordingly he and his brother-in-law, Henry Ward Beecher, both armed, drove the fugitive, in a covered wagon, at night, by unfrequented roads, twelve miles back into the country, and left her in safety with the family of old John Van Zandt, the fugitive's friend. It is from this incident of res or her budget of news to the general stock. When the filled sheet reached the last person for whom it was intended, it was finally remailed to its point of departure. Except in the cases of Mrs. Stowe and Mrs. Perkins, the simple address Rev. Mr. Beecher was sufficient to insure its safe delivery in any town to which it was sent. One of these great, closely-written sheets, bearing in faded ink the names of all the Beechers, lies outspread before us as we write. It is postmarked Hartford,
itant that even those who took the greatest interest in the case were disheartened over the propect of raising it. The old man was finally advised to go to Henry Ward Beecher and ask his aid. He made his way to the door of the great Brooklyn preacher's house, but, overcome by many disappointments and fearing to meet with another rebuff, hesitated to ring the bell, and sat down on the steps with tears streaming from his eyes. There Mr. Beecher found him, learned his story, and promised to do what he could. There was a great meeting in Plymouth Church that evening, and, taking the old colored man with him to it, Mrs. Stowe's brother made such an eloquente had got tired of buying slaves to set them free, but the resolute old woman clung to her purpose and finally set forth. Reaching New York she made her way to Mr. Beecher's house, where she was so fortunate as to find Mrs. Stowe. Now her troubles were at an end, for this champion of the oppressed at once made the slave woman's c
s of labor differed, and to present an idea of what Mrs. Stowe was doing for the cause of freedom besides writing against slavery:-- Andover, Mass., February 18, 1854. Dear friend,--I see and sincerely rejoice in the result of your lecture in New York. I am increasingly anxious that all who hate slavery be united, if not in form, at least in fact,--a unity in difference. Our field lies in the church, and as yet I differ from you as to what may be done and hoped there. Brother Edward (Beecher) has written a sermon that goes to the very root of the decline of moral feeling in the church. As soon as it can be got ready for the press I shall have it printed, and shall send a copy to every minister in the country. Our lectures have been somewhat embarrassed by a pressure of new business brought upon us by the urgency of the Kansas-Nebraska question. Since we began, however, brother Edward has devoted his whole time to visiting, consultation, and efforts the result of which will
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 14: the minister's wooing, 1857-1859. (search)
his sermon last Sunday that the mysteries of God's ways with us must be swallowed up by the greater mystery of the love of Christ, even as Aaron's rod swallowed up the rods of the magicians. Papa and mamma are here, and we have been reading over the Autobiography and correspondence. It is glorious, beautiful; but more of this anon. Your affectionate sister, Hattie. Andover, August 24, 1857. Dear children,--Since anniversary papa and I have been living at home; Grandpa and Grandma Beecher are here also, and we have had much comfort in their society .... To-night the last sad duty is before us. The body is to be removed from the receiving tomb in the Old South Churchyard, and laid in the graveyard near by. Pearson has been at work for a week on a lot that is to be thenceforth ours. Our just inheritance consecrated by his grave. How little he thought, wandering there as he often has with us, that his mortal form would so soon be resting there. Yet that was written for him.
on the phenomena of spiritualism. Mrs. Stowe's description of scenery in Florida. Mrs. Stowe concerning Middlemarch. George Eliot to Mrs. Stowe during Rev. H. W. Beecher's trial. Mrs. Stowe concerning her life experience with her brother, H. W. Beecher, and his trial. Mrs. Lewes' last letter to Mrs. Stowe. diverse mental H. W. Beecher, and his trial. Mrs. Lewes' last letter to Mrs. Stowe. diverse mental characteristics of these two women. Mrs. Stowe's final estimate of modern spiritualism. It is with a feeling of relief that we turn from one of the most disagreeable experiences of Mrs. Stowe's life to one of the most delightful, namely, the warm friendship of one of the most eminent women of this age, George Eliot. There seit be a glad yes, and we will clasp you to our heart of hearts. Your ever loving, H. B. S. During the summer of 1874, while Mrs. Stowe's brother, the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, was the victim of a most revolting, malicious, and groundless attack on his purity, Mrs. Lewes wrote the following words of sympathy:-- My dear fr
n this day of your rejoicing than are brought by those now before you, who have been your co-workers in the strife; who have wrestled and suffered, fought and conquered, with you; who rank you with the Miriams, the Deborahs, and the Judiths of old; and who now shout back the refrain, when you utter the inspired song:-- Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously. The Almighty Lord hath disappointed them by the hand of a woman. In reply to this Mrs. Stowe's brother, Henry Ward Beecher, said: Of course you all sympathize with me to-day, but, standing in this place, I do not see your faces more clearly than I see those of my father and my mother. Her I only knew as a mere babe-child. He was my teacher and my companion. A more guileless soul than he, a more honest one, more free from envy, from jealousy, and from selfishness, I never knew. Though lie thought he was great by his theology, everybody else knew he was great by his religion. My mother is to me w
appears in Harper's, 473; his nature like H. W. Beecher's, 481; admiration of Prof. Stowe for, 482ictory, 396; his Liberator, 261; sent with H. W. Beecher to raise flag on Sumter, 477; letters to Hdaughters, 179; slavery and, 477; clears Henry Ward Beecher by ac- Congregational ministers and l own spiritual experience, 474; love for Henry Ward Beecher returned by latter, 475; absorbed in Danught to her personal notice, 71; attends Henry Ward Beecher's graduation, 73; engagement, 76; marriato come to America, 472; words of sympathy on Beecher trial from George Eliot, and Mrs. Stowe's rep 510; death of husband, 512 and note; of Henry Ward Beecher, 512; thinks of writing review of her lier to H. B. S. from, 268. Sumter, Fort, H. W. Beecher raises flag on, 477. Sunny memories, 25 war, 396; later books compared with, 409; H. W. Beecher's approval of, 476; new edition with introlect versus heart, 475. Woman's rights, H. W. Beecher, advocate of, 478. Women of America, Ap[7 more...]