Abbott, Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob, 292.
Aberdeen, reception in, 221.
Abolition, English meetings in favor of, 389.
Abolition sentiment, growth of, 87.
Abolitionism made fashionable, 253.
Adams, John Quincy, crusade of, against slavery, 509; holds floor of Congress fourteen days, 510; his religious life and trust, 511; died without seeing dawn of liberty, 511; life and letters of, 510.
“Agnes of
Sorrento,” first draft of, 374; date of, 490;
Whittier's praise of, 503.
Alabama planter, savage attack of, on H. B. S., 187.
Albert, Prince,
Mrs. Stowe's letter to, 160; his reply, 164, meeting with, 271, death, 368.
America, liberty in, 193;
Ruskin on, 354.
American novelist,
Lowell on the, 330.
Andover, Mass., beauty of, 186;
Stowe family settled in, 188.
Anti-slavery cause: result of English demonstrations, 252; letters to
England, 160; feeling dreaded in
South, 172; movement in
Cincinnati, 81; in
Boston, 145;
Beecher family all anti-slavery men, 152.
Arabian Nights, H. B. S.'s delight in, 9.
Argyll, Duke and
Duchess of 229, 232; warmth of, 239; H. B. S. invited to visit, 270, 271; death of father of
Duchess, 368.
Argyll, Duchess of, letter from H. B. S. to, on
England's attitude during our Civil War, 368;
on post bellum events, 395.
Atlantic monthly, contains “Minister's Wooing,” 327;
Mrs. Stowe's address to women of
England, 375;
The true story of Lady Byron's life, 447, 453.
Bailey, Gamaliel, Dr., editor of
National era, 157.
Bangor, readings in, 493.
Bates, Charlotte Fiske, reads a poem at
Mrs. Stowe's seventieth birthday, 505.
Baxter's “Saints' rest,” has a powerful effect on H. B. S., 32.
Beecher, Catherine, eldest sister of H. B. S., 1; her education of H. B. S., 22; account of her own birth, 23; strong influence over Harriet, 22; girlhood of, 23; teacher at New London, 23; engagement, 23; drowning of her lover, 23; soul struggles after
Prof. Fisher's death, 25, 26; teaches in his family, 25; publishes article on
Free Agency, 26; opens school at
Hartford, 27; solution of doubts while teaching, 28, 29; her conception of Divine Nature, 28; school at
Hartford described by H. B. S., 29; doubts about Harriet's conversion, 35; hopes for
Hartford female Seminary, 37; letter to Edward about Harriet's doubts, 38; note on Harriet's letter, 43; new school at
Cincinnati, 53, 64,
et seq.; visits
Cincinnati with father; impressions of city, 54; homesickness, 62; at water cure, 113; a mother to sister Harriet, 509; letters to H. B. S. to, on her religious depression, 37; on religious doubts, 322.
Beecher, Charles, brother of H. B. S., 2; in college, 56; goes to
Florida, 402; letters from H. B. S., on mother's death, 2-4, 49.
Beecher, Edward, Dr., brother of H. B. S., 1; influence over her, 22, 25; indignation against Fugitive Slave Act, 144; efforts to arouse churches, 265; letters from H. B. S. to, on early religious struggles, 36, 37; on her feelings, 39; on views of God, 42, 43, 44, 48; on death of friends and relatives, and the writing of her life by her son Charles, 512.
Beecher, Esther, aunt of H. B. S., 53, 56, 57.
Beecher family, famous reunion of, 89; circular letter to, 99.
Beecher, Frederick, H. B. S.'s half-brother, death of, 13.
Beecher, George, brother of H. B. S., 1; visit to, 45; enters
Lane as student, 53; music and tracts, 58; account of journey to
Cincinnati, 59; sudden death, 108; H. B. S. meets at
Dayton one of his first converts, 499; his letters cherished, 508.
Beecher, George, nephew of H. B. S., visit to, 498.
Beecher, Mrs., George, letter from H. B. S. to, describing new home, 133.
Beecher, Harriet E. first; death of, 1; second, (H. B. S.) birth of, 1.
Beecher, Mrs., Harriet Porter, H. B. S.'s stepmother, 11; personal appearance and character of, 11, 12; pleasant impressions of new home and children, 12; at
Cincinnati, 62.
Beecher, Henry Ward, brother of H. B. S., birth of, 1; anecdote of, after mother's death, 2; first school, 8; conception of Divine Nature, 28; in college, 55; H. B. S. attends graduation, 73; editor of
Cincinnati “Journal,” 81; sympathy with anti-slavery movement, 84, 85, 87; at
Brooklyn, 130; saves
Edmonson's daughters, 178; H. B. S. visits, 364; views on Reconstruction, 397;
George Eliot on
Beecher trial, 472; his character as told by H. B. S., 475; love for
Prof. Stowe, 475; his youth and life in West, 476;
Brooklyn and his anti-slavery fight, 476; Edmonsons and Plymouth Church, 477; his loyalty and energy, 477; his religion, 477; popularity and personal magnetism, 478; terrible struggle in the Beecher trial, 478; bribery of jury, but final triumph, 479; ecclesiastical trial of, 479; committee of five appointed to bring facts, 479; his ideal purity and innocence, 480; power at death-beds and funerals, 480; beloved by poor and oppressed, 481; meets accusations by silence, prayer, and work, 481; his thanks and speech at Stowe Garden Party, 501; tribute to father, mother, and sister Harriet, 502; death, 512.
Beecher, Isabella, H. B. S.'s half-sister, birth of, 13; goes to
Cincinnati, 53.
Beecher, James, H. B. S.'s half-brother, 45; goes to
Cincinnati, 53; begins Sunday-school, 63.
Beecher, Rev. Dr., Lyman,
H. B. Stowe's father, 1; “Autobiography and correspondence of,” 2, 89; verdict on his wife's remarkable piety, 3; pride in his daughter's essay, 14; admiration of
Walter Scott, 25; sermon which converts H. B. S., 33, 34; accepts call to Hanover Street Church,
Boston, 35; president of Lane Theological Seminary, 53; first journey to
Cincinnati, 53; removal and westward journey, 56
et seq.; removes family to
Beecher reunion, 89; powerful sermons on slave question, 152; his sturdy character,
H. W. Beecher's eulogy upon, 502; death and reunion with H. B. S.'s mother, 509.
Beecher, Mary, sister of H. B. S., 1; married, 55; letter to, 61; accompanies sister to
Europe, 269; letters from H. B. S. to, on love for
New England, 61; on visit to
Windsor, 235.
Beecher, Roxanna Foote, mother of H. B. S., 1; her death, 2; strong, sympathetic nature, 2; reverence for the Sabbath, 3; sickness, death, and funeral, 4; influence in family strong even after death, 5; character described by
H. W. Beecher, 502; H. B. S.'s resemblance to, 502.
Beecher, William, brother of H. B. S., 1; licensed to preach, 56.
Bell, Henry, English inventor of steamboat, 215.
Belloc, Mme., translates
Uncle Tom, 247.
Belloc, M., to paint portrait of H. B. S., 241.
London publisher, offers pay for
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 202.
Betty's bright idea,” date of, 491.
Bible, 48; Uncle Tom's, 262; use and influence of, 263.
Bible Heroines, date of, 491.
Bibliography of H. B. S., 490.
Biography, H. B. S.'s remarks on writing and understanding, 126.
Birney, J. G., office wrecked, 81
et seq.; H. B. S.'s sympathy with, 84.
Birthday, seventieth, celebration of by
Mifflin & Co., 500.
Blackwood's attack on
Lady Byron, 448.
Blantyre, Lord, 230.
Bogue, David, 189-191.
Boston opens doors to slave-hunters, 144.
Boston Library,
Prof. Stowe enjoys proximity to, 509.
Bowdoin College calls
Prof. Stowe, 125, 129.
Bowen, H. C., 181.
Bruce. John, of Litchfield Academy, H. B. S.'s tribute to, 14; lectures on
Butler's “Analogy,” 32.
Brigham, Miss, character of, 46.
Bright, John, letter to H. B. S. on her “Appeal to English women,” 389.
Mrs. Stowe's visit to brother Henry in, 130; visit in 1852, when she helps the Edmonson slave family, 178-180;
Beecher, H. W. called to, 476;
Beecher trial in, 478.
Brown and the phantoms, 431.
Brown, John, bravery of, 380.
Browning, Mrs., on life and love, 52.
Browning, E. B., letter to H. B. S., 356; death of, 368, 370.
Browning, Robert and E. B, friendship with, 355.
Mrs. Stowe's love of, 184; revisited, 324.
Buck, Eliza, history of as slave, 201.
Bull, J. D. and family, make home for H. B. S. while at school in
Hartford, 30, 31.
Bunsen, Chevalier, 233.
Bunyan's “Pilgrim's progress,”
Prof. Stowe's love of, 437.
Burritt, Elihu, writes introduction to
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 192; calls on
Mrs. Stowe, 223.
Butler's “Analogy,” study of, by H. B. S., 32.
Byron Controversy, 445; history of, 455;
George Eliot on, 458;
Dr. Holmes on, 455.
Byron, Lady, 239; letters from, 274, 281; makes donation to
Kansas sufferers, 281; on power of words, 361; death of, 368, 370; her character assailed, 446; her first meeting with H. B. S., 447 dignity and calmness, 448; memoranda and letters about Lord Byron shown to
Mrs. Stowe, 450; solemn interview with H. B. S., 453; letters to H. B. S. from, 274,
282; on
The minister's Wooing, 343; farewell to, 313, 339; her confidences, 440;
Mrs. Stowe's counsels to, 451.
Byron, Lord,
Mrs. Stowe on, 339; she suspects his insanity, 450; cheap edition of his works proposed, 453; Recollections of, by
Countess Guiccioli, 446; his position as viewed by
Dr. Holmes, 457; evidence of his poems for and against him, 457.
“Cabin, the,” literary centre, 185.
Cairnes, Prof., on the
Fugitive slave Law, 146.
Calhoun falsifies census, 509.
J. R. Lowell's sympathy with, 335.
Cambridgeport, H. B. S. reads in, 491.
Carlisle, Lord, praises
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 164;
Mrs. Stowe's reply, 164; writes introduction to
Uncle Tom, 192; H. B. S. dines with, 228; farewell to, 248; letter from H. B. S. to on moral effect of slavery, 164; letter to H. B. S. from, 218.
Cary, Alice and Phosbe, 157.
Casaubon and Dorothea, criticism by H. B. S. on, 471.
Catechisms, Church and Assembly, H. B. S.'s early study of, 6,7.
Chapman, Mrs., Margaret Weston, 310.
Charpentier of
Paris, publishes
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 192; eulogy of that work, 242.
Chase, Salmon P., 69, 85.
Chelsea, H. B. S. reads in, 492.
Chicago, readings in, 498.
Children of H. B. S., picture of three eldest, 90; appeal to, by H. B. S. 157; described by H. B. S., 198; letters to, from H. B. S. on
European voyage and impressions, 205; on life in
London, 228; on meeting at Stafford House, 232; on
Vesuvius, 301, 416.
Chimney corner, the, date of, 490.
Cholera epidemic in
Cincinnati, 120.
Christ, life of, little understood, 127; communion with Him possible, 487; love and faith in, 513; study of his life, 418; his presence all that remains now, 507; his promises comfort the soul for separations by death, 486.
Christian Union, contains observations by H. B. S. on spiritualism and
Mr. Owen's books, 465.
Christianity and spiritualism, 487.
Church, the, responsible for slavery, 151.
Lyman Beecher accepts call to, 53;
Catherine Beecher's impressions of, 54, 55;
Walnut Hills and Seminary, 54, 55; famine in, 100; cholera, 119; sympathetic audience in, 498.
Civil War,
Mrs. Stowe on causes of, 363.
Clarke & Co. on English success of
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 190; offer author remuneration, 202.
Clay, Henry, and his compromise, 143.
Cogswell, Catherine Ledyard, schoolfriend of H. B. S., 31.
College of Teachers, 79.
Collins professorship, 129.
Colored people, advance of, 255.
A. H. Stephens on object of, 381.
Courage and cheerfulness of H. B. S., 473.
Cranch, E. P., 69.
Cruikshank illustrates
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 192.
Daniel Deronda, appears in “
Harper's,” 473; his nature like
H. W. Beecher's, 481; admiration of
Prof. Stowe for, 482.
Da Vinci's Last Supper, H. B. S.'s impressions of, 305.
Death of youngest-born of H. B. S., 124; anguish at, 198.
Death, H. B. S. within sight of the
River of, 513.
Debatable land between this world and the next, 464.
Declaration of Independence, H. B. S.'s feeling about, 11; death-knell to slavery, 141.
Degan, Miss, 32, 41, 46.
Democracy and American novelists,
Lowell on, 329.
De Profundis, motive of
Mrs. Browning's, 357.
De Stael, Mme., and
Corinne, 67.
Dickens, first sight of, 226;
J. R. Lowell on, 328.
“Dog's mission, a,” date of, 491.
Domestic service, H. B. S.'s trouble with, 200.
Doubters and disbelievers may find comfort in spiritualism, 487.
Doubts, religious, after death of eldest son, 321.
Douglass, Frederick, 254; letters from H. B. S. to, on slavery, 149.
Drake, Dr., family physician, 63; one of founders of “College of teachers,” 79.
“Dred,” 266;
Sumner's letter on, 268;
Georgiana May on, 268; English edition of, 270; presented to Queen Victoria, 271; her interest in, 277, 285; demand for, in
Glasgow, 273;
Duchess of
Sutherland's copy, 276;
Low's sales of, 278, 279;
London times, on, 278; English reviews on, severe, 279; “Revue des Deux Mondes” on, 290;
Miss Martineau on, 309;
Prescott on, 311;
Lowell on, 334; now
Nina Gordon, publication of, 490.
Dudevant, Madame. See Sand, George.
Dufferin, Lord and
Lady, their love of American literature, 284, 285.
Dundee, meeting at, 222.
Dunrobin Castle, visit to, 276.
E—, letter from H. B. S. to, on breakfast at the Trevelyans', 234.
Earthly care a Heavenly discipline, 131.
East Hampton, L. I., birthplace of
Catherine Beecher, 23.
Eastman, Mrs., writes a Southern reply to
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 163.
Edgeworth, Maria, 247.
Edinburgh, H. B. S. in, 216; return to, 222.
Edmonson slave family; efforts to save, 179;
Mrs. Stowe educates and supports daughters, 179; raises money to free mother and two slave children, 180.
Edmonson, death of Mary, 238.
Education, H. B. S.'s interest in, 72, 73.
Edwards, Jonathan, the power of, 406; his treatise on
The will, refuted by
Catherine Beecher, 26.
Eliot, George, 419; a good Christian, 420; on psychical problems, 421; on
Oldtown folks, 443; her despondency in “writing life” and longing for sympathy, 460; on power of fine books, 461; on religion, 462; desires to keep an open mind on all subjects, 467; on impostures of spiritualism, 467; lack of “jollitude” in “Middlemarch,” 471; invited to visit
America, 471; sympathy with H. B. S. in
Beecher trial, 472; proud of Stowes' interest in her “spiritual children,” 482; on death of
Mr. Lewes and gratitude for sympathy of H. B. S., 483; a “woman worth loving,” H. B. S.'s love for greater than her admiration, 475; letters from H. B. S. to, on spiritualism, 463; describes
Florida nature and home, 468; reply to letter of sympathy giving facts in the Beecher case, 473; from
Professor Stowe on spiritualism, 419; letter to H. B. S. from, 421; with sympathy on abuse called out by the Byron affair, 458; on effect of letter of H. B. S. to
Mrs. Follen
upon her mind, 460; on joy of sympathy, 460; reply to letter on spiritualism, 466; sympathy with her in the Beecher trial, 472.
Elmes, Mr., 57.
“Elms, the old,” H. B. S.'s seventieth birthday celebrated at, 500.
Elsie Venner,
Mrs. Stowe's praise of, 360, 362, 415.
Emancipation, Proclamation of, 384.
Emmons, Doctor, the preaching of, 25.
England and
America compared, 177.
England, attitude of, in civil war, grief at, 369; help of to
America on slave question, 166, 174.
English women's address on slavery, 374; H. B. S.'s reply in the
Atlantic monthly, 374.
Europe, first visit to, 189; second visit to, 268; third visit to, 343.
Faith in
Christ, 513.
Famine in
Cincinnati, 100.
Fiction, power of, 216.
Fields, Mrs., Annie, in
Boston, 470; her tribute to
Mrs. Stowe's courage and cheerfulness, 473;
George Eliot's. mention of, 483 ; her poem read at seventieth birthday, 505.
Fields, Jas. T., Mr. and Mrs., visit of H. B. S. to, 492.
Fisher, Prof., Alexander Metcalf, 23; engagement to
Catherine Beecher, 23; sails for
Europe, 23, 24; his death by drowning in shipwreck of
Albion, 24;
Catherine Beecher's soul struggles, over his future fate, 25; influence of these struggles depicted in
The minister's Wooing, 25.
Mrs. Stowe's winter in, 349.
Florida, winter home in Mandarin, 401; like
Sorrento, 463; wonderful growth of nature, 468; how H. B. S.'s house was built, 469; her happy life in, 474; longings for, 482; her enjoyment of happy life of the freedmen in, 506.
Flowers, love of, 405, 406, 416, 469; painting, 469.
Follen, Mrs., 197; letter from H. B. S. to, on her biography, 197.
Foote, Harriet, aunt of H. B. S., 5; energetic English character, 6; teaches niece catechism, 6, 7.
Foote, Mrs., Roxanna, grandmother of H. B. S., first visit to, 5-7; visit to in 1827, 38.
“Footfalls on the Boundary of another world,” 464.
“Footsteps of the master,” published, 491.
Fraser's magazine” on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 168;
Helps's review of
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 175.
Free Agency,
Catherine Beecher's refutation of
Edwards on
The will, 26.
French critics, high standing of, 291.
Friends, love for, 51; death of, 410; death of old, whose letters are cherished, 508; death of, takes away a part of ourselves, 485.
Friendship, opinion of, 50.
Fugitive Slave Act, suffering caused by, 144;
Prof. Cairnes on, 146; practically repealed, 384.
Future life, glimpses of, leave strange sweetness, 513.
Future punishment, ideas of, 340.
Garrison, W. L., to
Mrs. Stowe on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 161; in hour of victory, 396; his “Liberator,” 261; sent with
H. W. Beecher to raise flag on
Sumter, 477; letters to H. B. S. from, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 161; on slavery, 251-262; on arousing the church, 265.
Gaskell, Mrs., at home, 312.
Geography, school, written by
Mrs. Stowe, 65
note, 158.
Germany's tribute to
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 195.
Gladstone, W. E., 233.
Glasgow, H. B. S. visits, 210; Antislavery Society of, 174, 189, 213.
Glasgow Anti-slavery Society, letter from H. B. S. to, 251.
God, H. B. S.'s views of, 39, 42, 43, 46, 47; trust in, 112, 132, 148, 341; doubts and final trust in, 321, 396; his help in time of need, 496.
Goethe and
Mr. Lewes, 420;
Prof. Stowe's admiration of, 420.
Goldschmidt, Madame. See
Gorres on spiritualism and mysticism, 412, 474.
Grandmother, letter from H. B. S. to, on breaking up of
Litchfield home, 35; on school life in
Hartford, 41.
Granville, Lord, 233.
Gray's Elegy,” visit to scene of, 236.
Guiccioli, Countess, “Recollections of Lord Byron,” 446.
Hall, Judge, James, 68, 69.
Hallam, Arthur Henry, 235.
Hamilton and Manumission Society, 141.
Harper & Brothers reprint
Guiccioli's “Recollections of
Byron,” 446.
Hartford, H. B. S. goes to school at, 21; the Stowes make their home at, 373.
Harvey, a phantom, 430.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 353; letter on, 187; on slavery, 394; letter to H.
B. S. on, from English attitude towards
America, 394.
Health, care of, 115.
Heaven, belief in, 59.
Helps, Arthur, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 175; meets H. B. S., 229; letter from H. B. S. to, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 175.
Henry, Patrick, on slavery, 141.
Hentz, Mrs., Caroline Lee, 69, 80.
Higginson, T. W., letter to H. B. S. from, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 163.
“History, the, of the
Byron Controversy,” 490.
Holmes, O. W., correspondence with, 360,
et seq.; attacks upon, 361; H. B. S. asks advice from, about manner of telling facts in relation to
Byron Controversy, 452, 454; sends copy of
Lady Byron Vindicated to, 454; on facts of case, 455; on sympathy displayed in his writings, 411; poem on H. B. S.'s seventieth birthday, 503; tribute to Uncle Tom, 504; letters from H. B. S. to, 359, 410; on
Poganuc people, 414; asking advice about
Byron Controversy and article for
Atlantic monthly, 452; letters to H. B. S. from, 360, 409; on facts in the
Byron Controversy, 456.
Mifflin & Co., celebrate H. B. S.'s seventieth birthday, 500.
Houghtol, H. O., presents guests to H. B. S., on celebration of seventieth birthday, 500; address of welcome by, 501.
“House and home papers” published, 490.
Howitt, Mary, calls on H. B. S., 231.
Human life, sacredness of, 193.
Human nature in books and men, 328.
Hume and mediums, 419.
Humor of
Mrs. Stowe's books,
George Eliot on, 462.
Husband and wife, sympathy between, 105.
versus Realism,
Lowell on, 334.
“Independent,” New York, work for, 186;
Mrs. Browning reads
Mrs. Stowe in, 357.
Inverary Castle, H. B. S.'s. visit to, 271.
Ireland's gift to
Mrs. Stowe, 248.
Jefferson, Thomas, on slavery, 141.
Jewett, John P., of
Boston, publisher of
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 158.
Kansas Nebraska Bill, 255; urgency of question, 265.
“Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin” projected, 174; written, 188; contains facts, 203; read by
Pollock, 226; by
Argyll, 239; sickness caused by, 252; sale, 253; facts woven into “Dred,” 266; date of in chronological list, 490.
Kingsley, Charles, upon effect of
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 196; visit to, 286; letters to H. B. S. from, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 196, 218.
Kossuth, on freedom, 195;
Mrs. Stowe calls upon, 237.
Labouchere, Lady, Mary, visit to, 283.
Lady Byron Vindicated, 454; date , 490.
Letters, circular, writing of, a custom in the Beecher family, 99; H. B. S.'s love of, 62, 63; H. B. S.'s peculiar emotions on re-reading old, 507.
Lewes, G. H.,
George Eliot's letter after death of, 483.
Lewes, Mrs. G. H. See
Eliot, George, 325.
“ Library of Famous Fiction,” date of, 491.
“Liberator,” The, 261; and Bible, 263; suspended after the close of civil war, 396.
Lincoln and slavery, 380; death of, 398.
Lind, Jenny, liberality of, 181; H. B. S. attends concert by, 182; letter to H. B. S. from, on her delight in
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 183; letters from H. B. S. to, with appeal for slaves, 183, 184.
Litchfield, birthplace of H. B. S., 1; end of her child-life in, 21; home at broken up, 35.
Literary labors, early, 15-21 ; prize story, 68; club essays, 69-71; contributor to
Western monthly magazine, 81; school geography, 65; described in letter to a friend, 94; price for, 103; fatigue caused by, 489; length of time passed in, with list of books written, 490.
Literary work
versus domestic duties, 94
et seq., 139; short stories--
New year's story for “N. Y. Evangelist,” 146; “A scholar's adventures in the country” for “Era,” 146.
Literature, opinion of, 44.
Little pussy Willow, date of, 491.
Liverpool, warm reception of H. B. S. at, 207.
London poor and Southern slaves, 175.
London, first visit to, 225; second visit to, 281.
Longfellow, H. W., congratulations of, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 161; letter on, 187; Lord Granville's likeness to, 233; letters to H. B. S. from, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 161.
Love, the impulse of life, 51, 52.
Lovejoy, J. P., murdered, 143, 145; aided by
Beechers, 152.
Low, Sampson, on success of
Uncle Tom's Cabin abroad, 189.
Sampson & Co. publish “Dred,” 269; their sales, 279.
Lowell, J. R., Duchess of
Sutherland's interesti n, 277; less known in
England than he should be, 285; on
Uncle Tom, 327; on
Dickens and
Thackeray, 327, 334; on
The minister's Wooing, 330, 333; on idealism, 334; letter to H. B. S. from, on
The minister's Wooing, 333.
Macaulay, 233, 234.
McClellan, Gen., his disobedience to the
President's commands, 367.
“Magnalia,” Cotton
Mather's, a mine of wealth to H. B. S., 10;
Prof. Stowe's interest in, 427.
Maine law, curiosity about in
England, 229.
Mrs. Stowe at, 403; like
Sorrento, 463;
how her house was built, 469; her happy out-door life in, relieved from domestic care, 474; longings for home at, 492; freedmen's happy life in South, 506.
Mann, Horace, makes a plea for slaves, 159.
Martineau, Harriet, letter to H. B. S. from, 208.
May, Georgiana, school and life-long friend of H. B. S., 31, 32;
Sykes, 132; her ill-health and farewell to H. B. S., 268; letters from H. B. S. to, 44, 49, 50; account of westward journey, 56; on labor in establishing school, 65, 66; on education, 72; just before her marriage to
Mr. Stowe, 76; on her early married life and housekeeping, 89; on birth of her son, 101; describing first railroad ride, 106; on her children, 119; her letter to
Mrs. Foote, grandmother of H. B. S., 38; letters to H. B. S. from, 161, 268.
“Mayflower, the,” 103, 158; revised and republished, 251; date of, 490.
Melancholy, 118, 341; a characteristic of
Prof. Stowe in childhood, 436.
“ Men of Our Times,” date of, 410.
“Middlemarch,” H. B. S. wishes to read, 468; character of Casaubon in, 471.
Milman, Dean, 234.
Milton's hell, 303.
“Minister's Wooing, the,” soul struggles of
Mrs. Marvyn, foundation of incident, 25; idea of God in, 29; impulse for writing, 52; appears in
Atlantic monthly, 326;
Lowell, J.
R. on, 327, 330, 333;
Whittier on, 327; completed, 332;
Ruskin on, 336; undertone of pathos, 339; visits
England in relation to, 343; date of, 490; “reveals warm heart of man” beneath the
Puritan in
Whittier's poem, 502.
Missouri Compromise, 142, 257; repealed, 379.
Mohl, Madame, and her
salon, 291.
Money-making, reading as easy a way as any of, 494.
Moral aim in novel-writing,
J. R. Lowell on, 333.
“Mourning veil, the,” 327.
“Mystique La,” on spiritualism, 412.
Naples and
Vesuvius, 302.
National era, its history, 157; work for, 186.
Negroes, petition from, presented by
J. Q. Adams, 510.
New England,
Mrs. Stowe's knowledge of, 332; in
The minister's Wooing, 333; life pictured in
Oldtown folks, 444.
New London, fatigue of reading at, 496.
Newport, tiresome journey to, on reading tour, 497.
Niagara, impressions of, 75.
Normal school for colored teachers, 203.
North American Review on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 254.
versus South,
England on, 388, 391.
Norton, C. E.,
Ruskin on the proper home of, 354.
“ Observer, New York,” denunciation of
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 168, 172.
Oldtown Fireside stories, 438; strange spiritual experiences of
Stowe, 438;
Sam Lawson a real character, 439; relief after finishing, 489; date of in chronological list, 491; in
Whittier's poem on seventieth birthday
With old New England's flavor rife, 503.
Oldtown folks, 404;
Prof. Stowe original of “Harry” in, 421;
George Eliot on its reception in
England, 443, 461, 463; picture of N. E. life, 444; date of, 490;
Whittier's praise of, “vigorous pencil-strokes” in poem on seventieth birthday, 503.
Orthodoxy, 335.
Our Charley, date of, 490.
Owen, Robert Dale, his “Footfalls on the Boundary of another world” and
The Debatable land between this world and the next, 464; H.
B. S. wishes
George Eliot to meet, 464.
Palmerston, Lord, meeting with, 232.
Palmetto leaves published, 405; date , 491.
Papacy, The, 358.
Paris, first visit to, 241; second visit, 286.
Professor Edwards A., 186.
Parker, Theodore, on the
Bible and Jesus, 264.
Paton, Bailie, host of
Mrs. Stowe, 211.
Peabody, pleasant reading in, 496; Queen Victoria's picture at, 496.
“Pearl of
Orr's Island, the,” 186, 187; first published, 327;
Whittier's favorite, 327; date of, 490.
“Pebbles from the shores of a past life,” a review of her life proposed to be written by H. B. S. with aid of son Charles, 512.
Phantoms seen by
Professor Stowe, 425.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, writes poem on H. B. S.'s seventieth birthday, 505.
“Philanthropist, the,” anti-slavery paper, 81, 87.
Phillips, Wendell, attitude of after war, 396.
“Pink and white Tyranny,” date of, 491.
Plymouth Church, saves
Edmonson's daughters, 179; slavery and, 477; clears
Henry Ward Beecher by ac-
Congregational ministers and lay-men, 479; council ratifies decision of Church, 479; committee of five appointed to bring facts which could be proved, 479; missions among poor particularly effective at time of trial, 481.
Poganuc people, 413; sent to
Dr. Holmes, 414; date of, 491.
Pollock, Lord Chief Baron, 226.
Poor, generosity of touches H. B. S., 219.
Portland, H. B. S.'s friends there among the past, 494; her readings in, 493.
Portraits of
Mrs. Stowe, 231;
Belloc to paint, 241; untruth of, 288.
Poverty in early married life, 198.
Prescott, W. H., letter to H. B. S. from, on “Dred,” 311.
“Presse, La,” on “Dred,” 291.
Providential aid in sickness, 113.
Queer little people, date of, 490.
Reading and teaching, 139.
Religion and humanity,
George Eliot on, 462.
“ Religious poems,” date of, 490.
“Revue des Deux Mondes” on “Dred,” 290.
Riots in
Cincinnati and anti-slavery agitation, 85.
Roenne, Baron de, visits Professor Stowe, 102.
Roman politics in 1861, 358.
Rome, H. B. S.'s journey to, 294; impressions of, 300.
Ruskin, John, letters to H. B. S. from, on
The minister's Wooing, 336; on his dislike of
America, but love for American friends, 354.
Ruskin and
Turner, 313.
Beuve, H. B. S.'s liking for, 474.
pared with, 481.
Salisbury, Mr., interest of in
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 191.
Salons, French, 289.
Sand, George, reviews
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 196.
Scotland, H. B. S.'s first visit to, 209.
Scott, Walter,
Lyman Beecher's opinion of, when discussing novel-reading, 25; monument in
Edinburgh, 217.
Sea, H. B. S.'s nervous horror of, 307.
Sea-voyages, H. B. S. on, 205.
Semi-Colon Club, H. B. S. becomes a member of, 68.
Shaftesbury, Earl of, letter of, to
Mrs. Stowe, 170.
Shaftesbury, Lord, to H. B. S., letter from, 170; letter from H. B. S. to, 170; America and, 369.
Skinner, Dr., 57.
Slave, aiding a fugitive, 93.
Slave-holding States on English address, 378; intensity of conflict in, 379.
Slavery, H. B. S.'s first notice of, 71; anti-slavery agitation, 81; deathknell of, 141;
Hamilton, and
Patrick Henry on, 141; growth of, 142; resume of its history, 143; responsibility of church for, 151; Lord Carlisle's opinion on, 164; moral effect of, 165; sacrilege of, 193; its past and future, 194; its injustice, 255; its death-blow; 370; English women's appeal against, 375;
J. Q. Adams' crusade against, 509; gone forever, 506.
Slaves, H. B. S.'s work for and sympathy with, 152; family sorrows of, 318.
Smith, Anna, helper to
Mrs. S., 115;
note, 200.
Soul, immortality of, H. B. S.'s essay written at age of twelve: first literary production, 15-21;
Addison's remarks upon, 18;
Greek and Roman idea of immortality, 20; light given by Gospel, 20, 21;
Christ on, 109.
England's sympathy with the, 370, 386.
South Framingham, good audience at reading in, 495.
“Souvenir, the,” 105.
Mrs. Stowe on, 350, 351, 464;
Mrs. Browning on, 356;
Holmes, O. W., on, 411;
La Mystique and
Gorres on, 412,474;
Professor Stowe's strange experiences in, 420, 423;
George Eliot on psychical problems of, 421; on “Charlatanerie” connected with, 467;
Robert Dale Owen on, 464;
Goethe on, 465; H. B. S.'s letter to
George Eliot on, 466; her mature views on, 485; a comfort to doubters and disbelievers, 487; from Christian standpoint, 487.
Stafford House meeting, 233.
Stephens, A. H., on object of Confederacy, 381.
Storrs, Dr. R. S., 181.
Stowe, Calvin E., 56; death of first wife, 75; his engagement to
Harriet E. Beecher, 76; their marriage, 76, 77; his work in Lane Seminary, 79; sent by the
Seminary to
Europe on educational matters, 80; returns, 88; his Educational Report presented, 89; aids a fugitive slave, 93; strongly encourages his wife in her literary aspirations, 102, 105; care of the sick students in Lane Seminary, 107; is “house-father” during his wife's illness and absence, 113; goes to water cure after his wife's return from the same, 119; absent from
Cincinnati home at death of youngest child, 124; accepts the
Collins Professorship at
Bowdoin, 125; gives his mother his reasons for leaving
Cincinnati, 128; remains behind to finish college work, while wife and three children leave for
Brunswick, Me., 129; resigns his professorship at
Bowdoin, and accepts a call to
Andover, 184; accompanies his wife to
Europe, 205; his second trip with wife
Europe, 269; sermon after his son's death, 322; great sorrow at his bereavement, 324; goes to
Europe for the fourth time, 345; resigns his position at
Andover, 373; in
Florida, 403; failing health, 417; his letter to
George Eliot, 420; H. B. S. uses his strange experiences in youth as material for her picture of “Harry” in
Oldtown folks, 421; the psychological history of his strange child-life, 423; curious experiences with phantoms, and good and bad spirits, 427; visions of fairies, 435; love of reading, 437; his power of character — painting shown in his description of a visit to his relatives, 439;
George Eliot's mental picture of his personality, 461; enjoys life and study in
Florida, 463; his studies on
Prof. Gorres' book,
Die Christliche Mystik, and its relation to his own spiritual experience, 474; love for
Henry Ward Beecher returned by latter, 475; absorbed in
Daniel Deronda, “482; over head and ears in
diablerie,” 484; fears he has not long to live, 491; dull at wife's absence on reading tour, 496; enjoys proximity to Boston Library, and “Life of
John Quincy Adams,” 509; death, 512 and
note; letters from H. B. S. to, 80, 106; on her illness, 112, 114, 117; on cholera epidemic in
Cincinnati, 120; on sickness, death of son Charley, 122; account of new home, 133; on her writings and literary aspirations, 146; on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 162; on her interest in the Edmonson slave family, 180; on life in
London, 238; on visit to the
Duke of
Argyle, 271; from Dunrobin Castle, 275; on “Dred,” 282; other letters from abroad, 282; on life in
Paris, 286; on journey to
Rome, 294; on impressions of
Rome, 300; on Swiss journey, 348; from
Florence, 349; from
Paris, 353; on farewell to her soldier son, 364; visit to
Duchess of
Argyle, 366; on her reading tour, 491; on his health and her enforced absence from him, 492; on reading, at
Chelsea, 492; at
Bangor and
Portland, 493; at
South Framingham and
Haverhill, 495;
Peabody, 496; fatigue at New London reading, 496; letters from to H. B. S. on visit to his relatives and description of home life, 440; to mother on reasons for leaving the
West, 128; to
George Eliot, 420; to son Charles, 345.
Stowe, Charles E., seventh child of H. B. S., birth of, 139; at
Harvard, 406; at
Bonn, 412; letter from
Calvin E. Stowe to, 345; letter from H. B. S. to, on her school life, 29; on
Poganuc people, 413; on her readings in the
West, 497; on selection of papers and letters for her biography, 507; on interest of herself and
Prof. Stowe in life and anti-slavery career of
John Quincy Adams, 509.
Eliza Tyler (
Mrs. C. E.), draft of, 75: twin daughter of H. B. S., 88.
Stowe, Frederick William, second son of H. B. S., 101; enlists in First Massachusetts, 364; made lieutenant for bravery, 366; mother's visit to, 367; severely wounded, 372; subsequent effects of the wound, never entirely recovers, his disappearance and unknown fate, 373; ill-health after war,
Florida home purchased for his sake, 399.
Stowe, Georgiana May, daughter of H. B. S., birth of, 108; family happy in her marriage, 399; letter from H. B. S. to, 340.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, birth and parentage of, 1; first memorable incident, the death of her mother, 2; letter to her brother Charles on her
mother's death, 2; incident of the tulip bulbs and mother's gentleness, 2; first journey a visit to her grandmother, 5; study of catechisms under her grandmother and aunt, 6; early religious and Biblical reading, 8; first school at the age of five, 8; hunger after mental food, 9; joyful discovery of
The Arabian Nights, in the bottom of a barrel of dull sermons, 9; reminiscences of reading in father's library, 10; impression made by the
Declaration of Independence, 11; appearance and character of her stepmother, 11, 12; healthy, happy child-life, 13; birth of her half-sister Isabella and H. B. S.'s care of infant, 14; early love of writing, 14; her essay selected for reading at school exhibitions, 14; her father's pride in essay, 15; subject of essay, arguments for belief in the Immortality of the Soul, 15-21; end of child-life in
Litchfield, 21; goes to sister Catherine's school at
Hartford, 29; describes Catherine Beecher's school in letter to son, 29; her home with the Bulls, 30, 31; school friends, 31, 32; takes up Latin, her study of
Ovid and Virgil, 32; dreams of being a poet and writes “
Cleon,” a drama, 32; her conversion, 33, 34; doubts of relatives and friends, 34, 35; connects herself with First Church,
Hartford, 36; her struggle with rigid theology, 36; her melancholy and doubts, 37, 38; necessity of cheerful society, 38; visit to grandmother, 38; return to
Hartford, 41; interest in painting lessons, 41; confides her religious doubts to her brother Edward, 42; school life in
Hartford, 46; peace at last, 49; accompanies her father and family to
Cincinnati, 53; describes her journey, 56; yearnings for
New England home, 60; ill-health and depression, 64; her life in
Cincinnati and teaching at new school established by her sister Catherine and herself, 65; wins prize for short story, 68; joins “Semicolon Club,” 68; slavery first brought to her personal notice, 71; attends
Henry Ward Beecher's graduation, 73; engagement, 76; marriage, 76; anti-slavery agitation, 82; sympathy with
Birney, editor of anti-slavery paper in
Cincinnati, 84; birth of twin daughters, 88; of her third child, 89; reunion of the Beecher family, 89; housekeeping
versus literary work, 93; birth of second son, 101; visits
Hartford, 102; literary work encouraged, 102, 105; sickness in Lane Seminary, 107; death of brother George, 108; birth of third daughter, 108; protracted illness and poverty, 110; seminary struggles, 110; goes to water cure, 113; returns home, 118; birth of sixth child, 118; bravery in cholera epidemic, 120; death of youngest child Charles, 123; leaves
Cincinnati, 125; removal to
Brunswick, 126; getting settled, 134; husband arrives, 138; birth of seventh child, 139; anti-slavery feeling aroused by letters from
Boston, 145;
Uncle Tom's Cabin, first thought of, 145; writings for papers, 147;
Uncle Tom's Cabin appears as a serial, 156; in book form, 159; its wonderful success, 160; praise from
Higginson, 161; letters from English nobility, 164,
et seq.; writes “Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin,” 174, 188; visits
Henry Ward in
Brooklyn, 178; raises money to free
Edmondson family, 181; home-making at
Andover, 186; first trip to
Europe, 189, 205; wonderful success of
Uncle Tom's Cabin abroad, 189; her warm reception at
207; delight in
Scotland, 209; public reception and teaparty at
Glasgow, 212; warm welcome from Scotch people, 214; touched by the “penny offering” of the poor for the slaves, 219;
Edinburgh soir4e, 219; meets English celebrities at
Lord Mayor's dinner in
London, 226; meets English nobility, 229; Stafford House, 232; breakfast at Lord Trevelyan's, 234;
Windsor, 235; presentation of bracelet, 233; of inkstand, 240;
Paris, first visit to, 241 ;
en route for
Switzerland, 243;
Geneva and Chillon, 244;
Grindelwald to Meyringen, 245;
en route for
America, 247; work for slaves in
America, 250; correspondence with
Garrison, 261,
seq.; “Dred,” 266; second visit to
Europe, 268; meeting with Queen Victoria, 270; visits Inverary Castle, 271; Dunrobin Castle, 275 ;
Oxford and
London, 280; visits the Laboucheres, 283;
Paris, 289;
en route to
Rome, 294;
Naples and
Vesuvius, 301;
Venice and
Milan, 305; homeward journey and return, 306, 314; death of oldest son, 315; visits Dartmouth, 319; receives advice from
Lowell on
The Pearl of Orr's Island, 327;
The minister's Wooing, 327, 330, 334; third trip to
Europe, 342;
Duchess of
Sutherland's warm welcome, 346;
Switzerland, 348;
Florence, 349;
Italian journey, 352; return to
America, 353; letters from
Mrs. Browning,
Holmes, 353, 362; bids farewell to her son, 364; at
Washington, 366; her son wounded at
Gettysburg, 372; his disappearance, 373; the Stowes remove to
Hartford, 373; Address to women of
England on slavery, 374; winter home in
Florida, 401; joins the Episcopal Church,402; erects schoolhouse and church in
Florida, 404;
Palmetto leaves, 405;
Poganuc people, 413; warm reception at South, 415; last winter in
Florida, 417; writes
Oldtown folks, 404; her interest in husband's strange spiritual experiences, 438; H. B. S. justifies her action in
Byron Controversy, 445; her love and faith in
Lady Byron, 449; reads
Byron letters, 450; counsels silence and patience to
Lady Byron, 451; writes
True story of Lady Byron's life, 447, 453; publishes
Lady Byron Vindicated, “454; History of the
Byron Controversy,” 455; her purity of motive in this painful matter, 455;
George Eliot's sympathy with her in
Byron matter, 458; her friendship, with
George Eliot dates from letter shown by
Mrs. Follen, 459, 460; describes
Florida life and peace to
George Eliot, 463; her interest in
Mr. Owen and spiritualism, 464; love of
Florida life and nature, 468; history of
Florida home, 469; impressions of “Middlemarch,” 471; invites
George Eliot to come to
America, 472; words of sympathy on
Beecher trial from
George Eliot, and
Mrs. Stowe's reply, 473; her defense of her brother's purity of life, 475;
Beecher trial drawn on her heart's blood, 480; her mature views on spiritualism, 484; her doubts of ordinary manifestations, 486; soulcravings after dead friends satisfied by
Christ's promises, 486; chronological list of her books, 490; accepts offer from N. E. Lecture Bureau to give readings from her works, 491; gives readings in
New England, 491,
et seq.; warm welcome in
Maine, 493; sympathetic audiences in
Massachusetts, 495; fatigue of traveling and reading at New London, 496; Western reading tour, 497; “fearful distances and wretched trains,” 498; seventieth
anniversary of birthday celebrated by
Mifflin & Co., 500;
H. O. Houghton's welcome, 501;
H. W. Beecher's reply and eulogy on sister, 502;
Whittier's poem at seventieth birthday, 502;
Holmes' poem, 503; other poems of note written for the occasion, 505;
Mrs. Stowe's thanks, 505; joy in the future of the colored race, 506; reading old letters and papers, 507; her own letters to
Mr. Stowe and letters from friends, 508; interest in Life of
John Quincy Adams and his crusade against slavery, 510; death of husband, 512 and
note; of
Henry Ward Beecher, 512; thinks of writing review of her life aided by son, under title of “Pebbles from the shores of a past life,” 512; her feelings on the nearness of death, but perfect trust in
Christ, 513; glimpses of the future life leave a strange sweetness in her mind, 513.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, twin daughter of H. B. S., 88.
Stowe, Henry Ellis, first son of H. B. S., 89; goes to
Europe, 269; returns to enter Dartmouth, 278; death of, 315; his character, 317; his portrait, 320; mourning for, 341, 350.
Stowe, Samuel Charles, sixth child of H. B. S., birth of, 118; death of, 124; anguish at loss of, 198; early death of, 508.
Study, plans for a, 104.
Sturge, Joseph, visit to, 223.
Suffrage, universal,
H. W. Beecher advocate of, 477.
Sumner, Charles, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 196; letter to H. B. S. from, 268.
Sumter, Fort,
H. W. Beecher raises flag on, 477.
Sunny memories, 251; date of, 491.
Sutherland, Duchess of, 188, 218; friend to
America, 228; at Stafford House presents gold bracelet, 233; visit to, 274, 276; fine character, 277; sympathy with on son's death, 319; warm welcome to H. B. S., 346; death of, 410; letters from H. B. S. to, on “Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin,” 188; on death of eldest son, 315.
Sutherland, Lord, personal appearance of, 232.
Swedenborg, weary messages from spirit-world of, 486.
Alps, visit to, 244; delight in, 246.
Swiss interest in
Uncle Tom, 244.
Switzerland, H. B. S. in, 348.
Sykes, Mrs. See May, Georgiana.
Mr. Justice, 226.
Thackeray, W. M.,
Lowell on, 328.
Thanksgiving Day in
Washington, freed slaves celebrate, 387.
London,” on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 168; on
Mrs. Stowe's new dress, 237; on “Dred,” 278;
Miss Martineau's criticism on, 310.
Titcomb, John, aids H. B. S. in moving, 137.
Tourgee, Judge A. W., his speech at seventieth birthday, 505.
Trevelyan, Lord and
Lady, 231; breakfast to
Mrs. Stowe, 234.
Triqueti, Baron de, models bust of H. B. S., 289.
Trowbridge, J. T., writes on seventieth birthday, 505.
“True story of
Lady Byron's life, the,” in
Atlantic monthly, 447.
Tupper, M. F., calls on H. B. S., 231.
Uncle Tom's Cabin, description of
Augustine St. Clair's mother's influence a simple reproduction of
Mrs. Lyman Beecher's influence, 5; written under love's impulse, 52; fugitives' escape, foundation of story, 93; popular conception of author of, 127; origin and inspiration of, 145;
Prof. Cairnes on, 146;
Uncle Tom's death, conception of, 148; letter to
Douglas about facts, 149; appears in the “Era,” 149, 156; came from heart, 153; a religious work, object of, 154; its power, 155; begins a serial in
National era, 156; price paid by “Era,” 158; publisher's offer, 158; first copy of books sold, 159; wonderful success.
160; praise from
Garrison, and
Higginson, 161, 162; threatening letters, 163;
Mrs., rejoinder to, 163; reception in
England, “Times,” on, 168; political effect of, 168, 169; book under interdict in South, 172; “Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin,” 174, 188;
Jenny Lind's praise of, 183; attack upon, 187; Sampson Low upon its success abroad, 189; first
London publisher, 189; number of editions sold in
Great Britain and abroad, 190; dramatized in U. S. and
London, 192;
European edition, preface to, 192; fact not fiction, 193; translations of, 195; German tribute to, 195; George Sand's review, 196; remuneration for, 202; written with heart's blood, 203; Swiss interest in, 244, 245;
Mme. Belloc translates, 247;
North American Review on, 254; in
France, 291; compared with “Dred,” 285, 309;
J. R. Lowell on, 327, 330;
Mrs. Stowe rereads after war, 396; later books compared with, 409;
H. W. Beecher's approval of, 476; new edition with introduction sent to
George Eliot, 4S3; date of, 490;
Whittier's mention of, in poem on seventieth birthday, 502;
Holmes' tribute to, in poem on same occasion, 504.
Upham, Mrs., kindness to H. B. S., 133; visit to, 324.
Venice, 304.
Victoria, Queen, H. B. S.'s interview with, 270; gives her picture to
Geo. Peabody, 496.
Vizetelly, Henry, first
London publisher of
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 189, 191.
Wakefield, reading at, 495.
Walnut Hills, picture of, 65; and old home revisited, 499.
Waltham, audience inspires reader, 496.
Mrs. Stowe visits soldier son at, 366.
Washington on slavery, 141.
Water cure, H. B. S. at, 113.
“We and our neighbors,” date of, 491.
Webster, Daniel, famous speech of, 143.
Weld, Theodore D. in the anti-slavery movement, 81.
Western travel, discomforts of, 498.
Whately, Archbishop, letter to H. B. S. from, 391.
Whitney, A. D. T., writes poem on seventieth birthday, 505.
Whitney, Eli, and the cotton gin, 142.
Whittier's “Ichabod,” a picture of Daniel Webster, 143.
Whittier, J. G., 157; letter to
W. L. Garrison from, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 161; letter to H. B. S. from, on
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 162; on “Pearl of
Orr's Island,” 327; on “Minister's Wooing,” 327; poem on H. B. S.'s. seventieth birthday, 502.
Windsor, visit to, 235.
Womanhood. true, H. B. S. on intellect
versus heart, 475.
Woman's rights,
H. W. Beecher, advocate of, 478.
Women of
America, Appeal from H. B. S. to, 255.
Women's influence, power of, 258.
Zanesville, description of, 499.