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oming late they concluded to postpone an attack until the following morning; but, the enemy receiving reenforcements, made an attack upon as about 8 o'clock, After a desperate fight, which lasted five hours, we drove the enemy from the field. During the engagement Gen. Johnson came near being captured. Gen. Jackson, not knowing his position gave orders for the 44th Va regiment to fall back, but the Richmond Zouaves Captain Alfriend, seeing the perilous position of their brave commender, Gen, J, disobeyed orders and charged upon the enemy, thereby saving him from the Yankees'clutones. Our loss is estimated at about 800 killed, wounded, and missing. About one hundred of the number were killed and mortally wounded. During the battle Gen. Johnson's horse was killed under him, and the General received a wound in the ankle from a sail passing through the small bone of the legs but I am happy to state that the wound, though quite painful, is not of a serious character. T
ed upon him. So I was left in the cell with the prisoner — the guards being outside I, "the rebel girl," have thus been diplomatic enough to accomplish an interview with a poor prisoner; carried letters to him in my sleeves, and heard from him, though I was so deaf, all that he wished me to tell his friends. The guards were just at the door, believing that if he said anything to me they could hear it; and so they could, when, at intervals, I made him talk as though I were deaf. When I left, Gen, Dix thanked me cordially for my effort to bring Capt.--to the right way of thinking. I shall send this by the underground railroad, which is quite as regular in its schedule and far more convenient to our people than the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, over which the Lincolnites are now as jubilant that they have patched up what they call "the rebel work," I take as great as interest in the Underground Railroad as Cameron the late Yankee War Secretary did in the Northern and Central Railro
--The Missouri Army Argas, published in camp near Corinth has an admirable article upon the letter of Gen, Beauregard to Gen. Yan-Dorn, requiring the names of all officers and privates who distinguished themselves to be reported to him, as well as all those who misbehave or abendon their colors. it says This step inaugurates a new are in the army of the South. It has long been a complain, that once in the ranks always in the ranks. No matter how gallant a private might behave, it is argued that he never was promoted. New, we cannot say whether this be true or not. But one thing is certain, that in the future the rule of Napoleon which made his army the best the world ever saw, is to be the rule of our army-Several of Napoleon's Fleed Marshals rose from tire ranks. Undoubtedly there are many men in the ranks who fire worthy of being made officers, and there are many officers who ought to be in the ranks. This order, if greadily followed out. will do justice to the se
om Taxas. that an engagement between 1,700 of Gen. Sibly's brigade, and 2,300 Federals, occurred on the 10th ult., at Glorictta canton, New Mexico. Col. Scurry commanding, had his man posted in the canton through which the Federals were compelled to pass to communicate with Fort Craig. About six hundred of the enemy were killed and wounded, and less than 100 of Scurry's men — among whom however, were Majors Kaguct and Shropabire killed and Lieutenant. Col. Sutton mortally wounded. Gen, Sibley's A. D. C., Capt. Ochlitree, who was bearer of dispatches from Gen. Sibley, reported to our informant that the result of the battle at Glorietta would be the surrender of Fort-Craig to our forces, and the occupation of all New Mexico and Arizona by the Confederates. [Some further mention of this battle will be found under the telegraphic head. Badgas of honor for Beauregard's troops — an Inspiring order. The following is the order recently issued by Gen. Beauregard, to
r's on the Potomac, is only thirty miles, easterly direction. At the latter point and Ohio Railroad crosses the which is spanned by a bridge, rebuilt he occupation of the Valley by the army of Gen. Banks. This road runs the heart of Jefferson and Ferkeley and at Martinsburg, twenty-two of Winchester, the company had to the war, important and valuable which were destroyed by our summer. These, we understand, have been busily reconstructing, to keep the road in efficient If the present victory is followed unquestionably will be — this so important to the Federal transportation of troops and will be completely inter arrived in the city yesterday evening informed us that he had met with a courier from Gen. Jackson with dispatches to Gen Joseph E. Johnston, who left Winchester on Monday morning. This courier states that up to that time we had captured 2,800 prisoners, and that they were hourly arriving. The command of Colonel Ashby had gone to Martinsburg.
eary a few days since learned one of those hands were in a cave five miles from Restor town, and made arrangements surprise and capture them. On reaching cave he ascertained that they had evach it the previous day. Forty men and horses had evidently been there for some time, the men living ously, judging from the empty bottles, bo cans, It is probable that they were a position of the force which captured Col. Geary guard train near Linden last week, and treated towards Warrenton on Gen, Shield approach. Col. Geary has been ordered to report to General Banks in future. He has been believed from guarding the lower portion of the Manassas road, which duty he performed several weeks to the extent of fifty miles. The Blue Ridge and the adjacent ranges and spurs are infested with guerillas, who watch every opportunity to shoot and our pickets and foraging parties. Their miliarity with the mountain defiles and passes enables them to elude pursuit. Confederate p
ed: Privates E B Adams and Benj Nored. Wounded: Capt T H Holcomb, in the hand; 2d Lieut John H Adams, slightly; Serg't J J Carter, slight; privates A S Crawford, mortally; J S Parker, mortally; Wm R Fortles, J T McDonald, A J Morgan, Henry Beard, severely; Geo Post. Missing: J H E Adams, T W Tucker, supposed to be killed. Company B.--Wounded: W F Morris, seriously. Company C.--None. Company D.--Killed: Privates J L Compton, T W Oakley, Samuel Turner, W H Williamson. Wounded: Capt Gen E Tayloe, seriously in fool; Sergt F L Glover, slight; Privates J W Blunt, leg amputated; B F Jordson, R A Barton, A W Barr, slight; W H Compton, R Elmore, J W Jones, slight; R H Patterson, W J Oakley, slight. Company E.--Killed: Corp'l W E Winstanley. Company F.--Killed: 1st Sergt M J Carson. Privates J W Davis. Wounded: Privates B Kornegay, since dead; G L Mayberry. D A Griffin, Henry Davis, John Moses, F James, R Hogan, John Henry, W W H Brown, N Smitherman, Wm Green, Geo Wo
t arrived from the fleet left, the gunboats had passed the fort and gone down the river. It is reported that the rebels have evacuated Fort Randolph. If this is the case, nothing can prevent the fleet from arriving at Memphis to day. Paducah, June 6.--Colonel Noble, commanding at this post, with nearly his entire command, are under marching orders for down the river, and will leave to-morrow. From Beauregard. The only reference in the Herald, of Saturday, to the command of Gen, Beauregard, is the following: The rebel armies of the Southwest, concentrated into the army of Beauregard, appear to have become so disheartened and demoralized and broken up, with his evacuation of Corinth, as to justify the conclusion that he will never be able to rally together again for battle fifty thousand of his late imposing force of one hundred and twenty thousand men. From Fremont. The news from Gen. Fremont's division yesterday reports the enemy at Mt. Jackson, wit
Banks report --We publish this morning the official report of Gen, M. F. Banks, wherein he to smooth over the of his recent from the Valley of the It will be seen that this says he lost only 111 prisoners; yet it happens that of of his late army in the Fair at Lynchburg Surely, Banks is of
McClellan's report of his Losses. --Gen, McClellan's official statement of the Federal loss in the battle below Richmond is as follows: Killed, eight hundred and ninety; wounded, three thousand six hundred and twenty- seven; missing, one thousand two hundred and twenty-two, making a grand total of killed wounded and missing of five thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine.
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