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of trees the wondrous Gothic nave. The possession of iron and various facilities of work have yet inspired no one. Some are anxious to build iron houses as much like stone as possible; the most ambitious attempt is an immense barn at Sydenham, England, — an engineering success, but not a work of inspiration. The Egyptian capitals were the prototypes of those of the Grecian and Roman orders; and the various ceramic works of the Greeks and Etruscans were strangely like those of the Nileecond. A late act of Congress (1872) appropriates $15,000 for a pneumatic dispatch-tube between the Capitol and the Government Printing-Office, Washington. The pneumatic dispatch-scheme has been put in operation at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, England, to convey regular passengers. The tube extends from the Sydenham entrance to the armory near Penge Gate, a distance of about a quarter of a mile; and it is, in fact, a simple brick tunnel, nine feet high and eight feet wide, — a size th
rations of fire-proof structures, unless the amount of combustibles contained should be such that their conflagration will melt or crumble the material of which the building is constructed. Such was the case with a part of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, the internal fittings of that portion, the louver boarding, and the furniture making a bonfire which melted the skeleton frame. Iron buildings in serious external fire exposure, or with combustible contents, are far from deserving the name of Versailles, made for Louis XIV., and the Jet d'eau of St. Cloud, are much admired. The fountains of Chatsworth, in Derbyshire, England, the residence of the Duke of Devonshire, are particularly grand; as are also those of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, near London. Cincinnati is also proud of a fountain made in Germany, and of a very Teutonic aspect. 2. The beer fountain, as it is called, used for drawing liquors in a tavern bar from barrels in the cellar, by means of a force-pump, is the
a tank, water is made to circulate through the jackets by the action of the pump n, whose piston-rod is also connected with the driving-shaft. See also pages 28-30, Vol. I. Pneu-mat′ic Rail′way. A railroad whose rolling stock is driven by the compression or exhaustion of air in a tube laid parallel to the track. The plan has a number of variations, which are considered under atmospheric Railway. Medhurst's plan (1810-12), and the one adopted in the Crystal Palace Railway, Sydenham, England, was to run the car on rails laid in the tube, a fringe on the carriage acting as a packing to keep the air from passing the carriage, which thus forms a piston in the tube. The plan adopted by Pinkus Clegg, and others, was to have a traveling piston connected by a colter with the carriage, the colter displacing a continuous valve which occupied a slot in the whole length of the pipe's upper surface. Pilbrow's plan was a traveling piston having a rack on its side operating in s
masts of vessels. See sheers. Sheer′ing. Deviating to either side of the line of the course. Sheer-leg. Sheer-lash′ing. (Nautical.) The mode of lashing together the legs of the sheer at the cross. The middle of the rope is passed around the cross, the ends passed up and down respectively, then returned on their own parts and lashed together. Sheer-leg. (Hoisting.) Sheer-legs were employed in lieu of scaffolding in the erection of the Crystal Palace building at Sydenham, 1851. Two poles were placed upright and connected at top by a cross piece; the whole being steadied by guys. The columns were hoisted into a vertical position by a rope and pulley, and held until they were bolted to their bases. When two columns had been fixed in position, a connecting piece was attached to each end of the girder, which was raised by the same means and bolted on to the tops of the columns. Sheer-line. 1. (Shipbuilding.) The line of the deck at the side of the sh
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 3: (search)
hink of nothing, and see nothing, but the Guards. My God! all destroyed! It seems as if I should never sleep again! This was his favorite regiment; and when they were mustered, after the battle, out of above a thousand men, less than three hundred answered. June 25.—Mr. Campbell asked me to come out and see him to-day, and make it a long day's visit. So, after the morning service, I drove out, and stayed with him until nearly nine this evening. He lives in a pleasant little box, at Sydenham, nine miles from town, a beautiful village, which looks more like an American village than any I have seen in England. His wife is a bonny little Scotchwoman, with a great deal of natural vivacity; and his only child, a boy of about ten, an intelligent little fellow, but somewhat injured by indulgence, I fear. . . . . They seem very happy, and have made me so, for there was no one with them but myself, except an old schoolmate of Campbell's, now a barrister of considerable eminence. . . .
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 18: (search)
ffectionate messages. I talked a good deal with Richardson, Scott's old friend, who appears so largely and pleasantly in the Life by Lockhart. . . . . Telling him how fine I thought Scott's colloquial powers, he answered, Yes, but they were never so fine as when he was having a jolly good time with two or three friends. He then described to me what he considered the finest specimen he had ever had of them. It was when nobody was present but Tom Campbell. They dined together at Ton's, in Sydenham, near London,—a very modest little cottage, where I dined in 1815,—and where the scene of this talk was chiefly laid at just about the same period. They dined early, but by ten o'clock, brilliant as the conversation was, Tom was past enjoying it, and nothing remained for them but to carry him up stairs and put him to bed. Scott, however, was neither disturbed nor exhausted, and they two repaired to the village tavern, and ordering beefsteaks and hot brandy-and-water, Scott poured out flood
ourts, and recognized all American citizens as standing in truth and reality on the platform of equality which they profess to occupy. Moreover, the hotel keepers of the United States, in general, are as intelligent and every way gentlemanly a class of men as their guests, and in Albany, we should think, especially in the winter season, when the Legislature is in session, much more so. The New York Herald mentions, in connection with the case of Gov. Morgan and Gen. Mitchell, that when LordSydenham came over as Governor General, he was for some time the guest of a gentleman who kept a hotel in Toronto, and who did everything in his power to make him as comfortable as possible. After the government house had been prepared for the Governor's residence, he removed to it, and gave a dinner to the Mayor and Corporation, of which body the hotel keeper was a member. The Governor General treated his fomer landlord with marked courtesy, and always asked him to the government house on festive
Foreign News and Gossip. Mr. Rarey's farewell to England --On Saturday, October 27th, the great American horse-tamer took final leave of his English friends at the Crystal Palace, at Sydenham. --The exhibition presented no feature of novelty; beyond the fact of its being a leave-taking and the numerous audience which it attracted. The whole of the immense Handel Orchestra was crammed to the roof, and presented a most imposing appearance. The same may be said of every portion of the transept that was not railed off as an arena, whilst the first, second, and even third galleries, exhibited each its dense and eager rows of human faces. The Russian Ambassador and a numerous suite occupied the Queen's gallery, and there were also scattered amongst the lower crowed an exceedingly numerous and conspicuous sprinkling of . Orientals. Mr. Rarey began with Cruiser, who is now a model of docility and patience. Like Col.Crockett's squirrels, he comes down without the trouble of firing
Another Terrific gale in England. --On Wednesday, February 20th, a furious gale swept over London and the surrounding country. In fact, it amounted to a perfect hurricane, and great was the consternation generally caused by the falling of stacks of chimneys, walls, palisades, and everything which afforded a butt to the wind and was not of sufficient strength to resist its violence. The houses in the more exposed situations were shaken to their foundations, much to the terror of the inhabitants. A large destruction of property is reported. The North wing of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham was totally destroyed. In Gloucestershire and Worcestershire the loss of property was very great. Trees in hundreds were thrown down, and many houses were unroofed. At Southampton and other points on the coast great damage was done to the shipping. Throughout the west of England the trains were delayed and telegraphic communication seriousy interrupted.
severe suffering from the inattention of surgeons to the affections to which the feet are subject. They have generally been considered of so trivial a nature as to be unworthy of their serious inquiry, and have consequently been consigned to a class of men whose supreme ignorance has thrown obloquy upon those who have both the wish and the power to alleviate the pain and prolong life, although at the period when medical science may be said to have dawned the greatest of English physicians, Sydenham, expressing his anxiety to prevent consumption, deemed that skillful anatomists should not disdain to devote their attention to this neglected portion of surgical art. And, however sneered at as beneath the dignity of science, amply will the inquirer be repaid by the information he must gain, and the power he will possess, in being a contributor to the ease if not happiness of mankind. There is no part of the human foot in which corus have not occasionally been found; both of the most
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