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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Morgan's Indiana and Ohio Railroad. (search)
d them to be paroled. This brutal order was brutally executed. It is due Morgan's memory to say that the order was given under peculiar excitement, and that, though I served two years with troops which came in contact with him a score of times, the one just related is the only instance of Morgan's abuse of prisoners which ever came to my ears in such form as to justify belief in its truthfulness. On the evening of the 6th, the raiders crossed the Louisville and Nashville Railway, near Shepherdsville, north of Lebanon Junction. They stopped a passenger train, went through the passengers and mails in free-and-easy style, and then having passed the last fortified post on their route northward, pushed for the Ohio. The force sent in advance to seize boats with which to cross into Indiana, secured two large steamers on the morning of the 8th, and when Morgan reached Brandenburg at noon these transports awaited him. Meantime, the whole of Burnside's army had been recalled from its l
so a report from Chambersburgh that a rebel spy had been arrested there, with maps and plans of the Cumberland valley in his possession. Men then began earnestly to discuss means of defence for Harrisburgh.--The Thirty-seventh regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, under the command of Colonel Oliver Edwards, left Pittsfield for the seat of war. A party of rebels under the command of Captain Bowles, a son of J. B. Bowles, President of the Bank of Louisville, Ky., made a raid upon Shepherdsville, Ky., and burned the bridge over Salt River. A guard of eighty-five of the Fifty-fourth regiment, stationed at that place, were compelled to surrender, but were soon after paroled.--Louisville Democrat, September 8. Major-General Pope, at his own request, was relieved from the command of the army of Virginia, and was assigned to the command of the Department of the North-West.--The Tenth regiment of Vermont volunteers, under the command of Colonel A. B. Jewett, passed through New Yor
e boats for two miles. Three men were killed and one man wounded on the ram and transports in this affair. Cassville, Mo., occupied by about one hundred rebel troops, was this day attacked by a detachment of the First Arkansas cavalry, under the command of Captain Gilstray, and captured, completely routing the rebel force, killing and wounding a number, and taking nineteen prisoners. They also captured a number of horses and fire-arms. The officers of the United States Sanitary Commission received at New York a telegraphic despatch from San Francisco, California, announcing that the citizens of that city had contributed one hundred thousand dollars for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers and seamen of the National army and navy. The Union force at Shepherdsville, Ky., under Colonel Granger, commanding the post, were attacked by a body of rebel cavalry; but, after a short skirmish, the rebels were repulsed, with a loss of five killed and twenty-eight taken prisoners.
eight o'clock, on the Bargetown Road, about six miles beyond Springfield, and left again the next morning at two o'clock, reaching Bargetown at six. Here we found that Morgan had left that place at noon on the day before, going north on the Shepherdsville road. We were joined at this place by General Hobson, with Shackleford's brigade, comprising the Third, Eighth, Ninth, and Twelfth Kentucky cavalry and two pieces of artillery. General Hobson now took command, and continuing our journey we encamped on the night of the seventh about four miles from Shepherdsville. It was at this point that Morgan captured the mail-train on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and had captured and paroled about, twenty soldiers who were passengers on board the cars. They also robbed all the passengers of any valuables they might have about them, stole all the contents of the mail-bags and appropriated all the express packages that were on board. Here our horses began to give out. We had been in
we detached two companies--one to operate on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, the other to operate between Crab Orchard and Somerset, Ky. The first captured two trains, and returned to Tennessee. The second captured thirty-five wagons, and also returned. We then detached a hundred men at Springfield, who marched to Frankfort, and destroyed a train and the railroad near that point. We also captured a train, with a number of officers, on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, near Shepherdsville, sent a detachment around Louisville, who captured a number of army supplies, and effected a crossing by capturing a steamer between Louisville and Cincinnati, at Carrolton, and rejoined us in Indiana. We paroled, up to the nineteenth, near six thousand Federals; they obligating themselves not to take up arms during the war. We destroyed thirty-four important bridges, destroying the track in sixty places. Our loss was by no means slight; twenty-eight commissioned officers killed, thirt
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Bragg's invasion of Kentucky. (search)
coln to the command of the army, but at Thomas's request the order was revoked, and he was announced in orders as second in command. Buell organized his infantry into three army corps, of three divisions each. The First Corps on the left, under Major-General McCook, marched through Taylorsville. The Second Corps, under Major-General Crittenden, marched through Mount Washington, and the Third Corps, under Major-General Gilbert, which formed the Federal right, took the route by way of Shepherdsville. General Sill, of McCook's corps, reinforced by Dumont's independent division, marched direct to Frankfort to threaten Kirby Smith. Buell, in his official report, says: Skirmishing with the enemy's cavalry and artillery marked the movement of each column from within a few miles of Louisville. It was more stubborn and formidable near Bardstown, but the rear of the enemy's infantry retired from that place eight hours before our arrival, when his rear-guard of cavalry and artillery
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., East Tennessee and the campaign of Perryville. (search)
and Louisville, and Smith called his troops together near Frankfort to assist in the proposed attack upon Louisville. That project was postponed after my arrival; but Polk, Bragg having gone to Frankfort and Lexington, was ordered to occupy Shepherdsville, Taylorsville, and other near points around Louisville. Steps were being taken to that end when, on the 2d of October, the enemy's pickets announced to the leaders at Frankfort and Bardstown the advance of my army in force on four roads, thrhich had been organized as a guard for Louisville. McCook with his two remaining divisions moved upon Taylorsville, where he halted the second night in a position which pointed to either flank. The other two corps moved respectively through Shepherdsville and Mt. Washington, to converge upon Bardstown, and halted the second night at Salt River. The enemy's pickets were encountered on all of the roads within a few miles of the city, increasing in strength as the movement progressed, and opposi
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 19: events in Kentucky and Northern Mississippi. (search)
hile Bragg had not more than sixty-five thousand, including Kirby Smith's troops. Buell turned toward his opponent on the 1st of October. His army was arranged in three corps, commanded respectively by Generals Gilbert, Crittenden, and McCook. General George H. Thomas, who was Buell's second in command, Placed in that position on the 1st of September. had charge of the right wing. It moved over a broad space, its right under the immediate command of Crittenden, marching by way of Shepherdsville toward Bardstown, to attack Bragg's main force, and the remainder moving more in the direction of Frankfort. The right soon began to feel the Confederates. Bragg fell slowly back to Springfield, impeding Buell as much as possible by skirmishing, that his supply-trains might get a good start toward Tennessee. At Springfield Buell heard that Kirby Smith had evacuated Frankfort and crossed the Kentucky River, and that Bragg was moving to concentrate his forces at Harrodsburg or Perryvi
good part of the place, and compelling Hanson to surrender. Here Morgan's young brother was killed, leading a charge. And he had lost so much time at Tebb's bend and here, that our cavalry were closing in upon him; so the Rebel raider decamped at dark, during a furious rain, compelling his prisoners (whom he had not yet had time to parole) to race ten miles in ninety minutes to springfield--one, who could not or would not keep the pace, being shot dead by the way. Moving rapidly by Shepherdsville and Bardstown, July 6. Morgan struck the Ohio at Brandenburg, July 7. 40 miles below Louisville; seizing there the steamboats McCombs and Alice Dean, on which he crossed his command — increased, during his progress, by Kentucky sympathizers, till it was said now to number 4,000 men, with 10 guns. The Alice Dean was burned; the McCombs — which probably belonged to a friend, who had placed it where it would be wanted — was left unharmed. Gen. Hobson, who, with a bad start, had been<
  10 10 95   H   11 11   9 9 85   I 1 12 13   9 9 91   K   10 10   11 11 94 Totals 9 128 137 1 113 114 952 137 killed==14.3 per cent. Total killed and wounded. 516; died in Confederate prisons (previously included), 10. battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Chaplin Hills, Ky. 82 Resaca, Ga. 6 Stone's River, Tenn. 14 New Hope Church, Ga. 3 In Action, May 16, 1863 1 Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. 5 Tullahoma, Tenn. 1 Atlanta, Ga. 6 Hoover's Gap, Tenn. 1 Shepherdsville, Ky. (Guerrillas) 1 Chickamauga, Ga. 14 Lebanon Junction, Ky. (Guerrillas) 3 Present, also, at Missionary Ridge; Buzzard Roost; Peach Tree Creek; Jonesboro. notes.--Mustered — in December 14, 1861, and ordered immediately to the Army of the Cumberland, where it was assigned to General O. M. Mitchel's Division. In the summer of 1862, Mitchel's troops marched through Kentucky and Tennessee to Huntsville, Ala.; thence, with Buell's Army, on the campaign incidental to the purs
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