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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 2 0 Browse Search
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g the ship's side when hauling it up, or fishing. Mushroom anchor. An′chor, Mush′room. The mushroom anchor is used for moorings, and is said to be a favorite in the East Indies. Its name indicates its form, having a central shank and a head of a bowl shape, which requires no stock on the shank to cause it to engage with the ground over which it is dragged. An′chor-ring. The ring of an anchor by which it is bent to the cable. A jew's-harp shackle is now used. An′chor-stock Plank′ing. (Shipbuilding.) Each plank has one straight edge, the other consisting of two equal slopes. An′chor-trippers. These are devices for tripping or casting loose a ship's anchor. In some of them it is suspended by its ring from the cat-block or a tripping-bolt; in others it is fastened at each end by chains which are cast loose simultaneously. Duncan's anchor-tripper. Duncan, April 28, 1863. The anchor hangs from a clutch-ring on the cat-block, which is suspended
he process of making stereotype molds. The face of the type is forced into the clay by pressure. A plaster-mold, on the other hand, is formed by pouring the plaster on the type. Clay-pul′ver-iz-er. A machine for grinding dry clay to render it more homogeneous previous to pugging. Clay-screen′ing ma-chine′. A machine for sifting pulverized clay. Used in preparing it for some of the finer ceramic manufactures. Cleach′ing-net. A hand-net with hoop and pole. Clead′ing. Plank covering or casing. As: 1. (Mining.) The boarding which lines a shaft or a tunnel. 2. (Hydraulic Engineering.) a. The planking of a dam or coffer-dam; or of a sea-wall, secured to guide piles, for instance. b. The planking or skin of a canal lock-gate. 3. (Steam-engine.) The wooden covering of a steam-boiler or cylinder to prevent the radiation of heat. Lagging. Clean′er. 1. (Leather.) A currier's straight, two-handled knife, with a blade two inches broad.
o escape slowly from said chamber while the temperature is reduced therein. Davis and Symington's lumber-dryer, English patent, 1843, acts by means of a heated blast upon lumber or wooden articles placed in a chamber through which the blast is driven. By their process, — Mahogany is reduced in weight24.4 per cent. Pine is reduced in weight34.5 per cent. Fir is reduced in weight12.5 per cent. Lum′ber-kiln. A heated chamber for artificially drying lumber. See lumber-dryer. Plank should never be allowed to remain undisturbed until it seasons; but should all be handled over and repiled from time to time, removing the sticks from their former positions. The planks should be turned over, especially if they have become bilged. Two to six years are required to season timber, according to its size. It can be seasoned more quickly if it be steamed, but excess in steaming kills the elasticity of the timber. Too rapid kiln-drying evaporates the surface moisture too rapi
s of medicine. Some pill-boxes are made from scaleboard covered with paper. Plank have been cut into scales 120 to the inch, but 130 of an inch is a more usual t. It is not certain that the planisphere in another apartment is so modern. Plank. 1. A board more than nine inches in width. 2. The board of a petard. iners, and others shift their runs or wheeling-planks, as occasion requires. Plank′ing. 1. (Shipbuilding.) The skin or wooden covering of plank on the exteri. 3. (Steam.) The lagging or clothing of a steamcylinder. Cleading. Plank′ing-clamp. (Shipwrighting.) An implement for bending a strake against the screw acting on the plank. Machine for sizing and planking hat-bodies. Plank′ing-ma-chine′. A machine in which hat-bodies, after being formed, are rubbednes of which are counterweighted and vertically adjustable. See hardening. Plank′ing-screw. An implement for straining planks against the ribs of vessel
lery near the taffrail. Quar′ter–round. A plane used for molding framework. An ovolo. Quar′ter–round tool. (Wood-turning.) A chisel (b, Fig. 4066) for making concave moldings. They are right and left. Quar′ters. 1. (Carpentry.) Vertical scantling in wooden partitions, forming a foundation for lath and plastering. 2. a. The apartments assigned to officers and soldiers in a barrack. b. The stations of a ship company on duty. Quar′ter–stuff. (Carpentry.) Plank one quarter inch thick. Quar′ter–tim′ber. (Carpentry.) Scantling from 2 to 6 inches deep. Quar′to. (Printing.) A book formed by folding a sheet twice, making 4 leaves, 8 pages. The term, by modern usage, refers to a book of a nearly square form. The proportions vary according to the sizes of the sheets folded, but may be from 8 1/2 × 10 to 10 × 12, and probably both below and above said dimensions. Quartz–crush′er. A machine for breaking o
. 120,783SkinnerNov. 7, 1871. 124,106WrightFeb. 27, 1872. 127,571ClarkJune 4, 1872. 128,113ChumockJune 18, 1872. 129,354McAffertyJuly 16, 1872. 129,629VeaseyJuly 16, 1872. 132,285HiestandOct. 15, 1872. 137,141LincolnMar. 25, 1873. 139,606PlankJune 3, 1873. 139,608ProctorJune 3, 1873. 141,236RobertsonJuly 29, 1873. 142,615ClarkSept. 9, 1873. 143,387SmithSept. 30, 1873. 145,011ProctorNov. 25, 1873. 146,289StansburyJan. 6, 1874. 146,997EddyFeb. 3, 1874. 147,377EddyFeb. 10, 1874. 147,574RobinsonFeb. 17, 1874. 147,981SargeantFeb. 24, 1874. 150,264StrongApr. 27, 1874. 151,018GaarMay 19, 1874. 151,841CassJune 9, 1874. 152,241MortonJune 23, 1874. 153,728Sloan et al.Aug. 4, 1874. 158,436PlankJan. 5, 1875. 161,624McEwenApr. 6, 1875. class I. — motors. 1. Hydraulic Engines and Water-Wheels. No.Name.Date. 120,975JenningsNov. 14, 1871. 121,441WelchNov. 28, 1871. 128,615GreenleafJuly 2, 1872. 131,616HydeSept. 24, 1872. 136,452PalmerMar. 4, 1873. 142,551Atwel
nded. On May 2d and 3d the Second Louisiana brigade, now led by Brig.-Gen. Francis T. Nicholls, was to be found on the Plank road, either resting on the highway or deployed along it toward the Chancellor house. Around Chancellorsville the battle of the enemy's masses to envelope, anaconda-like, our slenderer lines; at other times, utilizing heavy guns to clear the Plank road of our men. The artillery was specially destructive on Saturday, the 2d. About 9:30 p. m. the head of Nicholls' brigade halted on the Plank road about half a mile from Chancellor's house, and the road was swept by a destructive artillery fire. It was here that the gallant Nicholls had the misfortune to be seriously wounded, a shell tearing his left leg, necessial officers of the command. Capt. C. Thomas, of the Guard artillery, with a section of rifle guns, was placed near the Plank road, opposite to the enemy's works, under Major McIntosh. With an enfilading fire the Guard succeeded in dislodging the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Forty-Ninth N. C. Infantry, C. S. A. [from the Charlotte, N. C., Observer, October 20, 27, 1895.] (search)
24th, 1863; changes occasioned by the losses of 1862. Corresponding changes ensued in the other grades of company officers. From Richmond the scene of action was speedily transferred by General Lee to the Potomac and beyond; and through the Valley, by Harper's Ferry, to Sharpsburg, or Antietam, the command followed that great figure in our military history. Returning to Virginia, it participated in the battle of Fredericksburg, beginning December 11th, 1862, where it took position on the Plank road, and during the four days that the fighting there continued was subjected to heavy cannonading and some infantry fighting, several officers and men being killed and wounded; but the heaviest fighting was on the right of our lines and by other commands. After this battle the Forty-Ninth remained in winter quarters near Fredericksburg until January 3d, 1863, when it was marched, by the Telegraph road, to Hanover Junction, thence to Richmond, and from there to Petersburg, which it reach
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Narrative of events and observations connected with the wounding of General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson. (search)
ck of the evening of 2nd May, 1863. We went over that road all the way by Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg. The details given by Major Moorman correspond exactly with my general understanding of all that happened at and about the time of General Jackson's being wounded and unhorsed. I was under the very severe artillery fire which occurred later in the evening, perhaps about nine o'clock, our brigade having moved up towards the front and having been aligned on the left-hand side of the Plank road or turnpike, the two roads which run from Orange Courthouse at that point having run together. Major Moorman gives very interesting details with which, of course, I am not entirely familiar. I recall very distinctly that the fact that General Jackson was wounded was known through the command, certainly by me, with amazing rapidity. During this last summer I met old Sickles at Saratoga and had quite a conversation with him on the events of that night. I asked him what he would have
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Review of the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
still further to their right. Kilpatrick succeeded in coming up with him at Hanover, where a sharp engagement ensued, but Stuart, though superior in numbers, could not afford to have his progress delayed, and he shook off Kilpatrick as quickly as possible and resumed his march. In a letter written by General Reynolds, on the 30th, to Butterfield, chief of staff, he says: If we are to fight a defensive battle in this vicinity, the proper position is just north of Emmittsburg, covering the Plank road to Taneytown. He (the enemy), will undoubtedly endeavor to turn our left by way of Fairfield, and the mountain road leading down into the Frederick and Emmittsburg pike near Mt. St. Mary's College. Circulars and orders issued on the 30th, from army headquarters, show General Meade to have been altogether undecided at this time what course he should pursue. It was announced in one of these, that the Commanding General had received information that the enemy was advancing, probably i
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