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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 440 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 184 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 2, 17th edition. 52 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 48 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 30 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 20 0 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 14 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 10 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 8 0 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 8 0 Browse Search
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lled up with coke. A number of other alloys are known and used, including some of Eastern origin. The latter are generally of little practical importance. Such are — Aurum Musivum, same as Mosaie gold. Clinquant, same as yellow copper; Dutch gold. Caracoly, composed of gold, silver, and copper. Calin, a Chinese alloy composed of lead and tin. Electrum, an ancient alloy of gold and silver. The following table affords a ready means for the conversion of decimal proportion i bottom, which is capable of flapping back and forth by the expiration or inspiration of the breath when the mouth is applied thereto. As the bottom is drawn in or out it makes a loud crash. Ana-cos′ta. (Fabric.) A woolen diaper made in Holland for the Spanish market. Anaes-thetic Appa-ratus. Anaesthesia is a term made use of in medicine to denote a deprivation of sensibility to external impressions, affecting a part or the whole of the body. In some nervous diseases a portion o<
the current sets in or out of a channel. In this form they are commonly used as sluicegates in Holland. Balance-gates. Bal′ance, Hydro-stat′ic. See specific-gravity balance. Bal′ance-lA two-masted vessel of Manilla. Bil′an-der. (Vessel.) A small two-masted vessel used in Holland, principally on the canals. Bil′bo. (Weapon.) 1. A flexible-bladed cutlass from Bilboae Mississippi in three spans, which have only one rival among arches, — a single-span bridge in Holland. The highest bridge in the world is the Verrugas Viaduct on the Lima and Oroya Railroad, in and is used for ornamental work, such as paper-hangings, and as a substitute for goldleaf. 6. Dutch foil reduced to a powder by grinding. 7. Verdigris, 8; tutty powder, 4; borax, 2; niter, 2; bto, aloes, or other coloring substances. h. The iron is painted with a gold-paint, so called; Dutch metal and varnish. i. The iron is painted green, and rubbed with bronze powder. I
together, and the water was then pumped out. Camels are in frequent use in Holland for floating vessels over the sands and bars. The length of one of these cameed with great difficulty, but in the year 1672 it was employed to get the whole Dutch fleet to sea. The camel of Bakker consisted of two half-ships built in such and to give the vessel greater stability under press of canvas. It is the old Dutch lee-board in a central position. A sliding-keel. Cen′ter-chis′el. A chisperiods of time. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the Spanish, Dutch, French, and English governments had offered rewards for an instrument which sh being known at that time. — Diodorus Siculus (60 B. C.). Cranes. The old Dutch crane, which was also in use in England till the early part of the present centuse of foliated graphite for crucible making. About 1830 Mr. Dixon adopted the Dutch pipe-clay to mix with the Ceylon graphite. To ten pounds of ground graphite, s<
h-water sealevel. The dikes in some parts of Holland are thirty feet above the ordinary level of t been generally adopted throughout France and Holland, and partially in England. It is considered e sand-banks which lie upon the sea-shores of Holland are called dunes; hence Dunchurch in England,e United States. The pumping-engines used in Holland at the Haarlem Mere are vertical double-cylin rolling. 1. The lifting-bridge is used in Holland upon the canals and in fortifications, in platch Clink′er. A yellow, hard brick made in Holland. Dutch foil. A copper alloy, rolled or Dutch foil. A copper alloy, rolled or hammered. See Dutch gold, called also Dutch leaf ; Dutch metal ; Dutch mineral. Dutch gold. made into the Dutch leaf used in bronzing. Dutch′ing. The process of removing the membraneouter of the quill, rendering it transparent. Dutch′man. (Carpentry.) A playful name for a bl A variegated or painted glazed tile made in Holland and formerly used for lining their capacious [2 more.
e, and the mud so formed was spouted out upon both banks of the canal to such a distance and in such quantities as to form high compact ramparts against the sand showers blowing in from the desert. Ninetysix million cubic yards of earth have been taken out; and there is left to-day a canal 90 miles long, 328 feet wide at the surface, and 74 feet wide at the bottom, and 26 feet deep throughout. See dredgingmachine. The practice adopted in the United States, in France, in England, and Holland is to mix such earth in situ and pump it up, mud, earth, sand, and all, — and pour it into lighters or directly upon the land adjacent. The hydraulic mining of California is by means of powerful jets of water projected against the banks of drift, the debris of former periods of glacial and fluvial action. See auger; ditching-machine; dredging-machine; scraper; well-boring. Number of Cubic Feet of various Earths in a Ton. Loose earth24 Coarse sand18.6 Clay18.6 Earth with gravel
t sand, silt, and mud to raise the bottom and gradually form an island, either as a breakwater or for cultivation, as in Holland. Fash′ion-ing-nee-dle. (Knitting-machine.) One of the pins or fingers employed to take loops from certain of thehe track is either supported by piles, or, as in the annexed illustration (c), which represents a railroad embankment in Holland, by fascines and stakes, bound together and placed alternately across and longitudinally. Among the largest embankmenthe printed sheets are laid by the fly. Fly—boat. 1. A rapid passenger-boat on canals. 2. A large, flat-bottomed Dutch coasting-vessel. An ironical term. Fly—drill. One having a reciprocating fly-wheel which gives it a steady momentung portion is the swash-bank, which has a base of two to one perpendicular, the level on top being four or five feet. In Holland, where the summit is used for roads, this width is much increased. 2. (Masonry.) The spreading courses at the bott
bions about 20 feet long, and 3 feet in girth on the mean, with bands at distances of from 1 foot to 1 foot 6 inches; in Holland the gabions are made from 24 to 27 feet long, from 1 foot 4 inches to 1 foot 8 inches in girth, and with bands at every glazes originated with the Chinese, and passed from them to India, and successively to Persia, Arabia, Spain, Italy, and Holland. Previous to the introduction of glazes, the Greeks and Romans covered their pottery with wax, tallow, or bitumen. Tinder. Diamond-cutting, etc.Reaper-knife sharpener. Dop.Red-stuff. Drill-grinding machine.Rifle. Dry-grinding.Rouge. Dutch rush.Rottenstone. Emery.Roughing-mill. Emery-paper.Rubber. Emery vulcanite-wheel.Rub-stone. Emery-wheel.Rumble. File. The illustration shows an open framing of timber placed parallel to the shore on the line of low water, and common in Holland. To avoid the washing out of the sand by the reflux of the wave, an apron of stone is placed at the foot. On the Sus
the shells of the oyster or a large kind of pinna; a bone from the back of a turtle; or a plate of tortoise-shell. The hoe was used with a thrust motion, like our Dutch hoe. The hoe of the Fegee-Islanders is a blade of tortoise-shell or the valve of a large oyster. These may be considered a type of maritime substitutes for me rake, a very common implement in the Netherlands, and used in the United States by amateur gardeners. f has a serrated blade; g a sectional one. h i j k are Dutch hoes, known as scuffle or thrust hoes, operated by pushing instead of striking or pulling. They are useful in extirpating weeds under bushes, and loosening the soce. Hol′land. (Fabric.) Linen or linen and cotton goods, white or self-colored, and with a glazed surface. Used for linings. As originally imported from Holland (whence its name), it was closely woven linen cloth. Hol′low. A depression or unoccupied space, as — a. The empty portion of a bastion. b. The part
sed a cast-iron bridge (a, Fig. 2701) of 600 feet span across the Thames, and 2701) in preference to the suspension-bridge of 570 feet span erected by him. Other forms of iron-bridges involve the use of wrought-iron, as in the examples a, b, c, Fig. 2702, which are combinations of the arch and truss. a is known as the rectangular tubular arch bridge. b, iron-arch and lattice-girder bridge. c, strut girder bridge. d. The Kuilinburg bridge over the Leck, an arm of the Rhine, in Holland. It has nine spans; the principal truss shown in the cut is 515 feet in length, clear span 492 feet, depth in center 35.6 feet; at ends, 26.24 feet; weight of iron, 2,193.94 tons (English). Total length of bridge, 9 spans, 2,181 feet; total weight, 4,490.14 tons (English); clear roadway, 26.25 feet; double railway track. e is a truss bridge over the Avon in England, the center resting on a cluster of screw-piles. Dimensions of some of the principal Wrought-Iron Bridges. Date.Place.R
awing. A floor of 16 feet hearing, supported by 12 joists 8 inches square, 1 foot apart, is stronger than a similar floor of 24 joists, 8 × 4, placed edgeways, 6 inches apart. The quantity of timber is the same in both cases. Jolly-boat. (Dutch jol; Danish jolle; a yawl.) A small boat used for the general miscellaneous work of a ship, such as bringing off marketing, etc. A boat of this kind attached to United States vessels of war is called a dingy. It is clinker-built, from 16 to 20 Junc′tion-plate. (Boiler-making.) A welt or break-joint plate riveted over the edges of boilerplates, which make a butt-joint. Junc′tion-rails. (Railroad-engineering.) Switch rails which connect tracks. Junk. 1. (Vessel.) (Dutch, jonk, perhaps from Chinese yong, the sea.) A vessel employed by the Chinese, Japanese, and Malays in navigating their seas. It is the largest kind of Chinese vessel. It has no prominent stem or keel. The bow on deck is square, and the a