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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hopkins, Stephen 1707-1785 (search)
it is very well known may too easily be done) to certify there was only probable cause for making the seizure, the unhappy owner may not maintain any action against the illegal seizure for damages, or obtain any satisfaction; but he may return to Georgia quite ruined and undone, in conformity to an act of Parliament. Such unbounded encouragement and protection given to informers must call to every one's remembrance Tacitus's account of the miserable condition of the Romans in the reign of Tiberius, their emperor, who let loose and encouraged the informers of that age. Surely, if the colonies had been fully heard before this had been done, the liberties of the Americans would not have been so much disregarded. The resolution that the House of Commons came into during the same session of Parliament, asserting their right to establish stamp duties and internal taxes, to be collected in the colonies without their own consent, hath much more, and for much more reason, alarmed the Bri
differ. Ptolemies Soter, Philadelphus, and Euergetes were its patrons. Philadelphus added the famous library of Aristotle to the collection. It was much injured by fire in the siege of Julius Caesar. Antony added to it the library of Pergamus, collected by Eumenes. It was afterward injured by Theodosius, and destroyed by the Arabs, A. D. 640. The first public library of Rome was founded by Asinius Pollio, on Mt. Aventine. This was followed by the libraries of Augustus, Octavia, and Tiberius. The Ulpian library of Trajan was attached by Diocletian to his thermae. A furnished library was discovered in Herculaneum. Round the wall it had numbered cases containing the rolls. It is recorded that Plato bought three works of Philolaus, the Pythagorean, for ten thousand denarii, nearly $1500. Aristotle bought a few books of Spencippus for three Attic talents, nearly $2800. Jerome, A. D. 420, states that he ruined himself by buying a copy of the works of Origen. Alfred the Gre
nt of three curious cups of glass which reflected like a pigeon's neck a variety of colors. Flexible glass is referred to by Pliny, Petronius, Dion Cassius, and others who copied from them. The two former refer to vases made in the time of Tiberius. It is not fully credited. Julius Caesar found the Britons in possession of glass beads, which they probably obtained of the Phoenicians in return for tin. Rome had few glass windows till the reign of Nero. Some are found in the ruins of Pomployed. Crystals of gypsum are generally in the form of more or less compressed rhomboids, which are easily divisible into thin laminae by splitting them parallel to their two broad planes. Such laminae were employed at Rome in the reign of Tiberius for many of the purposes for which we at present use glass. Spain and Cappadocia furnished the best, sometimes of the length of five feet. This variety of gypsum was known by the name of Lapis Specularis, from the use to which it was applied, n
ession of the equinoxes. — London Monthly Magazine. Modern attempts to bring the matter within the present range of written history cite the era of the Ptolemies as the date of the projected zodiac. A smaller planisphere of the same temple, Dendera, was removed to Paris in 1821. Visconti judged from the position of the signs that the zodiac in the ceiling of the pronaos of Dendera was constructed between A. D. 12 and A. D. 132, — a conclusion fortified by the reading of the name of Tiberius. It is not certain that the planisphere in another apartment is so modern. Plank. 1. A board more than nine inches in width. 2. The board of a petard. 3. The frame of a printing-press on which the carriage slides. 4. The timbers which cover the ribs of a vessel and form the skin. Also those of the deck. 5. To unite slivers of wool in forming roving. 6. To harden by felting; said of hat-bodies after forming. They are planked or hardened to give them solidity, thickness
l. Stone-bow. A cross-bow for shooting stones. Stone-break′er. A machine for crushing or hammering stone. See ore-crusher; ore-mill. Stone-breaker's hammer. Stone-break′er's Ham′mer. A hammer having a head of an oblately spheroidal form, with the handle in line of its axis. Stone bridge. Stone bridges appear to have originated among the Romans, who were the first to employ the arch on an extended scale. One with six arches, commenced by Augustus and finished by Tiberius, as its inscription indicates, still exists at Rimini. Others, some of which are yet in service, constructed by that remarkable people, are found, touched to a greater or less degree by the hand of time, in different parts of the former Roman Empire. Their stability, no doubt, was in great part due to the massive character of their foundations, as the builders, not employing the coffer-dam, used immense quantities of stone. (See coffer-dam.) Trajan (A. D. 105) built a magnificent bridge <
in ancient Sanscrit writings. In the Edda we read of the intestines of a cat being made into a cord for Lok, the evil one of the Scandinavian myths. The lyre-strings, said to have been invented by Lynus as a substitute for thongs of leather or twisted strings of flax, were made of sheep's intestines, oiwn xordas of Homer. Catgut is the nerviclus of the Middle Ages. A representation of the Anglo-Saxon fithele is given in a Ms. of the eleventh century in the British Museum. (Cotton, Tiberius, c. 6.) The instrument is pear-shaped, had four strings, and has no apparent bridge. A German fiddle of the ninth century is also shown, copied by Gerbert from the Ms. of St. Blasius; it has only one string. German fiddles of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries are also shown. The Nibelungenlied Volker is described as wielding the fiddle-bow as dexterously as the sword. Paintings of a fiddle on the interior of the roof of Peterborough (England) Cathedral date from the twelfth centu
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Leaves from a Roman diary: February, 1869 (Rewritten in 1897) (search)
ellows, but we discovered from the earth-stains on portions of it why the photographers had not succeeded better with it. We decided that our best resource would be to have Mr. Appleton's copy of it photographed, and Rev. Mr. Longfellow agreed to undertake the business with me in the forenoon of the next day. The busts of the Roman emperors were interesting because their characters are so strongly marked in history. The position would seem to have made either brutes or heroes of them. Tiberius, who was no doubt the natural son of Augustus, resembles him as a donkey does a horse. Caligula, Nero, and Domitian had small, feminine features; Nero a bullet-head and sensual lips, but the others quite refined. During the first six years of Nero's reign he was not so bad as he afterwards became; and I saw an older bust of him in Paris which is too horrible to be looked at more than once. Vespasian has a coarse face, but wonderfully good-humored; and Titus, called the delight of mankind
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, chapter 13 (search)
mes or breathe a higher moral purpose into the community; not one blow struck for right or for liberty, while the battle of the giants was going on about him; not one patriotic act to stir the hearts of his idolaters; not one public act of any kind whatever about whose merit friend or foe could even quarrel, unless when he scouted our great charter as a glittering generality, or jeered at the philanthropy which tried to practise the Sermon on the Mount! When Cordus, the Roman Senator, whom Tiberius murdered, was addressing his fellows, he began: Fathers, they accuse me of illegal words; plain proof that there are no illegal deeds with which to charge me. So with these eulogies,--words, nothing but words; plain proof that there were no deeds to praise. The divine can tell us nothing but that he handed a chair or a dish as nobody else could [laughter]; in politics, we are assured he did not wish to sail outside of Daniel Webster; and the Cambridge Professor tells his pupils, for the
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, The lost arts (1838). (search)
and then, looking through it, it seemed to be filled with fishes. They turned this out, and repeated the experiment, and again it was filled with fish. The Chinese confessed that they did not make them; that they were the plunder of some foreign conquest. This is not a singular thing in Chinese history; for in some of their scientific discoveries we have found evidence that they did not make them, but stole them. The second story of half a dozen — certainly five--relates to the age of Tiberius, the time of Saint Paul, and tells of a Roman who had been banished, and who returned to Rome, bringing a wonderful cup. This cup he dashed upon the marble pavement, and it was crushed, not broken, by the fall. It was dented some, and with a hammer he easily brought it into shape again. It was brilliant, transparent, but not brittle. I had a wineglass when I made this talk in New Haven; and among the audience was the owner, Professor Silliman. He was kind enough to come to the platform
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 5: (search)
mon crowd for their miserable amusement, and returned; but Lord Byron said hardly a word the whole time, and it was not till they had been an hour or two longer together, that he burst out into a violent fit of passionate eloquence,—told them he was an outcast from human nature; that he had a seal of infamy set upon him more distinct than that of Cain, that the very beggars would not receive money from one like him, etc.; showing that during this interval of three or four hours he had, like Tiberius, kept these few words alta mente reposta. Mr. Rose added, that the time had been when he might have been cured of this deformity, which arose only from a weakness in the joints, but that he was too impatient to submit to the tedious and painful process necessary, and that his misanthropy is now a mixture of hatred of nature and himself for this fault of his person, added to a general satiety of all extravagance and debauchery. Halle, October 19, 1816.—This evening we passed with a consid
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