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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 29 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 23 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 23 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 23 3 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 22 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 12 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 9 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 7 1 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 6 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 6 0 Browse Search
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found utterly ineffective against the enemy, who was well supplied with rifled cannon, the order to retreat was given, and the force was brought off in good order. Casualties in the Federal army were (as far as known)-killed, 13; wounded, 80. Several were missing. Of the wounded, 10, and of the dead, 1, were the loss by the error on the road when Col. Bendix fired into the N. Y. Third. Among the killed were Lieut. Greble, of the regular service, in command of the artillery, and Major Theodore Winthrop, aid to Gen. Butler. Of the Confederate loss, little is known. It is stated by the Charleston Miercury at 17 killed. The enemy is thought to have had at least 10 guns in battery, and is known to have had 2,200 men. The retreat of the Federal forces was necessarily very slow and tedious, many almost falling back and with difficulty made to keep their places. All expected that the rebels had flanked around into Hampton, and would fight them at the ferry. The rear of the entire for
g of the rebels. --Boston Journal, July 12. Lieut. George H. Butler with others proceeded from Fortress Monroe to Big Bethel to bring away the remains of Major Winthrop. At Little Bethel a picket took their message to Colonel Magruder, who sent Captain Kilsen, of Louisiana, to receive them. Two hours after Colonel Magruder Colonel Hill, of North Carolina, and other late officers of the army. None of Lieutenant Butler's party were permitted to go near the batteries. The body of Major Winthrop was taken up by Colonel Magruder's men and escorted to the wagon by a force of three hundred, who fired a volley. Most of them had shot guns. An escort was offered to Hampton, but Lieutenant Butler declined it. Colonel Magruder and others spoke in the highest terms of Major Winthrop's bravery. He was distinctly seen for some time leading a body of men to the charge, and had mounted a log and was waving his sword and shouting to his men to Come on I when a North Carolina drummer-boy
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Operations of 1861 about Fort Monroe. (search)
face of the enemy gallantly rescued the gun, bringing it in with Greble's body lying on it. Major Winthrop's death during the early part of this engagement was a notable event. J. B. Moore, of Richmond, writes as follows: Major Winthrop headed a force, intending to turn our left flank. On our left was a slight earth-work. About 75 yards in front of this was a rail fence. Our attention wat. I was among the first to reach these men. All were dead, having been instantly killed. Major Winthrop was shot in the breast, and the others in the head. About ten days afterward, a flag of truce came up asking for Major Winthrop's body. Having assisted in burying him, I was sent with the party to find the body, which was given to his friends. Among the incidents of this skirmish, none isiful village remained, and at night we saw flames issuing from several buildings. We Major Theodore Winthrop. From a Portrait. could readily discern the incendiaries going about the streets setti
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 18: the Capital secured.--Maryland secessionists Subdued.--contributions by the people. (search)
titution was soon afterward taken to New York; and when the naval school was removed to Newport, Rhode Island, she became a school-ship there. In assisting to get out the Constitution, the Maryland grounded on a sand-bank. The suspected captain was confined, and the vessel was put under the management of seamen and engineers from among the Massachusetts troops. The composition of this regiment was very remarkable. It contained men skilled in almost every trade and profession; and Major Winthrop, who went out with the New York Seventh Regiment, was nearly right when he said, that if the words were given, Poets, to the front I or Painters, present arms I or Sculptors, charge bayonets I there would be ample responses. There she lay helpless all that day and the next night, to the great discomfort of her passengers. Her water-casks were nearly emptied, and their provisions were almost exhausted. In the mean time Governor Hicks, who was in Annapolis, and still under the malign con
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 21: beginning of the War in Southeastern Virginia. (search)
506. battle at Big Bethel, 507. death of Major Winthrop, 508. death of Lieutenant Greble, 509. efive broad acres within the walls Major Theodore Winthrop, in the Atlantic Monthly.--had kept tepigram, prophetically wrote the brilliant Major Winthrop, of Butler's staff, who fell in battle a fUnion pickets. J. Bankhead Magruder. Major Winthrop, Butler's aid and military secretary, whos from the latter place. With Scott as guide, Winthrop reconnoitered these positions, and was satisfarming a black man in this war came from Theodore Winthrop. George Scott had a shooting-iron. In one of his last letters to a friend, Winthrop wrote:--If I come back safe, I will send you my notes attery in front of this assaulting party. Major Winthrop was with the Newport-Newce troops at this ceased to live. So, too, will the memory of Winthrop, the gentle, the brilliant, and the brave, beff the body of Lieutenant Greble, but that of Winthrop remained for a time with the insurgents. T[4 more...]
his front. Our balls, of course, buried themselves harmlessly in the Rebel earthworks; Pollard says: The only injury received from their artillery was the loss of a mule. while our men, though partially screened by woods and houses, were exposed to a deadly fire from the Rebels. For four hours, the action thus continued — necessarily with considerable loss on our side and very little on the other. Finally, a more determined assault was made by a part of our infantry, led by Major Theodore Winthrop, Aid to Gen. Butler, who was shot dead while standing on a log, cheering his men to the charge. His courage and conduct throughout the fight rendered him conspicuous to, and excited the admiration of; his enemies. Lieut. John T. Greble, of the 2d regular artillery, was likewise killed instantly by a ball through the head, while serving his gun in the face of the foe. Our total loss, in the advance and the attack, was hardly less than 100 men; while the Rebels reported theirs at 1
intrenchments, as Ayres and Griffin, having turned their left out of its works, bore down upon its renewed front, hurling all that remained of the enemy in disorderly flight westward; charged and pursued for miles by our cavalry until long after dark, and until our prisoners exceeded 5,000 ; while our total loss this day was but about 1,000. At this cost, Lee's right wing had been substantially demolished. Among our killed was Brig.-Gen. Fred'k Winthrop (Col. 9th N. York), cousin to Maj. Theo. Winthrop, killed at Big Bethel. Sheridan now directed Griffin to move eastward with two divisions of his infantry to Gravelly church, some miles toward Petersburg, thus reopening his communications with the rest of our army, while Griffin's own division (now Bartlett's) supported McKenzie's cavalry, which had pushed northward up the Ford road to Hatcher's run. And now, as darkness fell, by Grant's order, our guns in position before Petersburg opened from right to left, making the night l
Bethel. The attack on Great Bethel, it appears, was planned by the late Major Winthrop. The correspondent of the Boston Journal writes from Fortress Monroe: This literal copy of a private memorandum made by Theodore Winthrop early on the day preceding the fight, and from which, with very trifling alteration of form, the os I happen to know, having been present at the time, given by Gen. Butler to Mr. Winthrop. Be brave as you please, said the General, but run no risk. Be bold! Be bold! But be not too bold! shall be our motto, responded Winthrop. And upon instructions, of which these are the substance, the two expeditions started. The object This might have been accomplished, first, by turning it upon our right, as Mr. Winthrop was attempting to do when he fell. That attempt might have succeeded; to usaptain Levy, as nearly as I remember it: Had you had a hundred men as brave as Winthrop, and one to lead when he fell, I would be in Fortress Monroe a prisoner of war
Baton Rouge, 484-485; general orders regarding, 485-486; reference to, 864; at New Orleans, 876; death of, 482, 896-897. Williams College confers degree of Ll. D. on Butler, 976. Williamsburg, Union forces occupy, 617; colored cavalry at, 638; move under West to, 640. Wilmington expedition, 774, 779, 782, 830; blockade runners enter harbor, 849. Windmill Point, Hancock at, 686. Winans, Ross, 227, 229, 233, 235, 239. Winthrop, Robert C., appointed U. S. Senator, 116. Winthrop, Theodore, first meeting with, 201; story of march to Washington, 203; opinion of contraband story, 259; draws order attack Big Bethel, 267; killed at Big Bethel, 269-270. Wise, Brigadier-General, 678, 679, 685. Wise, Chief of Ordnance, 808. Wistar, Brigadier-General, sends force to Charles City Court-House, 618; attempts to surprise Richmond, 619-620. Woodbury, Judge, Levi, 117; the motion of, 1007. Wool, Maj.-Gen. John E., assigned to Fortress Monroe, 278, 281; receives report o
ng, not command, Leaned, weeping, on her olive wand. The other's brows were scarred and knit; His restless eyes were watch-fires lit, His hands for battle-gauntlets fit. “How long!” --I knew the voice of Peace, ”Is there no respite?--no release?-- When shall the hopeless quarrel cease? ”Oh Lord, how long!--One human soul Is more than any parchment scroll, Or any flag the winds unroll. ”What price was Ellsworth's, young and brave? How weigh the gift that Lyon gave? Or count the cost of Winthrop's grave? ”Oh brother! if thine eye can see, Tell how and when the end shall be-- What hope remains for thee or me.“ Then Freedom sternly said: ”I shun No strife nor pang beneath the sun, When human rights are staked and won. ”I knelt with Ziska's hunted flock; I watched in Toussaint's cell of rock; I walked with Sydney to the block. ”The moor of Marston felt my tread; Through Jersey snows the march I led; My voice Magenta's charges sped. ”But now, through weary day and
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