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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Jersey, (search)
his cousin Philip, the governor, who held a commission from Sir George. The insurgents called an assembly at Elizabethtown in the spring of 1672, formally deposed Philip Carteret, and elected James their governor. Philip, in the early summer, sailed for England and laid the matter before his superiors. He knew the administration of his cousin would be a chastisement of the people, as it proved to be, for he was utterly incompetent, and his conduct disgusted them. Before orders came from England the insurgents were ready to submit to Philip Carteret's deputy, Captain Berry (May, 1673), and James Carteret immediately sailed for Virginia. Philip Carteret returned next year as governor, made liberal concessions in the name of Sir George, and was quietly accepted by the people. Among the purchasers of a portion of New Jersey were John Fenwick and Edward Billinge, both of the Society of Friends. These men quarrelled with regard to their respective rights. The tenets of their sec
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Sweden, founding of (search)
r placed some cannon there. Samuel Argall, the governor of Virginia, drove them out in 1618; but King James I. gave them permission to remain, that their ships might obtain water there in their voyages to Brazil. From that time until 1623, when the West India Company obtained its charter, their trade with the Indians was conducted almost entirely on shipboard, and they made no attempts to build any house or fortress until 1629. Now, whether that was done with or without the permission of England, the town of New Amsterdam was built and fortified, as also the place Aurania, Orange, now called Albany, having since had three general-governors, one after the other. But that was not yet enough. They wished to extend their power to the river Delaware also, and erected on its shores two or three small forts, which were, however, soon after destroyed by the natives of the country. It now came in order for Sweden also to take part in this enterprise. William Usselinx, a Hollander, born
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Phillips, Wendell 1811-1884 (search)
abolitionists believe that this nation could be marshalled, one section against the other, in arms. But the secret is out. The weak point is discovered, Why does the London press lecture us like a school-master his seven-year-old boy? Why does England use a tone such as she has not used for half a century to any power? Because she knows us as she knows Mexico, as all Europe knows Austria—that we have the cancer concealed in our very vitals. Slavery, left where it is, after having created suwark after another around slavery, that he should have the influence of our common institutions. I know how we stand to-day, with the frowning cannon of the English fleet ready to be thrust out of the port-holes against us. But I can answer England with a better answer than William H. Seward can write. I can answer her with a more statesmanlike paper than Simon Cameron can indite. I would answer her with the stars and stripes floating over Charleston and New Orleans, and the itinerant ca
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Rambouillet decree. (search)
Rambouillet decree. Professing to be indignant at what seemed to be partiality shown to England by the Americans in their restrictive acts, Napoleon caused the seizure and confiscation of many American vessels and their cargoes. John Armstrong, then United States minister to France, remonstrated, and when he learned that several vessels were to be sold, he offered to the French government a vigorous protest, in which he recapitulated the many aggressions which American commerce had suffered from French cruisers. This remonstrance was answered by a decree framed at Rambouillet March 23, 1810, but not issued until May 1, that ordered the sale of 132 American vessels which had been seized, worth, with their cargoes, $8,000,000, the proceeds to be placed in the French military chest. It also ordered that all American vessels which should enter French ports, or ports occupied by French troops, should be seized and sequestered.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Rights of man, (search)
ht he saw, in the coolness of the President and others, a sign of decaying republicanism in America. The essays of Adams, entitled Discourses on Davila, disgusted him, and he believed that Adams, Hamilton, Jay, and others were plotting for the establishment of a monarchy in the United States. To thwart these fancied designs and to inculcate the doctrines of the French Revolution, Jefferson hastily printed in America, and circulated, Paine's Rights of man, which had just been received from England. It was originally dedicated to the President of the United States. It inculcated principles consonant with the feelings and opinions of the great body of the American people. The author sent fifty copies to Washington, who distributed them among his friends, but his official position admonished him to be prudently silent about the work, for it bore hard upon the British government. The American edition, issued from a Philadelphia press, contained a commendatory note from Mr. Jefferson,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Taylor, Zachary 1784- (search)
s deemed necessary by the President and Senate to the construction and security of the work. The thirty-fifth article of the treaty with Nicaragua negotiated by Mr. Squier, which is submitted for your advice in regard to its ratification, distinctly recognizes the rights of sovereignty and property which the state of Nicaragua possesses in and over the line of the canal therein provided for. If the Senate doubt on that subject, it will be clearly wrong to involve us in a controversy with England by adopting the treaty; but after the best consideration which I have been able to give to the subject, my own judgment is convinced that the claims of Nicaragua are just, and that as our commerce and intercourse with the Pacific require the opening of this communication from ocean to ocean, it is our duty to ourselves to assert their justice. This treaty is not intended to secure to the United States any monopoly or exclusive advantage in the use of the canal. Its object is to guarante
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tobacco, (search)
eral counties signed a petition to the governor to call a special session of the Assembly for that purpose. The governor, alarmed by symptoms of a new rebellion, did so (April 18); but that body proceeded no further than to petition the King to order a stint, or cessation, in Virginia, Maryland, and Carolina. The disappointed planters assembled, and in a riotous manner cut up the tobacco-plants extensively. They were prosecuted. Several of them were found guilty, and, under advice from England, some of them were executed — not for the act of cutting the plants alone, but for a, violation of a colonial act which pronounced the assembling of eight or more persons to destroy crops of any kind to be high treason. It was afterwards cultivated in other English-American colonies, and at the middle of the last century there were exported to England in three years 40,000,000 lbs., of which about onehalf was re-exported and the remainder consumed in England. The following shows the pro
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
issued......Oct. 18, 1854 Andrew H. Reeder, of Pennsylvania, appointed governor of Kansas by President Pierce......1854 Second session assembles......Dec. 4, 1854 Jesse D. Bright, of Indiana, elected president pro tem. of the Senate......Dec. 5, 1854 Congress assents to the cession by Massachusetts to New York of Boston corner, the southwesterly corner of Berkshire county, approved......Jan. 3, 1855 Annexation of the Sandwich Islands discussed in Congress (strongly opposed by England)......January, 1855 Panama Railroad completed; first train from ocean to ocean......Jan. 28, 1855 Rights of citizenship secured to children of citizens born in foreign territory by an act approved......Feb. 10, 1855 Grade of lieutenant-general by brevet revived by a resolution approved......Feb. 15, 1855 [This rank was immediately conferred upon Maj.-Gen. Winfield Scott.] Right of way granted to Hiram O. Alden and James Eddy for a line of telegraph from the Mississippi River
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maryland, (search)
act of recognition ......Oct. 26, 1654 Acts of the Assembly; one concerning religion, declaring that none who profess the Popish religion can be protected in the province by the laws of England. . .nor by the government of the commonwealth of England, etc., but to be restrained from the exercise thereof. One making void the declaration of Governor Stone requiring the people to acknowledge Lord Baltimore as absolute lord of the province......October, 1654 Governor Stone, hearing from England that Lord Baltimore still retained his patent, reassumes the government and organizes a military force in county of St. Mary's under Josias Fendall, who seizes the provincial records, which had been deposited in the house of Mr. Richard Preston, on the Patuxent, during the revolution in July, 1654, and also arms and ammunition which had been stored in the house......January, 1655 With 200 men and twelve vessels, Governor Stone proceeds by land and water against the Puritans of Anne Arund
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
inted governor of Canada......May 21, 1689 Jacob Leisler seizes Fort James......June 3, 1689 Leisler assumes command of New York......June 12, 1689 William and Mary proclaimed in New York......June 22, 1689 Lieutenant-Governor Nicholson leaves New York for England......June 24, 1689 Leisler summons a convention......June, 1689 Iroquois ravage the country about Montreal......Aug. 5, 1689 Leisler commissioned commander-in-chief by the Assembly, pending instructions from England......Aug. 16, 1689 Frontenac returns to Quebec from France......September, 1689 Henry Sloughter appointed governor of New York......Sept. 2, 1689 Leisler assumes the title of lieutenantgovernor......Dec. 10, 1689 Frontenac organizes three expeditions against the English: one against New York, the second against New England, and the third to ravage Maine......January, 1690 Party of 210, including eighty Indians, surprise and burn Schenectady, then the western frontier post of
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