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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wisconsin, (search)
and the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, reaches Prairie du Chien......Oct. 15, 1766 John Long, an English trader, visits Green Bay and Prairie du Chien......June, 1780 Bazil Girard, Augustin Angi, and Pierre Antaya settle Prairie du Chien......1781 Laurent Barth engages in the carrying trade at the portage from the Fox to the Wisconsin rivers......1793 Trading posts established at Kewaunee, Sheboygan, Manitowoc, and Milwaukee, by Jacques Vieau......1795 Western posts surrendered by England to the United States......June 1, 1796 Wisconsin included in the Territory of Indiana, created by act approved......May 7, 1800 Judge Charles Reaume appointed justice of the peace at Green Bay by Gov. William Henry Harrison, of Indiana.......1803 By treaty of St. Louis the united Sacs and Foxes cede to the United States land, a portion of which lies in southern Wisconsin......Nov. 3, 1804 Wisconsin included in the Territory of Illinois, created by act approved......Feb. 3, 180
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Washingtoniana. -1857 (search)
ring independence, and pushing the opposition to Great Britain to so perilous an extremity. In the preface it was stated that, when Fort Lee was evacuated, General Washington's servant was left behind sick; that in his possession was a small portmanteau belonging to the general, in which, among other things of trifling value, were the drafts of letters to Mrs. Washington, her son (John Parke Custis), and his manager at Mount Vernon, Lund Washington, and that these had been transmitted to England by an officer into whose hands they had fallen. This fiction was contrived to deceive the public into a belief of their genuineness. It is well known that Washington was not at Fort Lee at the time of the surprise and evacuation, and that no servant of his nor a particle of his baggage fell into the hands of the enemy during the war. The pamphlet was republished by Rivington, in New York, and extensively circulated by the Tories, to injure the commander-in-chief. The author of these spur
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wilkins, Isaac 1742-1830 (search)
Wilkins, Isaac 1742-1830 Clergyman; born in Withywood, Jamaica, W. I., Dec. 17, 1742; graduated at Columbia College in 1760; became a member of the New York colonial legislature in 1772. He supported England prior to the Revolutionary War, and owing to some political pamphlets which he wrote was forced by the Sons of Liberty to flee from the country in 1775. At the conclusion of the war he settled on Long Island, and afterwards studied theology, and was ordained in the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1801. He died in Westchester, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1830.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Winthrop, Robert Charles 1809-1894 (search)
iotism, which the great founders of our colonies and of our nations had so abundantly left them. But could I stop there? Could I hold out to them, as the results of a long life of observation and experience, nothing but the principles and examples of great men? Who and what are great men? Woe to the country, said Metternich to our own Ticknor, forty years ago, whose condition and institutions no longer produce great men to manage its affairs. The wily Austrian applied his remark to England at that day; but his woe—if it be woe—would have a wider range in our time, and leave hardly any land unreached. Certainly we hear it nowadays, at every turn, that never before has there been so striking a disproportion between supply and demand, as at this moment, the world over, in the commodity of great men. But who, and what, are great men? And now stand forth, says an eminent Swiss historian, who had completed a survey of the whole history of mankind, at the very moment when, as
troyed. The sensation produced among the British merchants, by the different cruises in the European sea, that have been recorded in this chapter, is stated in the diplomatic correspondence of the day to have been greater than that produced in the previous war by the squadron of the celebrated Thurot. Insurance rose to an enormous height, and in speaking of the cruise of Captain Wickes, in particular, Mr. Deane observes in one of his letters to Robert Morris, that it effectually alarmed England, prevented the great fair at Chester, occasioned insurance to rise, and even deterred the English merchants from shipping in English bottoms, at any rate, so that, in a few weeks, forty sail of French ships were loading in the Thames, on freight, an instance never known before. In the same letter the Commissioner adds: In a word, Conyngham, by his first and second bold expeditions, is become the terror of all the eastern coasts of England and Scotland, and is more dreaded than Thurot was
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 6 (search)
lly thinning both armies, and if we can only manage to make the enemy lose more than we do, we will win in the long run, but unfortunately, the offensive being forced on us, causes us to seek battle on the enemy's terms, and our losses are accordingly the greatest, except when they come out and attack, as recently, when they always get the worst of it. Headquarters army of the Potomac, August 28, 1864. I received this evening yours of the 26th. In it you acknowledge the receipt, per Mr. England, of my testimony before the court of inquiry. The sittings of the court have been interrupted by our recent movements, but to-morrow they are to be resumed, and I trust they will push matters to a close and come to some conclusion before they are again interrupted. I have written you of the fighting that has been going on for a week past. It has been quiet for the last two days. The enemy having left us in undisturbed possession of the railroad so long, our position is strengthened t
I, 205, 366, 367. Du Pont, A. F., I, 227. Du Pont, Henry, I, 9. Duvals, I, 9. Dwight, Gen., II, 281. E Early, Jubal A., I, 196; II, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 42, 45, 48, 50, 57, 60, 61, 69, 92, 93, 99, 100, 107, 222, 230. Eaton, Joseph H., I, 12. Ellicott, Col., I, 271. Ellis, Rudolph, I, 384. Ellis, Mrs. Thos. La R. (Appolline), I, 353. El Palo Alto, battle of, May 8, 1846, I, 78-80, 83, 84. Emory, Campbell D., II, 254, 273. Emory, Wm. H., I, 111. England, Mr., II, 225. Everett, Edward, I, 213; II, 249, 318, 319, 323. Ewell, Richard S., I, 196, 386; II, 16, 19, 24, 26-28, 31, 41, 42, 45, 48, 51, 57, 60, 61, 69, 90, 95, 99, 100, 102, 128, 131, 211, 270, 310, 327, 352, 353, 355, 373, 383, 384, 388. F Fairfax, Major, I, 389. Fairfax, Mrs., I, 389. Fair Oaks, battle of, May 31 to June 1, 1862, I, 271. Falls, Col., I, 302. Farias, Gomez, I, 190. Fassitt, J. B., II, 399. Faulkner, Charles J., II, 274. Featherstone, W. F
errible bloodshed and intolerable atrocities, it is obvious that the Northern and Southern combatants will treat each other as regular enemies, and observe, as far as possible, all the usages of war This, however, will take place without any recognition of the only ground on which such a claim could legally be based, the independence of the Southern Confederacy. It is a political question worth considering, whether such a de facto concession might not be made to the Southern authorities by England; an exemption from the liabilities of pirates, without acknowledging in them the belligerent rights, which would give them unnecessarily a title to interfere with our commerce, and raise a league of slaveholders to a place among the nations of the world. The recognition of belligerent rights in the South would render the relations of this country to either of the American combatants precisely similar to the relations which subsisted during the Crimean War between Prussia on the one hand, a
ys Mr. Clay. So on that point there is no more to be said. Can you reconstruct the Union when one-half of it has conquered the other? Nothing easier, says Mr. Clay. The victim of to-day will become the confederate of to-morrow: the traitor will be cast out, and the Union firmer than ever — witness the happy results of the conquest of Ireland by England, repeated over and over again, and always repeated in vain. Having answered the questions which he supposes to be addressed to him by England, Mr. Clay becomes the questioner, and asks us where our honor would place us in this contest. Clearly by the side of the Union, because, he says, if slavery be extended in America, it must be restored in the West Indies. If any one doubts the force of this demonstration we are sorry for it, for Mr. Clay has no other to offer. Our examiner next asks us to consider our interest. Clearly, he says, it is to stand by the Union, because they are our best customers, and because, though they ha
hmen from assisting to maintain in the United States constitutional order against conspiracy and rebellion, and tie cause of freedom against chattel slavery. The first effect of the proclamation, therefore, was to change the position in which England nd Englishmen stood to the United States, to the disadvantage of the latter. Before the proclamation, for an Englishman to serve the United States Government in maintaining its integrity was regarded honorable; after the proclamation such servi subtle glosses indulged in by the English press, have at all blinded the American people to the unfriendly character of this royal proclamation. The recognition of the independence of the Southern Confederacy is a matter in the discretion of England, and of all foreign nations. When this independence is established as a matter of fact we expect it to be recognized; but England does not so recognize it. She recognizes the confederacy as simply struggling for independence, as were the insurg
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