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Herring Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
nd shells came whistling over the plain. The shots were scattering, and seemed to be directed principally at the shipping. The troops were summoned to arms, but, as very little damage was done by the shells, the affair was soon turned to account as a joke. General J. E. B. Stuart for some days had been operating in the center of the Peninsula, and learning of the exposed position of McClellan's army on the James had hastened there and stationed his battery near Westover Church, across Herring Creek, north of the landing. A few shells from our gun-boats caused his guns to speedily shift their position, and General Nathan Kimball, of Shields's division (just arrived from the Shenandoah), advanced and cleared the field after some lively skirmishing. The army immediately took position on the high ground about Harrison's Landing, and went into camp on an intrenched line several miles in extent. The air was filled with rumors about future operations. To the soldiers McClellan was l
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
and 15 wounded.--G. L. K. Comparatively little damage was done. The next day a Union force was thrown across the river to seize Coggins's Point, where the elevated ground favored that style of attack on our camps. The army soon became restless for want of work, and there was great rejoicing at the prospect of a forward movement. On the 2d of August, Hooker marched a portion of his division to Malvern Hill, and on the 4th extended his advance to Charles City Cross-roads, near Glendale. But orders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third Corps embarked, on August 20th and 21st, for Aquia Creek and Alexandria; the Sixth (August 23d and 24th), and the Second (August 26th), and the Fourth for Alexandria, except Peck's division, which remained at Yorktown. Dummies and Quaker guns left in the works at Harrison's Landing on the evacuation by the Army of the Potomac. From a sketch made at the time.
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
ment. On the 2d of August, Hooker marched a portion of his division to Malvern Hill, and on the 4th extended his advance to Charles City Cross-roads, near Glendale. But orders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third Corps embarked, on August 20th and 21st, for Aquia Creek and Alexandria; the Sixth (August 23d and 24th), and the Second (August 26th), and the Fourth for Alexandria, except Peck's division, wrders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third Corps embarked, on August 20th and 21st, for Aquia Creek and Alexandria; the Sixth (August 23d and 24th), and the Second (August 26th), and the Fourth for Alexandria, except Peck's division, which remained at Yorktown. Dummies and Quaker guns left in the works at Harrison's Landing on the evacuation by the Army of the Potomac. From a sketch made at the time.
Glendale, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
re 10 killed and 15 wounded.--G. L. K. Comparatively little damage was done. The next day a Union force was thrown across the river to seize Coggins's Point, where the elevated ground favored that style of attack on our camps. The army soon became restless for want of work, and there was great rejoicing at the prospect of a forward movement. On the 2d of August, Hooker marched a portion of his division to Malvern Hill, and on the 4th extended his advance to Charles City Cross-roads, near Glendale. But orders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third Corps embarked, on August 20th and 21st, for Aquia Creek and Alexandria; the Sixth (August 23d and 24th), and the Second (August 26th), and the Fourth for Alexandria, except Peck's division, which remained at Yorktown. Dummies and Quaker guns left in the works at Harrison's Landing on the evacuation by the Army of the Potomac. From a sketch made
Quaker (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
and 15 wounded.--G. L. K. Comparatively little damage was done. The next day a Union force was thrown across the river to seize Coggins's Point, where the elevated ground favored that style of attack on our camps. The army soon became restless for want of work, and there was great rejoicing at the prospect of a forward movement. On the 2d of August, Hooker marched a portion of his division to Malvern Hill, and on the 4th extended his advance to Charles City Cross-roads, near Glendale. But orders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third Corps embarked, on August 20th and 21st, for Aquia Creek and Alexandria; the Sixth (August 23d and 24th), and the Second (August 26th), and the Fourth for Alexandria, except Peck's division, which remained at Yorktown. Dummies and Quaker guns left in the works at Harrison's Landing on the evacuation by the Army of the Potomac. From a sketch made at the time.
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
and 15 wounded.--G. L. K. Comparatively little damage was done. The next day a Union force was thrown across the river to seize Coggins's Point, where the elevated ground favored that style of attack on our camps. The army soon became restless for want of work, and there was great rejoicing at the prospect of a forward movement. On the 2d of August, Hooker marched a portion of his division to Malvern Hill, and on the 4th extended his advance to Charles City Cross-roads, near Glendale. But orders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third Corps embarked, on August 20th and 21st, for Aquia Creek and Alexandria; the Sixth (August 23d and 24th), and the Second (August 26th), and the Fourth for Alexandria, except Peck's division, which remained at Yorktown. Dummies and Quaker guns left in the works at Harrison's Landing on the evacuation by the Army of the Potomac. From a sketch made at the time.
Aquia Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
and 15 wounded.--G. L. K. Comparatively little damage was done. The next day a Union force was thrown across the river to seize Coggins's Point, where the elevated ground favored that style of attack on our camps. The army soon became restless for want of work, and there was great rejoicing at the prospect of a forward movement. On the 2d of August, Hooker marched a portion of his division to Malvern Hill, and on the 4th extended his advance to Charles City Cross-roads, near Glendale. But orders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third Corps embarked, on August 20th and 21st, for Aquia Creek and Alexandria; the Sixth (August 23d and 24th), and the Second (August 26th), and the Fourth for Alexandria, except Peck's division, which remained at Yorktown. Dummies and Quaker guns left in the works at Harrison's Landing on the evacuation by the Army of the Potomac. From a sketch made at the time.
Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
The Army of the Potomac at Harrison's Landing. by George L. Kilmer, Co. D, 27TH New York Volunteers. The withdrawal of General McClellan's army from Malvern Hill, a position that seemed to be impregnable, was a surprise to the men in the ranks, and for the first time in the campaign they became discouraged. During July 2d rain fell copiously, and when the columns arrived at Harrison's Landing the fields were soaked and the soil was quickly reduced to paste by the men and trains. The infan elevated ground favored that style of attack on our camps. The army soon became restless for want of work, and there was great rejoicing at the prospect of a forward movement. On the 2d of August, Hooker marched a portion of his division to Malvern Hill, and on the 4th extended his advance to Charles City Cross-roads, near Glendale. But orders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third Corps embarked, on A
Westover (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
report of Surgeon Jonathan Letterman, Medical Director (Vol. XI., Part I., Official Records, pp. 210-220), about 6000 sick were sent away soon after the army reached Harrison's Landing, over 12,000 remaining in camp. On July 30th, the report says, there were 12,000 sick with the army, and of these only 2000 were able to take the field. Fortunately the Sanitary Commission hastened to our relief with tents, food, medical supplies, and competent nurses. After the departure of Stuart from Westover, July 4th, the army did not see or hear the enemy, with a slight exception, until search was made for him toward Richmond early in August. The exception was on the night of Thursday, July 31st. About midnight the whole army was startled by a lively cannonade and by shells flying over the lines, some bursting within them. The troops turned out under arms, and it was soon discovered that a mild fusillade from across the James was being directed on the shipping and on the supply depots near
Coggin's Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.53
e from across the James was being directed on the shipping and on the supply depots near the camps. A Confederate force under General S. G. French had been sent out from the command of D. H. Hill, at Petersburg. General W. N. Pendleton reported that 1000 rounds were fired. The casualties in the Union camps, as reported by General McClellan, were 10 killed and 15 wounded.--G. L. K. Comparatively little damage was done. The next day a Union force was thrown across the river to seize Coggins's Point, where the elevated ground favored that style of attack on our camps. The army soon became restless for want of work, and there was great rejoicing at the prospect of a forward movement. On the 2d of August, Hooker marched a portion of his division to Malvern Hill, and on the 4th extended his advance to Charles City Cross-roads, near Glendale. But orders came to withdraw from the Peninsula, so we marched to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Newport News, and Fort Monroe. The Fifth and Third C
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