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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) 34 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1860., [Electronic resource].

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Zurich (Switzerland) (search for this): article 1
Republicanism in Europe. The Zurich correspondent of the New York Journal of Commerce refers to the little impression made upon the public mind of Europe by Mazzini's answer to the letter of Tumaleio, the new Dictator, In which he was requested voluntarily to leave the country. In that address Mazzini says: "I have made the greatest sacrifice which I ever could make, when out of love for freedom and concord I stopped the apostolate of my creed, and declared that I did acknowledge the monarchy, not from respect of ministers and monarchs, but for-the majority of the Italian people, ready to support it, if it would establish the unity of the country; and that, if once I should feel bound to raise against the old colors, I should publicly and candidly make it known to friends and foes, I cannot act otherwise. If lawful men, like you, believe my words, it is your duty to convince my adversaries that the intolerance which they exercise is the only cause of anarchy which at pres
Italy (Italy) (search for this): article 1
ted for Sicily. But as soon as Garibaldi's overthrow of the Neapolitan Government was an ascertained fact, the Sardinian Government took upon itself, with charming alacrity, the full responsibility of everything that was done; with singular modesty claimed the province for itself and the constitutional party, and with exquisite coolness denounced the real authors as agitators and disturbers of peace and order. King Victor Emanuel, for instance, says in his proclamation to the people of Southern Italy: "In the two Sicilies, the new order of things was instituted in my name; but some acts gave room to the apprehension that this policy, followed under my name, was not well interpreted; all Italy feared, that under protection of renowned popularity, of an antique honesty, a faction might gain strength, which would be able to sacrifice the triumph of nationality to the phantoms of their ambitious fanaticism." The cause of Republicanism has suffered a heavy blow in Italy, and d
operate. The money market is still very unsettled, and all parties are anxious for a speedy let-up of existing troubles. Sales in New York,Nov. 12th, of $13,000 Va. 6's at 86½; $15,000 do. at 87; $4,000 do. at 87, and $17,000 N. C. 6's at 93. Northern Markets--[by Telegraph.] Baltimore,Nov. 13.--Flour has declined 5 to 10 cents; Wheat 1 to 2; Corn has a downward tendency, and 1 cent lower. Provisions dull. Whiskey dull at 21 cents. New York,"11-13.>Nov. 13.--Cotton steady-- Orleans Middling 11½ Flour lower — Southern $5,60@ 5.90. Wheat 1@2 cents lower — Southern White $1,50; Western $1,58. Corn lower — Mixed 68 cts. Work heavy --Mess $18,95@19,12; new small lots $19,75. Whiskey dull and unsettled; holders asking 20½1@21. Sugars heavy — Muscovado 6@7. Coffee steady. Turpentine and Rosin dull. Rice firm--4 ¼@4 ¾.--There was a panic in Stocks this forenoon, but at the close there was a better feeling — New York Central's 70½, Virginia's 85. Mi
perate. The money market is still very unsettled, and all parties are anxious for a speedy let-up of existing troubles. Sales in New York,Nov. 12th, of $13,000 Va. 6's at 86½; $15,000 do. at 87; $4,000 do. at 87, and $17,000 N. C. 6's at 93. Northern Markets--[by Telegraph.] Baltimore,Nov. 13.--Flour has declined 5 to 10 cents; Wheat 1 to 2; Corn has a downward tendency, and 1 cent lower. Provisions dull. Whiskey dull at 21 cents. New York,"11-13.>Nov. 13.--Cotton steady-- Orleans Middling 11½ Flour lower — Southern $5,60@ 5.90. Wheat 1@2 cents lower — Southern White $1,50; Western $1,58. Corn lower — Mixed 68 cts. Work heavy --Mess $18,95@19,12; new small lots $19,75. Whiskey dull and unsettled; holders asking 20½1@21. Sugars heavy — Muscovado 6@7. Coffee steady. Turpentine and Rosin dull. Rice firm--4 ¼@4 ¾.--There was a panic in Stocks this forenoon, but at the close there was a better feeling — New York Central's 70½, Virginia's 85. Mi
November 13th (search for this): article 1
but there is no market for them except at very depressed rates. Sight bills on the North are selling at 1¼ per cent. discount, while in time bills there is scarcely any disposition to operate. The money market is still very unsettled, and all parties are anxious for a speedy let-up of existing troubles. Sales in New York,Nov. 12th, of $13,000 Va. 6's at 86½; $15,000 do. at 87; $4,000 do. at 87, and $17,000 N. C. 6's at 93. Northern Markets--[by Telegraph.] Baltimore,Nov. 13.--Flour has declined 5 to 10 cents; Wheat 1 to 2; Corn has a downward tendency, and 1 cent lower. Provisions dull. Whiskey dull at 21 cents. New York,"11-13.>Nov. 13.--Cotton steady-- Orleans Middling 11½ Flour lower — Southern $5,60@ 5.90. Wheat 1@2 cents lower — Southern White $1,50; Western $1,58. Corn lower — Mixed 68 cts. Work heavy --Mess $18,95@19,12; new small lots $19,75. Whiskey dull and unsettled; holders asking 20½1@21. Sugars heavy — Muscovado 6@7. Coffee steady.
p of existing troubles. Sales in New York,Nov. 12th, of $13,000 Va. 6's at 86½; $15,000 do. at 87; $4,000 do. at 87, and $17,000 N. C. 6's at 93. Northern Markets--[by Telegraph.] Baltimore,Nov. 13.--Flour has declined 5 to 10 cents; Wheat 1 to 2; Corn has a downward tendency, and 1 cent lower. Provisions dull. Whiskey dull at 21 cents. New York,"11-13.>Nov. 13.--Cotton steady-- Orleans Middling 11½ Flour lower — Southern $5,60@ 5.90. Wheat 1@2 cents lower — Southern White -- Orleans Middling 11½ Flour lower — Southern $5,60@ 5.90. Wheat 1@2 cents lower — Southern White $1,50; Western $1,58. Corn lower — Mixed 68 cts. Work heavy --Mess $18,95@19,12; new small lots $19,75. Whiskey dull and unsettled; holders asking 20½1@21. Sugars heavy — Muscovado 6@7. Coffee steady. Turpentine and Rosin dull. Rice firm--4 ¼@4 ¾.--There was a panic in Stocks this forenoon, but at the close there was a better feeling — New York Central's 70½, Virginia's 8
September, 11 AD (search for this): article 1
ments, and the proceeds of the crop will remain in the South, leaving the debt unpaid it was expected to meet. The political agitation in the South has now a financial bearing of unusual significance, and is brought closely home to every man having a note to pay. If the Cotton movement is to be made upon the basis of gold in hand before it leaves the control of the factor and planter, debtors may make up their minds to a tight money market and the losses it will inflict. New Orleans, Nov.9th.--The exchange market is almost at a stand. Bills on London are in free supply, but there is no market for them except at very depressed rates. Sight bills on the North are selling at 1¼ per cent. discount, while in time bills there is scarcely any disposition to operate. The money market is still very unsettled, and all parties are anxious for a speedy let-up of existing troubles. Sales in New York,Nov. 12th, of $13,000 Va. 6's at 86½; $15,000 do. at 87; $4,000 do. at 87, a
December, 11 AD (search for this): article 1
ht money market and the losses it will inflict. New Orleans, Nov.9th.--The exchange market is almost at a stand. Bills on London are in free supply, but there is no market for them except at very depressed rates. Sight bills on the North are selling at 1¼ per cent. discount, while in time bills there is scarcely any disposition to operate. The money market is still very unsettled, and all parties are anxious for a speedy let-up of existing troubles. Sales in New York,Nov. 12th, of $13,000 Va. 6's at 86½; $15,000 do. at 87; $4,000 do. at 87, and $17,000 N. C. 6's at 93. Northern Markets--[by Telegraph.] Baltimore,Nov. 13.--Flour has declined 5 to 10 cents; Wheat 1 to 2; Corn has a downward tendency, and 1 cent lower. Provisions dull. Whiskey dull at 21 cents. New York,"11-13.>Nov. 13.--Cotton steady-- Orleans Middling 11½ Flour lower — Southern $5,60@ 5.90. Wheat 1@2 cents lower — Southern White $1,50; Western $1,58. Corn lower — Mixed 68 cts. Wo
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 1
operate. The money market is still very unsettled, and all parties are anxious for a speedy let-up of existing troubles. Sales in New York,Nov. 12th, of $13,000 Va. 6's at 86½; $15,000 do. at 87; $4,000 do. at 87, and $17,000 N. C. 6's at 93. Northern Markets--[by Telegraph.] Baltimore,Nov. 13.--Flour has declined 5 to 10 cents; Wheat 1 to 2; Corn has a downward tendency, and 1 cent lower. Provisions dull. Whiskey dull at 21 cents. New York,"11-13.>Nov. 13.--Cotton steady-- Orleans Middling 11½ Flour lower — Southern $5,60@ 5.90. Wheat 1@2 cents lower — Southern White $1,50; Western $1,58. Corn lower — Mixed 68 cts. Work heavy --Mess $18,95@19,12; new small lots $19,75. Whiskey dull and unsettled; holders asking 20½1@21. Sugars heavy — Muscovado 6@7. Coffee steady. Turpentine and Rosin dull. Rice firm--4 ¼@4 ¾.--There was a panic in Stocks this forenoon, but at the close there was a better feeling — New York Central's 70½, Virginia's 85. Missouri<
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
e supply, but there is no market for them except at very depressed rates. Sight bills on the North are selling at 1¼ per cent. discount, while in time bills there is scarcely any disposition to operate. The money market is still very unsettled, and all parties are anxious for a speedy let-up of existing troubles. Sales in New York,Nov. 12th, of $13,000 Va. 6's at 86½; $15,000 do. at 87; $4,000 do. at 87, and $17,000 N. C. 6's at 93. Northern Markets--[by Telegraph.] Baltimore,Nov. 13.--Flour has declined 5 to 10 cents; Wheat 1 to 2; Corn has a downward tendency, and 1 cent lower. Provisions dull. Whiskey dull at 21 cents. New York,"11-13.>Nov. 13.--Cotton steady-- Orleans Middling 11½ Flour lower — Southern $5,60@ 5.90. Wheat 1@2 cents lower — Southern White $1,50; Western $1,58. Corn lower — Mixed 68 cts. Work heavy --Mess $18,95@19,12; new small lots $19,75. Whiskey dull and unsettled; holders asking 20½1@21. Sugars heavy — Muscovado 6@7. Coffe
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