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Browsing named entities in a specific section of T. Maccius Plautus, Aulularia, or The Concealed Treasure (ed. Henry Thomas Riley). Search the whole document.

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Macedon (Greece) (search for this): act 1, scene 2
e house away. For here in our house there's nothing else for thieves to gain, so filled is it with emptinessFilled is it with emptiness: The expression, "full of emptiness," is intended as a piece of wit on the part of the old woman. Perhaps Euclio would not have the spiders molested, because they were considered to bring good luck. and cobwebs. EUCLIO 'Tis a wonder that, for your sake, Jupiter doesn't now make me a King Philip, or a DariusPhilip, or a Darius: The names of Philip, King of Macedon, and Darius, King of Persia, as powerful and wealthy monarchs, would be likely to be well known to the writers of the new Greek Comedy, from whom Plautus borrowed most, if not all, of his plays., you hag of hags. I choose those cobwebs to be watched for me. I am poor, I confess it--I put up with it. What the Gods send, I endure. Go in-doors, shut to the door, I shall be there directly. Take you care not to let any strange person into the house. STAPHYLA What if any person asks for fire? EUC
Persia (Iran) (search for this): act 1, scene 2
r house there's nothing else for thieves to gain, so filled is it with emptinessFilled is it with emptiness: The expression, "full of emptiness," is intended as a piece of wit on the part of the old woman. Perhaps Euclio would not have the spiders molested, because they were considered to bring good luck. and cobwebs. EUCLIO 'Tis a wonder that, for your sake, Jupiter doesn't now make me a King Philip, or a DariusPhilip, or a Darius: The names of Philip, King of Macedon, and Darius, King of Persia, as powerful and wealthy monarchs, would be likely to be well known to the writers of the new Greek Comedy, from whom Plautus borrowed most, if not all, of his plays., you hag of hags. I choose those cobwebs to be watched for me. I am poor, I confess it--I put up with it. What the Gods send, I endure. Go in-doors, shut to the door, I shall be there directly. Take you care not to let any strange person into the house. STAPHYLA What if any person asks for fire? EUCLIO I wish it to be put out,
f our wardMaster of our ward: The "curiæ" at Rome were sub-divisions of the tribes originally made by Romulus, who divided the Ramnes, Titienses, and Luceres into thirty "curiæ." Each "curia" had its place for meeting and worship, which was also called "curia;" and was presided over by the "Curio," who is here called the "Magister curiæ," or "master of the ward." At first the Patricians and Equites had the sole influence in the "curiæ," and alone electee the "Curiones;" but after the year A.U.C. 544, the "Curio" was elected from the Patricians, after which period the political importance of the "curiæ" gradually declined, until they became mere bodies meeting for the performance of religious observances. Plautus probably alludes, in the present instance, to a dole, or distribution of money, made by the Greek Trittuarch among the poorer brethren of his trittu\v, or "tribus;" as in adapting a Greek play to the taste of a Roman audience, he very often mingles the customs of the one count