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on Roads, 67; fight with the Merrimac, 68 et seq., 78 et seq.; sinks, 81 Monroe, Fortress, 47 et seq., 52 Montauk, the, 216 et seq.; destroys the Nashville, 217 et seq. Morgan, Fort, 133, 139 Morris, Captain, 187 Morris, Lieutenant, 62 Nahant, the, 117 et seq. Nashville, the, fitted up, 215 et seq.; destroyed, 217 et seq. Nassau, port for blockaderun-ners, 36 et seq., 155 et seq. Navy, Confederate organization, etc., 21 Navy, Union organization, 1-21; condition of, in 1861, 232; close of war, 236 Navy Yard, Norfolk, 46 et seq.; abandoned, 52 et seq.; partly destroyed, 53 Neptune, the, 147 et seq. New Orleans, La., blockade at, 35, 46, 122 Newton, Isaac, Engineer of Monitor, 56, 58 Niagara, the, at Charleston, 34, 84, 121 et seq. Norfolk, Va., blockaded, 35, 46 et seq., 55, 71 et seq.; surrenders, 78 officers, naval, at commencement of war, 4 et seq. Oneida, the, 136 Oreto, the, 183 Owasco, the, 144, 144 (note) Palmetto State, th
Charles Francis Adams (search for this): chapter 13
Index. Adams, Charles Francis, 180, 190, 313 Alabama, the, 150; built, 190 et seq.; captures Ariel, 194; sinks the Hatteras, 195 et seq.; armament of, 206; fights Kearsarge, 207 et seq.; sunk, 212 Albemarle, the 97 et seq.; attempts made to destroy, 100 et seq.; destroyed, 104 et seq. Atlanta, the, in Wassaw Sound, 116 et seq. Bahia, neutrality of, violated, 187 Bailey, Commodore, Theodorus, commands East Gulf squadron, 123 et seq. Bankhead, Commander,commands Monitor, 79 et seq. Bayou City, the, 147 et seq. Beaufort, N. C., headquarters blockading squadron, 46, 94 Bell, Commodore Henry H., 141, 150 et seq. Bermuda, usefulness to blockaderunners, 37 et seq., 153 et seq. Blockade, its establishment, 27 et seq.; prizes taken during, 44; vessels destroyed during, 44; effect of, 44 et seq.; objects of, 83; Confederate view of, 88 et seq. Blockade-runners, 34 et seq.; decisions against, 38 et seq.; stratagems of, 38 et seq., 91; description and histor
Index. Adams, Charles Francis, 180, 190, 313 Alabama, the, 150; built, 190 et seq.; captures Ariel, 194; sinks the Hatteras, 195 et seq.; armament of, 206; fights Kearsarge, 207 et seq.; sunk, 212 Albemarle, the 97 et seq.; attempts made to destroy, 100 et seq.; destroyed, 104 et seq. Atlanta, the, in Wassaw Sound, 116 et seq. Bahia, neutrality of, violated, 187 Bailey, Commodore, Theodorus, commands East Gulf squadron, 123 et seq. Bankhead, Commander,commands Monitor, 79 et seq. Bayou City, the, 147 et seq. Beaufort, N. C., headquarters blockading squadron, 46, 94 Bell, Commodore Henry H., 141, 150 et seq. Bermuda, usefulness to blockaderunners, 37 et seq., 153 et seq. Blockade, its establishment, 27 et seq.; prizes taken during, 44; vessels destroyed during, 44; effect of, 44 et seq.; objects of, 83; Confederate view of, 88 et seq. Blockade-runners, 34 et seq.; decisions against, 38 et seq.; stratagems of, 38 et seq., 91; description and histo
Theodorus Bailey (search for this): chapter 13
Index. Adams, Charles Francis, 180, 190, 313 Alabama, the, 150; built, 190 et seq.; captures Ariel, 194; sinks the Hatteras, 195 et seq.; armament of, 206; fights Kearsarge, 207 et seq.; sunk, 212 Albemarle, the 97 et seq.; attempts made to destroy, 100 et seq.; destroyed, 104 et seq. Atlanta, the, in Wassaw Sound, 116 et seq. Bahia, neutrality of, violated, 187 Bailey, Commodore, Theodorus, commands East Gulf squadron, 123 et seq. Bankhead, Commander,commands Monitor, 79 et seq. Bayou City, the, 147 et seq. Beaufort, N. C., headquarters blockading squadron, 46, 94 Bell, Commodore Henry H., 141, 150 et seq. Bermuda, usefulness to blockaderunners, 37 et seq., 153 et seq. Blockade, its establishment, 27 et seq.; prizes taken during, 44; vessels destroyed during, 44; effect of, 44 et seq.; objects of, 83; Confederate view of, 88 et seq. Blockade-runners, 34 et seq.; decisions against, 38 et seq.; stratagems of, 38 et seq., 91; description and histor
Index. Adams, Charles Francis, 180, 190, 313 Alabama, the, 150; built, 190 et seq.; captures Ariel, 194; sinks the Hatteras, 195 et seq.; armament of, 206; fights Kearsarge, 207 et seq.; sunk, 212 Albemarle, the 97 et seq.; attempts made to destroy, 100 et seq.; destroyed, 104 et seq. Atlanta, the, in Wassaw Sound, 116 et seq. Bahia, neutrality of, violated, 187 Bailey, Commodore, Theodorus, commands East Gulf squadron, 123 et seq. Bankhead, Commander,commands Monitor, 79 et seq. Bayou City, the, 147 et seq. Beaufort, N. C., headquarters blockading squadron, 46, 94 Bell, Commodore Henry H., 141, 150 et seq. Bermuda, usefulness to blockaderunners, 37 et seq., 153 et seq. Blockade, its establishment, 27 et seq.; prizes taken during, 44; vessels destroyed during, 44; effect of, 44 et seq.; objects of, 83; Confederate view of, 88 et seq. Blockade-runners, 34 et seq.; decisions against, 38 et seq.; stratagems of, 38 et seq., 91; description and histo
Henry H. Bell (search for this): chapter 13
, 194; sinks the Hatteras, 195 et seq.; armament of, 206; fights Kearsarge, 207 et seq.; sunk, 212 Albemarle, the 97 et seq.; attempts made to destroy, 100 et seq.; destroyed, 104 et seq. Atlanta, the, in Wassaw Sound, 116 et seq. Bahia, neutrality of, violated, 187 Bailey, Commodore, Theodorus, commands East Gulf squadron, 123 et seq. Bankhead, Commander,commands Monitor, 79 et seq. Bayou City, the, 147 et seq. Beaufort, N. C., headquarters blockading squadron, 46, 94 Bell, Commodore Henry H., 141, 150 et seq. Bermuda, usefulness to blockaderunners, 37 et seq., 153 et seq. Blockade, its establishment, 27 et seq.; prizes taken during, 44; vessels destroyed during, 44; effect of, 44 et seq.; objects of, 83; Confederate view of, 88 et seq. Blockade-runners, 34 et seq.; decisions against, 38 et seq.; stratagems of, 38 et seq., 91; description and history of, 153 et seq. Blockading squadron, East Gulf, 123; difficulties of, 123 et seq. Blockading squa
John M. Brooke (search for this): chapter 13
decisions against, 38 et seq.; stratagems of, 38 et seq., 91; description and history of, 153 et seq. Blockading squadron, East Gulf, 123; difficulties of, 123 et seq. Blockading squadron, Gulf, 121 et seq. Blockading squadron, North Atlantic, 90 et seq. Blockading squadron, South Atlantic, 90, 105 et seq.; disposition of, 115, 116 Blockading squadron, West Gulf, 123 British Government, warlike preparations of, 180 et seq.; violation of neutrality by, 190, 200, 225 et seq. Brooke, Lieutenant John M., 22; restores Merrimac, 54 Brooklyn, the, 11, 121, 173 et seq., 195, 198 Buchanan, Captain, Franklin, commands Merrimac, 62; wounded, 68, 76 Cape Fear River, 91 et seq. Chaplin, Lieutenant, bravery of, 86 Charleston, S. C., blockade of, 34, 84 et seq., 87 et seq., 107 et seq.; attempts to raise blockade of, 109, 111 et seq., 158 et seq. Chicora, the, attempts to raise blockade of Charleston, 109 et seq. Clarence, the, 186 Clifton, the, 143, 144 (n
Franklin Buchanan (search for this): chapter 13
quadron, East Gulf, 123; difficulties of, 123 et seq. Blockading squadron, Gulf, 121 et seq. Blockading squadron, North Atlantic, 90 et seq. Blockading squadron, South Atlantic, 90, 105 et seq.; disposition of, 115, 116 Blockading squadron, West Gulf, 123 British Government, warlike preparations of, 180 et seq.; violation of neutrality by, 190, 200, 225 et seq. Brooke, Lieutenant John M., 22; restores Merrimac, 54 Brooklyn, the, 11, 121, 173 et seq., 195, 198 Buchanan, Captain, Franklin, commands Merrimac, 62; wounded, 68, 76 Cape Fear River, 91 et seq. Chaplin, Lieutenant, bravery of, 86 Charleston, S. C., blockade of, 34, 84 et seq., 87 et seq., 107 et seq.; attempts to raise blockade of, 109, 111 et seq., 158 et seq. Chicora, the, attempts to raise blockade of Charleston, 109 et seq. Clarence, the, 186 Clifton, the, 143, 144 (note), 146 et seq., 152 Collins, Commander, Napoleon, captures the Florida, 189; his act disavowed, 189 et seq.
Blockading squadron, North Atlantic, 90 et seq. Blockading squadron, South Atlantic, 90, 105 et seq.; disposition of, 115, 116 Blockading squadron, West Gulf, 123 British Government, warlike preparations of, 180 et seq.; violation of neutrality by, 190, 200, 225 et seq. Brooke, Lieutenant John M., 22; restores Merrimac, 54 Brooklyn, the, 11, 121, 173 et seq., 195, 198 Buchanan, Captain, Franklin, commands Merrimac, 62; wounded, 68, 76 Cape Fear River, 91 et seq. Chaplin, Lieutenant, bravery of, 86 Charleston, S. C., blockade of, 34, 84 et seq., 87 et seq., 107 et seq.; attempts to raise blockade of, 109, 111 et seq., 158 et seq. Chicora, the, attempts to raise blockade of Charleston, 109 et seq. Clarence, the, 186 Clifton, the, 143, 144 (note), 146 et seq., 152 Collins, Commander, Napoleon, captures the Florida, 189; his act disavowed, 189 et seq. Colorado, the, 121, 172 Confederate Government, naval policy of, 168 et seq.; its agents abroad
British Government, warlike preparations of, 180 et seq.; violation of neutrality by, 190, 200, 225 et seq. Brooke, Lieutenant John M., 22; restores Merrimac, 54 Brooklyn, the, 11, 121, 173 et seq., 195, 198 Buchanan, Captain, Franklin, commands Merrimac, 62; wounded, 68, 76 Cape Fear River, 91 et seq. Chaplin, Lieutenant, bravery of, 86 Charleston, S. C., blockade of, 34, 84 et seq., 87 et seq., 107 et seq.; attempts to raise blockade of, 109, 111 et seq., 158 et seq. Chicora, the, attempts to raise blockade of Charleston, 109 et seq. Clarence, the, 186 Clifton, the, 143, 144 (note), 146 et seq., 152 Collins, Commander, Napoleon, captures the Florida, 189; his act disavowed, 189 et seq. Colorado, the, 121, 172 Confederate Government, naval policy of, 168 et seq.; its agents abroad, 182 Congress, the, 60 et seq.; taken, 64; burned, 65 Craven, Commodore, commands Potomac flotilla, 87 et seq. Crocker, Acting Master, commands expedition to Sa
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