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Snowden Andrews (search for this): chapter 39
enemy to take a route which they had not proposed to follow, whilst the other force under Dahlgren was prevented from forming a junction with Kilpatrick by the interposition of my command between the two. This brought about the precipitate retreat of Dahlgren and his ultimate death, with the destruction of his command. I beg to express my great satisfaction at the conduct of officers and men. Colonel Cheek, who was in command of his detachment, displayed ability, gallantry and zeal. Major Andrews, of the Second North Carolina, also bore himself well, and gave assistance; while the artillery behaved admirably. I cannot close my report without expressing my appreciation of the conduct of Colonel Bradley T. Johnson and his gallant command. With a mere handful of men he met the enemy at Beaver Dam, and never lost sight of him until he had passed Tunstall's Station, hanging on his rear, striking him constantly, and displaying throughout the very highest qualities of a soldier. He
J. W. Atkinson (search for this): chapter 39
ies, and to send one section of Thornton's battery to the vicinity of the New Bridge, on the Nine-Mile road, and at the same time ordered the forces of Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Howard, commanding Second Division, Inner Line, and of Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Atkinson, commanding First Division, Inner Line, to be at the intersection of the Brooke turnpike, and Intermediate Line by daylight Tuesday morning. Lieutenant-Colonel Howard being ordered at the same time to double his guards, posted at thand his skirmishers advanced under cover of ditches and the neighboring houses to within two hundred (200) yards of our works, and annoyed our artillerists so much that, at the suggestion of Lieutenant-Colonel Howard, I ordered him and Lieutenant-Colonel Atkinson to detach a portion of their commands and drive them from their shelter. This was handsomely performed on the right by a volunteer force from Lieutenant-Colonel Howard's command, under First Lieutenant William M. Chaplain, Company B
e Second, with Hart's battery, to Mount Carmel Church. On the morning of the 1st March I joined the command and moved to Hanover Junction. Not hearing of the enemy here, proceeded to Hughes Cross Roads, deeming that an important point, and one at which he would be likely to cross. When the column arrived here, the camp-fires of the enemy could be seen in the direction of Atlee's Station, as well as to the right on the Telegraph or the Brooke road. I determined to strike at the party near Atlee's, and with that view moved down to the station, where we met the pickets of the enemy. I would not allow their fire to be returned, but quietly dismounted one hundred men, and supporting them with the cavalry, ordered Colonel Cheek to move steadily on the camp of the enemy, whilst two guns were opened on them at very short range. The attack was made with great gallantry; the men proving by their conduct that they were fully equal to the most difficult duty of soldiers—a night attack—in w
thouse with orders to come up to Dunkirk. I started for Dunkirk immediately; when within half a mile of the place, learned that the Yankees had swam the river at Aylett's, four miles below, when I returned and went to the Courthouse, having sent a dispatch to Captain Bagby, of the Home Guards, to keep me advised of the movements g & Queen. I immediately started with my company to meet him at Dunkirk, the only ferry at which a boat had been left on the river, but he secured a wood boat at Aylett's several miles lower down the river and crossed his men, swimming his horses. I pursued and attacked his rear, skirmishing with him for several miles, when I tuand horses could stand it. A little after sunrise the next morning we stopped awhile and took breakfast, and then rode all day long. When we got to a stream near Aylett's store, I think—that divided the counties of King William and King & Queen—we found a boat sunken, and when we attempted to cross, some Confederates, from the ot
Richard Hugh Bagby (search for this): chapter 39
d for Hon. A. H. Stephens by the late Rev. R. H. Bagby, D. D., who stood within a few feet of Colon Forty-Second Virginia battalion, seventy; Captain Bagby, Home Guards, twenty-five; Captain Todd, H the Courthouse, having sent a dispatch to Captain Bagby, of the Home Guards, to keep me advised ofSecond Virginia battalion, was present and Captain Bagby, Home Guard. I immediately took command opresent. They were afterwards captured by Captain Bagby. I cannot say by whom the place of ambushe statement of Mr. Halbach that of Rev. Richard Hugh Bagby, D. D., who commanded the Home Guard on ters were correct copies of the originals. Dr. Bagby wrote out his statement for Hon. A. H. Steph we have not yet been able to recover it. Dr. Bagby also promised to write out his narrative andine, and not forgeries. But, alas! Dr. Richard Hugh Bagby—one of the truest, bravest, purest, nor by Littlepage to Halbach, and were read by Dr. Bagby and others before there was any opportunity
J. P. Ballard (search for this): chapter 39
nd in the artillery duel that ensued, Captain Hankins several times drove the gunners of the enemy from their guns. Captain Rives's fire caused a large body of the enemy, massed between the Brooke turnpike and the Mill road, to seek shelter in the thick wood to the right of Brooke turnpike. The firing lasted about two hours, after which the enemy retreated towards the Meadow Bridge road. Later in the day, a small body of the enemy's cavalry made its appearance near the residence of Mr. J. P. Ballard, about three-fourths of a mile in front of one of my siege batteries on the Intermediate Line and Deep Run road, served by a detachment of twenty men of the Twentieth Virginia battalion, commanded by Second Lieutenant B. F. Holstead, of Company B, Twentieth Virginia battalion. After exchanging ten rounds, the enemy withdrew with no casualties on our side. In closing this report, I have the honor to express my gratification at the behavior both of the officers and men of this comman
R. Bartley (search for this): chapter 39
his officers. We first give a Federal account, by one of Dahlgren's staff, which appeared in the Detroit Free Press of March 11th, 1882. Statement of Lieutenant Bartley, of the United States signal corps. The expedition of General Kilpatrick and Colonel Ulric Dahlgren to Richmond in the spring of 1864 is, perhaps, leent such as no brutes should receive. If M. Quad's query, Who sacrificed Dahlgren? has not been satisfactorily answered yet, let some one else try his hand. R. Bartley, Signal Officer United States Army. On the above we make now only two comments: 1. We happened to be present at the time at Frederick's Hall depot, around wh is highly improbable that they would have been uninformed of any important purpose of the expedition when they were supposed to be on the verge of action. Lieutenant Bartley, the signal officer of the column, in a published letter December 29th, 1864, after giving an account of the treatment received when a prisoner, says:
have the honor to express my gratification at the behavior both of the officers and men of this command; the artillery was handled exceedingly well, and the infantry responded with alacrity to every call made upon them. I had about five hundred men engaged between the Brooke pike and the Mill road and six pieces of artillery. The enemy supposed to be between 3,000 and 3,500 men with five pieces of artillery. Lieutenant Hudgin, with four pieces of artillery, was ordered to report to General Barton on the Mechanicsville road, and one section from Hankins's and one from Rives's batteries were sent to report to General Lee, before the fire of the enemy on my front had ceased—they having left my command for the time, I have not traced their operations, though I have been informed that they were not elsewhere engaged. The loss of the enemy is not known, they being able, under cover of a dense fog, to carry away their killed and wounded. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, W
R. L. T. Beale (search for this): chapter 39
f our readers will turn to Vol. 3, Southern Historical so-Ciety papers, pp. 219-221, and read the paper of that gallant soldier, and high-toned gentleman, General R. L. T. Beale, then Colonel of the Ninth Virginia cavalry, he will find that he states that Lieutenant Pollard brought the papers to him together with a memorandum-book March 31, 1864. General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General: General,—I have the honor to enclose to you Colonel Dahlgren's note-book just sent me by Colonel Beale, commanding Ninth Virginia cavalry. Had I known of its existence, it would have been forwarded with the papers. His name and rank is written on the first p and were read by Dr. Bagby and others before there was any opportunity even if there had been any disposition to forge them. 3. They were carried direct to Colonel Beale, who read them and sent the papers by Lieutenant Pollard to Richmond, while retaining for some time the memorandum-book in which most of the papers were copied
Judah P. Benjamin (search for this): chapter 39
nce brought the papers first to me. Upon ascertaining their contents, I immediately took them to Mr. Davis. Admitted to his private office, I found no one but Mr. Benjamin, a member of his Cabinet, with him. The papers were handed him, and he read them aloud in our presence, making no comment save a laughing remark, when he came to the sentence, Jeff. Davis and Cabinet must be killed on the spot, That means you, Mr. Benjamin. By Mr. Davis's directions, I then carried them to General Cooper, the Adjutant-General of the army, to be filed in his office. I never saw them but once afterwards, when I took them out of the Adjutant-General's office to see if cilled during his raid on Richmond in 1864. The original of these instructions were sent to my office through the Engineer Bureau and General W. H. Stevens, by Mr. Benjamin, Secretary of State, for copy, and some fifty copies were made under my immediate supervision. You will perceive they are double fac-similes, the paper bein
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