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Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) 662 0 Browse Search
Sterling Price 356 10 Browse Search
Little Rock (Arkansas, United States) 356 6 Browse Search
Missouri (Missouri, United States) 310 0 Browse Search
John S. Marmaduke 220 10 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). Search the whole document.

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John C. Wright (search for this): chapter 11
addition Confederate. It was organized at Camden, Ark., in 1861, with the following officers: Col. James Gee, Lieut.-Col. John C. Wright, Maj. P. Lynch Lee, Benjamin W. Johnson, adjutant; Company A, Captain Proctor; Company B, Capt. H. Purefoy; Company C, Capt. John C. Wright (elected lieutenant-colonel in the reorganization; L. W. Matthews was elected captain of Company C); Company D, Capt. Frank Jordan; Company E, Captain Ferguson; Company F, Capt Alex. Byrne. Four of the companies were take made prisoners by the unconditional surrender. The men were sent to Camp Butler, the officers to Fort Warren. Lieut.-Col. John C. Wright made his escape, and returning to Arkansas, was elected colonel of cavalry in the service under General Hindmanchill, Rust, Dockery, Cabell, McNair, Beall; Colonels Fagan, Tappan, Hawthorn, Shaver, Crockett, Marmaduke, Provence, John C. Wright, Slemons, B. W. Johnson, Gaither. Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, after being relieved of the command of the district of
Felix K. Zollicoffer (search for this): chapter 11
ohnston, at Nashville, dispatched General Shaver that the enemy's cavalry was advancing upon his rear. This was made known to Gen. Dan Wood, of Alabama, who had taken command of the brigade on the retreat. General Wood refused to wait for the rear guard, and for this reason Colonel Shaver applied for and secured a transfer of the Seventh to Hindman's brigade. The regiment reached Nashville ten days after the fall of Fort Donelson, and went thence to Murfreesboro, where the remnants of Zollicoffer's command from Fishing creek had gone into camp. From Murfreesboro it went to Decatur and thence to Courtland, Ala., and went into camp at Corinth, Miss., to await the concentration there of an army to meet the Federal advance. It there rested from the exposure and fatigue of the retreat out of Kentucky. Then followed the battle of Shiloh, where General Shaver commanded the brigade under General Hindman. Colonel Shaver was born in Sullivan county, east Tennessee, and came to Arkansas i
... 90 91 92 93 94 95