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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ts enlightening the members of churches without the advice and consent of the pastors and regular ecclesiastical bodies. Mr. Garrison's part at the Ladies' Anti-Slavery Lib. 7.79, 90, 98; Right and Wrong, 1837, p. 32. Convention held at the same time with the American anniversary, and presided over by Mary Parker, was necessarily that of a spectator. But, among the seventy-one delegates, he renewed his acquaintance with the Grimke sisters, who had of right entered themselves as from South Carolina, rather than from their present home in Philadelphia. Before the year ended he was to meet them again, under circumstances of the greatest importance to himself and to the cause. At the New England Anti-Slavery Convention in June, which was studiously excluded from every church in Lib. 7.86. Boston save three—the Methodist Church in Church Lib. 7.91. Street, the Congregational in Salem Street, and (for a marvel) the Park-Street Church (Congregational)—the relation of the clergy to
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
lutions upon the final vote for concurrence. It is not probable that they will succeed, but our majority will be reduced. No Lib. 7.59. matter: the old Commonwealth of Massachusetts will do her duty in grand style, and pioneer the way for her sister States in the cause of emancipation. We shall secure this session, undoubtedly, the right of trial by jury to runaway slaves. This significant measure passed both houses almost without dissent (Lib. 7.65-67). A similar law was enacted in New Jersey shortly afterward (Lib. 7.94), but was rejected in Pennsylvania (Lib. 7.11, 47). After the middle of June, Mr. Garrison, for the better health of his family, removed again to Brooklyn, leaving his friend Oliver Johnson as sub-editor in charge of the Lib. 7.99; Ms. June 14, 1837. Liberator, but aiming to write regularly for the paper. Since the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society he had attended four others, to each of which a word must be given. One was the qua
Weymouth (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
y. The new bull would, in spite of the sermons by which Right and Wrong, 1837, pp. 50-57. it was immediately enforced, in all probability have fallen flat—such was the anti-slavery leaven in the churches—but for its speedy bolstering by an Appeal of Clerical Abolitionists on Anti-slavery Measures, published in the New England Spectator of August 2, and bearing the signatures of five clergymen, viz., Charles Fitch, Boston; David Sanford, Dorchester; Wm. M. Cornell, Quincy; Jonas Perkins, Weymouth; and Joseph H. Towne, Boston. The first and last alone were known for their anti-slavery connection; and, in the discussion to which the Appeal instantly gave rise, they had no Lib. 7.134. further support from their co-signataries. The authorship of the document was divided between them. Fitch was the pastor of the First Free Congregational Church, whose organization against clerical repression and in the interest of close anti-slavery communion has been Ante, 1.481. already mentioned.
Alton (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
had been murdered by a pro-slavery mob at Alton, Illinois. The Reign of Terror had continued withoettlement came news of popular disturbances at Alton directed against Lovejoy and his press, especie vindicated in either place. The violence at Alton was, indeed, actually preceded and begotten byard Coles, p. 190. amending the constitution. Alton, situated in the southern half of the State, o inflicted. The conduct, too, of the Mayor of Alton on the one occasion was but a little more reprThis comparison does injustice to the Mayor of Alton, whose sympathies at least were not with the mof the cost of reestablishing the Lib. 7.191. Alton Observer. On the other hand, the respectable dthe Ursuline Convent had been established. and Alton side by side with Otis and Hancock, with Quinctyred coadjutor and his unfaltering friends in Alton should have allowed any provocation, or person his fellowabolition-ists, upon the defence at Alton: 5. That in resorting to arms, in the la[3 more...]
Mary Newhall (search for this): chapter 3
st determine this matter. At the same date Sarah Grimke, from the hospitable home of Samuel Philbrick, Samuel Philbrick was born at Seabrook, N. H., in 1789. His parents, Joseph and Lois Philbrick, were Quakers; the father, a farmer, being a preacher in that denomination. His schooling was finished at the academy in Sandwich, Mass., and he began his business career in Lynn, after marrying in 1816 Eliza, only daughter of Edward and Abigail Southwick, of Danvers. His sympathy with Mary Newhall's New Light movement led to the sectarian disownment of himself and wife. As already noted (ante, 1.145), he was one of the earliest agents of Lundy's Genius. His admitting a colored child, in charitable training at his own home as a housemaid, to his pew in the First Congregational Church in Brookline (where he went to reside in 1830) was resented as a breach of decorum; and he separated from the church sooner than permit the girl to be relegated to the negro pew. He soon acquired a co
James L. Homer (search for this): chapter 3
ct of the State's representatives, and reaffirming the authority of Congress to abolish slavery in the District. The Massachusetts Senate followed with even stronger resolutions. Lib. 7.55, 59. We have had, writes Mr. Garrison to George W. Benson, Ms. April 3, 1837. and are yet having, lively times in our Legislature on the subject of slavery. You will see, by the last Liberator, how the question has been carried—in one branch by a vote of 378 to 16, Including, among the nays, James L. Homer, of the Commercial Gazette. in the other by a vote of 33 to none! This vote was on a substitute for the final House resolution, and pressed Congress to the early exercise of its power over the District (Lib. 7.55). in our favor, too! It is the most extraordinary change in political action, on a moral subject, in the annals of legislation. However, a strong effort is now making, by our enemies, to suppress all the resolutions upon the final vote for concurrence. It is not probable t
Washburne (search for this): chapter 3
onse of Faneuil Hall to the Alton riot was Northern resentment against a pro-slavery invasion, as it seemed. With more exactness, however, it may be said that Lovejoy was sacrificed on Southern soil. All the towns along the Mississippi were frequented by Southerners, often largely settled by them. Little more than a dozen years had elapsed since the strenuous exertions of Governor Edward Coles had barely defeated the attempt of the Southern element in Illinois to legalize slavery by Washburne's Sketch of Edward Coles, p. 190. amending the constitution. Alton, situated in the southern half of the State, opposite the slave-cursed shore of Missouri and not far from St. Louis, in intimate commercial relations with the cotton-growing districts, was, though owing its prosperity, and even a certain reputation for philanthropy, to Eastern settlers, predominantly Southern in tone. Southern divines helped to harden Tanner's Martyrdom of Lovejoy, p. 125. public sentiment against the fu
Elizur Wright (search for this): chapter 3
n himself alone, but upon William Goodell, Elizur Wright, and the host of abolitionists who had giv I have received a singular letter from Elizur Wright, Jr., in which he denounces my course in the from a letter which I have received from Elizur Wright, Jr., a letter the tone and temper of which aith his meat. It was about this time that Mr. Wright first made acquaintance with La Fontaine's Fies would be cashiered! If our dear bro. E. Wright can scribble in the foregoing strain, what hjust—witness that between Mr. Garrison and Elizur Wright, of which we have already had a fragment, e here another: Ante, p. 168. Elizur Wright, Jr., to W. L. Garrison. Anti-slavery Officearged Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine, which Mr. Wright edited with marked ability. On this head thAmerican, 3.57). Yours for the slave, E. Wright, Jr. An older friendship than that with ElElizur Wright began to totter after the appearance of the reply to the Spectator's libel on Mr. Garri[1 more...]
La Fontaine (search for this): chapter 3
ration of Sentiments—without broaching sentiments which are novel and shocking to the community, and which seem to me to have no logical sequence from the principles on which we are associated as abolitionists. I cannot but regard the taking hold of one great moral enterprise while another is in hand and but half achieved, as an outrage upon common sense, somewhat like that of the dog crossing the river with his meat. It was about this time that Mr. Wright first made acquaintance with La Fontaine's Fables, and began the metrical version of them which is today the best in the language (see the advertisement to the first edition, 1841). But you have seen fit to introduce to the public some novel views—I refer especially to your sentiments on government and religious perfection—and they have produced the effect which was to have been expected. And now, considering what stuff human nature is made of, is it to be wondered at that some honest-hearted, thoroughgoing abolitionists should<
John Brown (search for this): chapter 3
, will come too late. Our sins have gone up over our heads, and our iniquities unto the clouds, and a just God means to dash us in pieces as a potter's vessel is broken. Even as these lines were being penned, Lovejoy's fourth Tanner's Martyrdom of Lovejoy, p. 154. press was being secretly conveyed into a warehouse, guarded by volunteer citizens with their guns. On the night following, the tragedy occurred. No personal Nov. 7, 1837. incident of the anti-slavery struggle—the fate of John Brown excepted—made so profound an impression on the North as the murder of Lovejoy. We call it a murder, although the primary object of the riot was not his destruction but that of his press; just as we call him a martyr, though we are accustomed to associate more or less of passivity with martyrdom, and he fell while aggressively repelling with arms an armed mob. In both cases the terms are correctly used, as the circumstances conclusively show. Three presses had already been destroyed on th
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