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quantŭlus-cumque (or-cunque ), ăcumque, umcumque, adj.,
I.however small, how little soever (class.): “de hac meā, quantulacumque est, facultate quaeritis,Cic. de Or. 1, 30, 135: “adfectus quantulicumque sunt,Sen. Ep. 85, 8: “occasio,Juv. 13, 183: umor, Col. 2, 11, 7. — Neutr. as subst.: quantŭlumcumque , however small, however insignificant a thing: “quicumque eramus, et quantulumcumque dicebamus,Cic. Or. 30, 106.— “Separated: quantulum id cumque est,Cic. de Or. 2, 23, 97. — With gen.: “quantulumcunque aquae vel ciborum inest,Col. 8, 9.— Adv.: quantŭlumcun-quē , in however small a degree: “spem ejus, quae quantulumcunque restabat, comminuit,Val. Max. 1, 5, 6.
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