1 I.e. to the Romans.
2 Nero as propraetor held a command of lower grade. he was succeeded by Silanus; xx. 4. Livy follows authorities who placed Scipio's election to the chief command and his departure for Spain in 211 B.C. and the capture of New Carthage in 210. In XXVII. vii. 5 f., however, he mentions the opposing view, which would give 210 and 209 respectively for these dates, the now accepted chronology. Cf. note l. c.
3 To be so styled there was no requirement that a man should have been consul or even praetor; cf. XXIX. xiii. 7. Scipio's father and uncle had been consuls before they went out to Spain. for their fate cf. XXV. xxxiv. 11 ff.; xxxvi, 13f.
4 B.C. 211
5 He had distinguished himself at seventeen in the battle of the Ticinus; XXI. xlvi. 7 ff.; Polybius X. iii, 4 ff., who with a later date for his command in Spain makes him twenty —seven at this time (l.c. vi. 10). Cf. XXVII. vii. 5 and note. of course this Scipio had had no normal advancement.
6 But at least a year has elapsed.
7 B.C. 211
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