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Billings, John Shaw, 1839-

Surgeon and librarian; born in Switzerland county, Ind., April 12, 1839; was graduated at Miami University in 1857; was Demonstrator of Anatomy at the Medical College of Ohio in 1860-61; served in the medical department during the Civil War, rising to the rank of deputy surgeon-general in 1864. After the war he was on duty in the office of the surgeon-general in Washington till his retirement from the service in 1895. He was Professor of Hygiene in the University of Pennsylvania in 1893-96, and in the last year became director of the New York Public Library. He is a member of numerous scientific societies, both in the United States and in Europe. He has published Principles of Ventilation and heating; Index catalogue of the Library of the surgeon-general's office, United States army; National Medical dictionary, etc. [344]

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