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Appendix II: Bibliography

[This does not include detached poems or his youthful prose contributions, but begins with his first published volume.]


Elements of French Grammar. Translated from the French of C. F. L'Homond. Portland.

[Editor.] Manuel de Proverbes Dramatiques. Portland. With a long preface in French by the Editor.

[Editor.] Novelas Españolas. Portland. With an original preface in Spanish.


Origin and Progress of the French Language. Article in North Am. Rev., 32. 277. April.


Defence of Poetry. North Am. Rev., 34. 56. January.

History of the Italian Language and Dialects. North Am. Rev., 35. 283. October.

Syllabus de la Grammaire Italienne. Written in French. Boston.

[Editor.] Cours de Langue Francaise. Boston.

[Editor.] Saggi dea Novellieri Italiani d'ogni Secolo: Tratti daa piu celebri Scrittori, con brevi [304] Notizie intorno alla Vita di ciascheduno. Boston. With preface in Italian by the Editor.

Spanish Devotional and Moral Poetry. North Am. Rev., 34. 277. April.


Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique. A translation from the Spanish. Boston.

Spanish Language and Literature. North Am. Rev., 36. 316. April.

Old English Romances. North Am. Rev., 37. 374. October.


Outre-Mer; a Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. 2 vols. New York.


The Great Metropolis. North Am. Rev., 44. 461. April.

Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales. North Am. Rev., 45. 59. July.

Tegner's Frithiofs Saga. North Am. Rev., 45. 149. July.


Anglo-Saxon Literature. North Am. Rev. 47. 90. July.


Hyperion; a Romance. 2 vols. New York.

Voices of the Night. Cambridge.



The French Language in England. North Am. Rev., 51. 285. October.


Ballads and other Poems. Cambridge.


Poems on Slavery. Cambridge.


The Spanish Student. A Play in Three Acts. Cambridge.


[Editor.] The Waif: a Collection of Poems. Cambridge. With Proem by the Editor.

[Editor.] The Poets and Poetry of Europe. Philadelphia.

Poems. Illustrated. Philadelphia.


Poems. Popular Edition. New York.

The Belfry of Bruges, and other Poems. Boston.

[Editor.] The Estray: a Collection of Poems. Boston. With Proem by the Editor.


Evangeline: a Tale of Acadie. Boston.



Kavanagh: a Tale. Boston.


The Seaside and the Fireside. Boston.


The Golden Legend. Boston.


The Song of Hiawatha. Boston.


The Courtship of Miles Standish. Boston.


Tales of a Wayside Inn. Boston.


Flower-de-Luce. Boston. 1868. The New England Tragedies. Boston.


Dante's Divine Comedy. A Translation. Boston.


The Divine Tragedy. Boston.



Christus: a Mystery. Boston.

Three Books of Song. Boston.


Aftermath. Boston.


The Masque of Pandora, and other Poems. Boston.


[Editor.] Poems of Places. 31 vols. Boston.


Keramos, and other Poems. Boston.


Ultima Thule. Boston.


In the Harbor. Boston.


Michael Angelo. Boston.


A Complete Edition of Mr. Longfellow's Poetical and Prose Works, in 11 volumes, with introductions and notes, was published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston.

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