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1 صَهِبَ ذ , (Mgh, L, Msb, TA,) aor. صَهَبَ , (Msb,) inf. n. صَهَبٌ (Mgh, * L, Msb, TA) [and app. صُهُوبَةٌ also, and perhaps صُهْبَةٌ, q. v.], said of hair, [and of a camel's fur or hair,] It was, or became, such as is termed أَصْهَب, i. e., of the colour termed صُهْبَة; (Mgh, L, Msb, TA;) as also ↓ اصهبّ and ↓ اصهابّ . (L, TA.) -A2- See also صَاهِبْ. 4 اصهب ذ He (a stallion [meaning a stallion camel]) had young ones such as are termed صُهْب [pl. of أَصْهَبُ] born to him: (K:) or, accord. to the M and L, he (a man) had children such as are so termed born to him. (TA.) -A2- See also صَاهِبْ. 9 إِِصْهَبَّ and 11: see the first paragraph. صَهَبٌ ذ : see what next follows. صُهْبَةٌ ذ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ صُهُوبَةٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ صَهَبٌ , (A, Mgh, K,) [the last said in the L and Msb and TA to be an inf. n., (see 1,) and so may be each of the others, used as simple substs.,] Redness, (T, Mgh, Msb, K,) or [a redness such as is termed] شُقْرَة, (S, K,) in the hair (T, S, Mgh, Msb, K) of the head (T, S, Mgh) and of the beard, when the exterior is red, with blackness in the interior: (T, Mgh:) or a tinge of redness over the hair, the roots being black, so that the hair when anointed appears as though it were black: (As, TA:) or redness in blackness: (A:) or redness, of the hair, tinged over with blackness: or, as some say, redness of the whole of the hair. (TA.) صُهُوبَةٌ ذ : see the next preceding paragraph. صُهَابِىٌّ ذ , applied to a camel, i. q. أَصْهَبُ [q. v.]; (S, K;) and its fem., with ة, is syn. with صَهْبَآءُ [fem. of أَصْهَبُ]: or a camel of which the origin is referred to a certain stallion, or a place, named صُهَابٌ: (S, K:) or, if not used as a prefixed noun, it means sprung from a stallion named صُهَابٌ: Tarafeh uses the fem. as a prefixed noun in the phrase صُهَابِيَّةُ العُثْنُونِ [A she-camel of the colour termed صُهْبَة in the long hairs beneath the lower jaw]: (T, TA:) but Himyán [without using it as a prefixed noun] says, “ يُطِيرُ عَنْهَا الوَبَرَ الصُّهَابِجَا
” [Making to fly from her, or it makes to fly from her, the fur of the colour termed صُهْبَة]; meaning الصُّهَابِىَّ; contracting it, and changing the ى into ج: and El-'Ajjáj applies صُهَابِىّ in a similar manner, as an epithet, to a camel's lip. (TA.) ― -b2- Also Full, or complete, without lack or defect. (K.) ― -b3- And applied to camels (نَعَمٌ) as meaning From which the poor-rate has not been taken; (K, TA;) they being left complete, without lack or deficiency. (TA.) ― -b4- And, applied to a man, (K, TA,) Low, ignoble, or mean; (TA;) for whom, or to whom, there is no دِيوَان [or register of the names of pensioners or the like]. (K, TA.) ― -b5- And Hard, strong, vehement, or violent. (A, K.) Hence, مَوْتٌ صُهَابِىٌّ (tropical:) A hard, or violent, death; like مَوْتٌ أَحْمَرُ. (A, TA.) صَاهِبْ ذاِصْهَبْ , (O,) or صَاهِبْأَصْهِبْ , (so in a copy of the K, in the CK اَصْهَبْ صَاهِبْ,) a call to ewes to be milked: (O, K:) it [i. e. صاهب] is a name for Ewes: (O:) in one copy of the K, a call to the stallion [meaning the stallion camel] on the occasion of covering. (TA.) صَيْهَبٌ ذ A hard place: (Sh, K:) pl. صَيَاهِبُ. (Sh, TA.) Level ground: (K:) so some say: (Sh, TA:) pl. as above: (TA:) or ضَيْهَبٌ has this meaning. (O.) Any place, (K,) or any high, or rugged, or high and rugged, ground, or place of a mountain, (O,) upon which the sun is vehemently hot so that flesh-meat is broiled upon it: (O, K:) Lth assigns this meaning to ضَيْهَبٌ; but AM says that the right word is صَيْهَبٌ. (TA in art. ضهب.) And A hard rock: and stones: (K:) [or] by stones are here meant hard rocks: (O:) [but] this is a meaning of the pl. صَيَاهِبُ. (JK.) ― -b2- A hard, or strong, camel; fem. with ة: likened to the stones so called. (T, O, TA.) ― -b3- ― -b4- And A tall man. (K.) ― -b5- And A hot day: (K:) or a day intensely hot: (O, TA:) and so صَيْهَدٌ. (TA.) ― -b6- And Intenseness of heat: (K:) so on the authority of IAar alone; others explaining it as an epithet. (TA.) أَصْهَبُ ذ , applied to hair, (A, TA,) [and to camel's fur or hair,] and to a man, (S,) and to a camel, (A,) or to a male [of mankind and of camels], (Mgh, Msb,) fem. صَهْبَآءُ: (A, Mgh, Msb:) pl. صُهْبٌ: (S, A, Msb, K:) Of the colour termed صُهْبَة [expl. above]: (S, A, Mgh, Msb:) as some say, (TA,) applied to hair, it means having redness intermixed with its whiteness: (K, TA:) accord. to As, it is nearly the same as أَصْبَحُ: (TA:) applied to a camel, having redness intermixed with his whiteness, the upper part of the fur being red, and the inner parts white: (S:) or not having the inner parts [of the fur] intensely white, the flanks and sides having somewhat of whiteness; the اصهب being less white than what is termed آدَمُ, having a dusky hue in the upper parts and a whiteness in the lower parts: (T, TA:) or not intensely white: (K:) or, accord. to IAar, white: and he says that the صُهْب and أُدْم were called by the Arabs “ the Kureysh of camels, ” i. e. the most noble, and the best, as Kureysh were considered by them the best of them; also, that صُهْبَة was said to be the most famous and the best of colours, and that a she-camel of that colour was said to be the most swift of all: [see also أَحْمَرُ as applied to a camel:] but accord. to As, آدَمُ applied to a camel signifies white; and أَصْهَبُ, white intermixed with redness: (TA:) [see also صُهَابِىٌّ:] the dim. is ↓ أُصَيْهِبُ . (Msb.) ― -b2- صُهْبُ السِّبَالِ [lit. Persons red, or reddish, &c., in respect of the mustaches, &c.,] is a designation of (tropical:) enemies; and is applied to them even if not really صُهْبُ السِّبَالِ: (As, S, A, * L, K:) originally applied to the Greeks (الرُّوم), because redness of the hair was [common] among them, and they were enemies of the Arabs: (S, L, TA:) applied to others, it designates them as being as great enemies as the Greeks. (TA.) ― -b3- الأَصْهَبُ is an appellation of The lion: (K:) because of his colour. (TA.) ― -b4- And [for the same reason] أَصْهَبُ is a designation of The male ostrich. (L, TA.) ― -b5- Hence also (S, TA) الصَّهْبَآءُ signifies Wine: (S, K:) or wine expressed from white grapes: (K:) used in this sense as a proper name: (AHn, K:) but also used without the article ال; being originally an epithet. (TA.) ― -b6- يَوْمٌ أَصْهَبُ (tropical:) A cold day: (K:) or a day intensely cold. (A, TA.) أُصَيْهِبُ ذ dim. of أَصْهَبُ, q. v. (Msb.) مُصَهَّبٌ ذ (tropical:) Flesh-meat mixed with fat. (A, TA.) ― -b2- (assumed tropical:) What is termed صَفِيف [here app. meaning cut into strips or slices, and laid upon live coals, or upon rocky ground vehemently heated by the sun (see صَيْهَبٌ)], (O, K, and so in a copy of the S, in some copies of the K غَلِيظ, and in one copy ضَعِيف,) of roast flesh-meat. (S, O, K.) ― -b3- And Wild animals (وَحْش) [of various kinds or species] mixed together. (O, K, and in one of my copies of the S.)

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