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2 صنّفهُ ذ , (M, K,) inf. n. تَصْنِيفٌ, (S, M, O, K,) He assorted it; i. e. made it into, or disposed it in, sorts, or species; (S, O, K;) and separated, or distinguished, its several parts or portions or constituents, one from another: (S, M, O, K:) التَّصْنِيفُ is the separating, or distinguishing, of things, one from another. (Msb.) ― -b2- And hence, (Z, Msb, * TA,) تَصْنِيفُ الكُتُبِ (Z, TA) or الكِتَابِ: (Msb:) you say, صنّف الكِتَابَ, inf. n. as above, He composed the book. (MA.) -A2- صنّفت العِضَاهُ The [trees called] عضاه became green: (M:) and صنّف الشَّجَرُ the trees put forth their leaves: (O, K: [and the like is said in the Msb:]) AHn says that this signifies the trees began to leaf, so that they were of two sorts, one sort that had leaved and one sort that had not leaved; but this is not a valid saying; and in like manner ↓ تصنّف : (M:) accord. to the A, both signify the trees became of different sorts; and in like manner النَّبَاتُ [the plants, or herbage]: (TA:) and صنّف الثَّمَرُ, inf. n. as above, signifies the fruits became so that some of them were ripe exclusively of others, and some of them coloured exclusively of others: (Msb:) and الأَرْطَىتصنّف , and النَّبْتُ, the [trees called] ارطى, and the plants, or herbage, broke forth to leaf. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) 'ObeydAlláh Ibn-Keys-er-Rukeiyát says, “ سَقْيًا لِحُلْوَانَ ذِى الكُرُومِ وَمَا
صَنَّفَ مِنْ تِينِهِ وَمِنْ عِنَبِهْ
” [May there be a sending down of rain to Hulwán, the possessor of vines, and of such as have put forth their leaves, of the fig-trees and the grape-vines thereof]: (O, K:) it is said in the K that the verb in this verse is thus, from صنّف الشَّجَرُ, not from صنّفهُ; and that J has erred in the reading that he has given; for the reading given by J, who ascribes this verse to Ibn-Ahmar, is صُنِّفَ; but this is the reading of Fr, [as is said in the O,] and both readings are correct; and of the latter, [accord. to which the meaning is, and of such as have been made to consist of various sorts or species, of the fig-trees and the grape-vines thereof,] MF says, it is that which the case requires, the commendation being for the abundance and variety of the fruits of the trees, rather than for the trees putting forth their leaves. (TA.) 5 تَصَنَّفَ see above, in two places. ― -b2- One says also, تصنّفت شَفَتُهُ His lip became chapped. (Ibn- 'Abbád, O, K.) And تصنّف سَاقُ النَّعَامَةِ The shank of the ostrich became chapped. (TA.) صَنْفٌ ذ : see what next follows. صِنْفٌ ذ and ↓ صَنْفٌ A sort, or species, (Lth, S, M, O, Msb, K,) of a thing, (M, TA,) or of things, (Lth, TA,) as, for instance, of householdgoods, or furniture and utensils: (TA:) [a term subordinate to جِنْسٌ:] and a part, or portion, or constituent, of anything: (Lth, Msb, TA:) pl. (of the former, Msb) أَصْنَافٌ and (of the latter, Msb) صُنُوفٌ. (M, O, Msb, K.) ― -b2- Also the former, i. q. صِفَةٌ [meaning A quality, an attribute, a property; or a description, as meaning the aggregate of the qualities or attributes or properties, of a thing, or the state, condition, or case, of a thing]. (M, K.) ― -b3- See also صَنِفَةٌ. صَنِفٌ ذ : see the next paragraph. صِنْفَةٌ ذ : see the next paragraph. صَنِفَةٌ ذ (S, M, O, K) and ↓ صِنْفَةٌ and ↓ صِنْفٌ , (Sh, O, K,) the first of which is the most chaste, (O, TA,) of a waist-wrapper (إِِزَار), (S, M,) or of a garment, (O, K,) The طُرَّة thereof, i. e. (S, O) the side thereof that has no fringe of unwoven threads: (S, O, K:) or (M, K) its طُرَّة [or border] (M) upon which is the fringe consisting of unwoven threads: (M, K:) or any border, or side, thereof: (S, M, O, K:) accord. to IDrd, it is, with the lexicologists, the side (حَاشِيَة) of a garment; and with others, the part in which is the fringe of unwoven threads: (O:) and the corner of a garment: the pl. of صَنِفَةٌ is صَنِفَاتٌ and [coll. gen. n.] ↓ صَنِفٌ . (M.) ― -b2- صَنِفَاتٌ, as used by a poet describing the سَرَاب [or mirage], means, accord. to Th, (tropical:) The sides, or borders, of the سراب; the سراب being likened by him to a [garment such as is called] مُلَآءَة. (M.) ― -b3- And صَنِفَةٌ signifies also (assumed tropical:) A portion of a قَبِيلَة [or tribe]. (Sh, TA.) عُودٌ صَنْفِىٌّ ذ A species, or sort, of عُودُ الطِّيبِ [i. e. aloes-wood] not of good quality: (M:) or one of the worst kinds of عُود, (O, K,) little differing from خَشَب [i. e. wood used in carpentry and the like]: (O:) or inferior to the قَمَارِىّ and superior to the قَاقُلِّىّ: (K:) used for fumigating therewith: (TA:) so called in relation to a place [the situation of which I am unable to determine with certainty: see, respecting it, note 12 to ch. xx. of my Translation of the Thousand and One Nights]. (S, O.) أَصْنَفُ ذ , (O, K,) or أَصْنَفُ السَّاقَيْنِ, (M,) A male ostrich having his shanks excoriated: (M, O, K:) pl. صُنْفٌ. (K.) تَصْنِيفٌ ذ inf. n. of 2 [q. v.]. ― -b2- [As a subst., A literary composition; as also ↓ مُصَنَّفٌ : pl. of the former تَصَانِيفُ; and of the latter مُصَنَّفَاتٌ.] أَصْنَافٌ مُصَنَّفَةٌ ذ [Sorts, or species, separated, or distinguished, one from another; distributed, or classified;] is a phrase similar to أَبْوَابٌ مُبَوَّبَةٌ. (S in art. بوب.) ― -b2- See also تَصْنِيفٌ. مُصَنِّفٌ ذ [A literary composer; an author of a book or books]. ― -b2- شَجَرٌ مُصَنِّفٌ, (Z, O, K, TA,) [in the CK مُصَنَّف, which is wrong, for it is] like مُحَدِّثٌ, (TA,) Trees among which are two sorts, dry and fresh: (O, K:) or, accord. to Z, trees varying in colours and fruits. (TA.)

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