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1 صَهَلَ ذ , said of a horse, aor. صَهِلَ (S, O, Msb, K) and صَهَلَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. صَهِيلٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) [and تَصْهَالٌ is an intensive inf. n., (see صَهِيلٌ below,)] He neighed; lit. uttered his voice; or voiced. (S, O, K.) 6 تَصَاهَلَتِ الخَيْلُ ذ The horses neighed, one to another. See an ex. in a verse cited voce رُودٌ, where تَصَاهَلْ occurs for تَتَصَاهَلْ.] صَهْلٌ ذ : see the next paragraph, in two places. صَهَلٌ ذ A voice with hoarseness, roughness, harshness, or gruffness; [this is app. correct, or nearly so; but what follows I think evidently wrong; and probably taken from a copy of the O, in this instance incorrect;] like ↓ صَهْلٌ : and صَهْلٌ is syn. with صَحْلٌ: (K accord. to the CK and TA: [to which is added in the TA, i. e. hoarseness, roughness, harshness, or gruffness, in the voice:]) or syn. with صَحَلٌ: (so in my MS. copy of the K:) [the explanation given by Sgh appears to be correctly as follows:] one says, فِى صَوْتِهِ صَهَلٌ and صَحَلٌ, i. e. [In his voice is] sharpness and hardness: it is said in a trad. of Umm-Maabad, فِى صَوْتِهِ صَهَلٌ or صَحَلٌ, accord. to different relations: and A'Obeyd says that الصَّهَلُ is like البَحَحُ [i. e. hoarseness, &c.], not intense, but pleasing. (Thus I find in the O.) [It is said in Har p. 646 that الصحل and ↓ الصهل signify المَآء القليل: but I think that this has been taken from some commentator who had found الصحل and الصهل erroneously written for الضَّحْلُ and الضَّهْلُ, with ض.] صَهَالٌ ذ : see the next paragraph. صَهِيلٌ ذ [an inf. n., see 1,] and ↓ صُهَالٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ صَاهِلَةٌ , of which the pl. is صَوَاهِلُ, (O, K,) and ↓ تَصْهَالٌ , [which last is an intensive inf. n.,] (O,) The neighing or neigh, lit. the voicing or voice, of the horse: (S, O, K:) similar to نَهِيقٌ and نُهَاقٌ (S, TA) in relation to the ass. (TA.) أَهْلُ صَهِيلٍ وَأَطِيطٍ means Possessors of horses and of camels: (TA in art. اط:) it is said in a trad. of Umm-Zara, فَجَعَلَنِى فِى أَهْلِ صَهِيلٍ وَأَطِيطٍ [And he set me among possessors of horses and of camels]: (O, TA:) she meant that she was among people of little property, and he transferred her to people of much wealth; for the possessors of horses and of camels are more [rich] than the possessors of sheep or goats. (TA in the present art.) صَهَّالٌ ذ Neighing, lit. uttering his voice; [or rather that neighs much or often;] an epithet applied to a horse; (JK, * S, Msb, * K;) and so ↓ صَاهِلٌ and ↓ ذُو صَاهِلٍ . (JK. [But these two I find not elsewhere in this sense.]) ― -b2- [Hence,] بَنَاتُ صَهَّالٍ Horses. (TA in art. بنى. [It should be observed that بَنَات applied to irrational beings is pl. of اِبْنٌ as well as of اِبْنَةٌ.]) صَاهِلٌ ذ and ذُو صَاهِلٍ: see صَهَّالٌ. ― -b2- صَاهِلٌ applied to a he-camel signifies That strikes, or beats, (O, K,) with his fore leg and his hind leg, (K,) and bites, and does not ever utter a grumbling cry, in consequence of his disdainfulness, (O, K,) but whose inside makes a confused and continued, or rumbling, sound, (K, TA,) by reason of his disdainfulness: (TA:) so expl. by Lth: one says جَمَلٌ صَاهِلٌ and ذُو صَاهِلٍ: (O, TA:) and نَاقَةٌ ذَاتُ صَاهِلٍ (O, K) and بِهَا صَاهِلٌ: (O, TA:) or ذُو صَاهِلٍ signifies a stallion camel excited by lust, assaulting [the she-camels], and causing a sound to be heard from his inside; as also ذُو شَاهِقٍ. (TA in art. شهق.) And ذُو صَاهِلٍ applied to a man, (assumed tropical:) Vehement in springing or rushing, or in assaulting or attacking, and in excitement or provocation: (M, K, TA:) or a man whose anger is vehement; as also ذُو شَاهِقٍ. (TA in art. شهق.) [ صَيْهَلٌ ذ is expl. by Reiske as signifying Firma ac tenax durities: so says Freytag: but I find not any authority for this.] صَاهِلَةٌ ذ : see صَهِيلٌ: and see also ثُغَآءٌ, in art. ثغو. ― -b2- Its pl., صَوَاهِلُ, is also applied (by the poet Aboo-Zubeyd Et-Tá-ee, O, TA) to The sounds of مَسَاحٍ [i. e. iron shovels or spades]. (O, K.) Also (by the poet Temeem Ibn-Abee-Mukbil, O, TA) to The sounds of flies among herbage; (O, K;) app. meaning the humming or buzzing, [sounds] of their flying. (O, TA.) تَصْهَالٌ ذ : see صَهِيلٌ.

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