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1 لَهَدَهُ ذ , (aor. لَهَدَ , L, K, inf. n. لَهْدٌ, L,) It (a load) oppressed him, (a camel, L,) by its weight, (S, L, K,) and squeezed him: (L:) it (a heavy load) squeezed it, (namely, a camel's back or side,) or bruised it so that it swelled, and became galled: in which case, a hollow is made at the proper place in the stuffed lining of the saddle, to prevent farther injury. (L.) ― -b2- لَهَدَ He jaded his beast of carriage, and rendered it emaciated, or lean, by journeying upon it. (S, L, K.) ― -b3- لَهَدَهُ, aor. لَهَدَ , L, K, inf. n. لَهْدٌ, L, and لَهْدَةٌ; Kr;) and ↓ لهّدهُ , (inf. n. تَلْهِيدٌ; TA;) but the latter denotes frequency of the action; (S, L;) He pushed, pushed away, or repelled, him: or pushed him violently upon the chest: (L:) or he pushed him, pushed him away, or repelled him, on account of his baseness, or despicableness: (S, L, K:) or he struck him in the breasts, (L,) or in the bases of the breasts, (K,) and in the bases of the shoulder-blades: (L, K:) or he pressed, or squeezed, him; syn. غَمَزَهُ. (L, K.) 2 لَهَّدَ see 1. 4 الهد بِهِ ذ He instigated against him; and aided against him; and acted wrongfully, or injuriously, towards him. (JK.) ― -b2- الهد He did, or acted, wrong, wrongfully, unjustly, or injuriously; (L, K;) [as also الحد]. ― -b3- الهد بِهِ is said of a man, with respect to another, when the former withholds one of two men and leaves the other at liberty, fighting him. [The object is, app., the former of these two, as he is the injured one.] (AA, S, L, K.) ― -b4- It is also said of a man, with respect to another, when the former acquaints one of the men with the contention or dispute of the other, or with that which the other would say to him, and makes known to him a matter which he understands from him, but which is obscure to others, and informs him of the other's argument. [The object is, app., the latter of these two, as he is the injured one.] (AA, L.) ― -b5- Also, وَا@للّٰهِ مَا قُلْتَهَا إِِلَّا أَنْ تُلْهِدَ عَلَىَّ By God, thou saidst it not save that thou mightest aid against me, is said when a man has acquainted one of the two men with that which the other would say. [It is, app., said by the latter of these two, as he is the injured one.] (AA, S, L.) ― -b6- الهد He made, or prepared, the kind of food called لَهِيدَة. (IKtt.) ― -b7- الهد بِهِ, (inf. n. إِِلْهَادٌ, L,) He held him in light estimation, or despised him: (S, L, K:) or he held his clemency, or forbearance, or intellect, (حِلْم,) in light estimation, or despised it; as also الحد به. (L, art. لحد.) لَهْدٌ ذ A certain disease which affects camels in the chest; (T:) an opening, or parting asunder, (إِِنْفِرَاجٌ,) in the chest of a camel, [app., next to either, or both, of the arms,] by reason of a push. or collision, (L, K,) or the like, (K,) or by reason of the squeezing of a load: (L:) or (so in the L: in the K, and) a tumour in the فَريصَة [or portion of flesh between the shoulder-blade and the side], (L, K,) by reason of the pressure of a bag or the like upon the camel's back. (L.) ― -b2- Also, A certain disease, like an opening, or parting asunder, [app., in the part where the thighs unite,] (كَالإِِنْفِرَاجِ,) which befalls men in the legs and thighs. (L, K) لَهِيدٌ ذ A beast of carriage jaded, or fatigued, (S, L,) and rendered emaciated, or lean, by being ridden. (L.) ― -b2- A she-camel pressed, or squeezed, and having her flesh bruised, by her load. (Lh, L.) ― -b3- لَهِيدٌ and ↓ مَلْهُودٌ A camel oppressed by the weight of a load, and squeezed: having his back or side squeezed by a heavy load, or bruised so that it is swollen, and galled: having his side squeezed by a heavy load so that a disease has been the consequence, which has disordered his lungs. (L.) لَهِيدَةٌ ذ A kind of food of the Arabs; (L;) thin عَصِيدَة; (S, L, K;) not thin so as to be supped, nor thick so as to be formed into mouthfuls; thicker than حَرِيقَة and سَخِينَة, but thinner than عَصِيدَة [properly so called]. (S, L.) مَلْهُودٌ ذ : see لَهِيدٌ. ― -b2- مَلْهُودٌ and ↓ مُلَهَّدٌ , but the latter denotes frequency of the action, A man pushed, pushed away, or repelled, on account of his baseness, or despicableness. (S, L.) See also لَهَدَهُ. مُلَهَّدٌ ذ : see مَلْهُودٌ. ― -b2- Also, Base, or despicable, held weak, (El-Hawázinee, L,) and frequently repelled from doors. (El-Hawázinee, TA.)

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