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The Annual Meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association, just held, was one of marked interest and harmony. The President, William Willis, Jr., presented his annual report, showing that though adverse influences had existed in our midst during the past year, still the course of the association had been onward; and the additions to the membership had exceeded that of any previous year. A "roll of honor' was called, paying a just tribute to those members whose lives had been given up in behalf of their country, through wounds and disease, during the year. The Lecture Committee reported a course of lectures, seven in number, just concluded, all of which had been largely attended by the membership and the public at large. The Library and Reading Rooms are as well supplied as circumstances will admit, and more extensively patronized than ever before. The Committee on Sunday Schools report the continued prosperity of the Bethel School, under the superintendence of J. D. K. Sleight, and that this is the only mission school which has survived the war, in the city. Is now numbers 120 pupils. Two features of interest in this school were mentioned: one, a soldier's bible class every Sabbath, formed of the convalescing patients from the neighboring hospitals; the other, a teacher's prayer meeting of half an hour at the close of each session. The committee also stated that two or three other mission schools were about to be established in other parts of the city.

The Army Committee, W. P. Munford, chairman, reported a work of vast accomplished during the year;--$99,180, in money, had been received and discoursed, for the benefit of the suffering soldiers in hospital and field, besides drawers, shirts, socks, provisions, &c, to the value of $500,000--all of which had found its way, through this committee, to the needy and destitute of our noble army.

The Soldiers' Lodge, (lately discontinued.) for the benefit of the wayfarers, has been of great value to the soldiers. Nine thousand seven hundred and seventy-four had been lodged there during its existence, and four thousand tickets for meals had been issued to the hungry.

The Samaritan Hospital, under the auspices of the Association, has also proven a department of great good to the soldier. Under the constant care of its devoted matron, Mrs. C. E. Mayo, it has been made home-like to the afflicted soldiers, where, by kind attention, they have been speedily cured and sort on their way rejoicing. A chaplain is in daily attendance and family worship is conducted morning and night, in which all the convalescing patients unite, with evident regard and profit. The scores of letters received weekly, from all parts of our Confederacy and from the various divisions of the army, testify to the estimation in which this hospital is held by the soldiers and their friends. The percentage of deaths has been among the smallest of any of the hospitals in the city.

The following persons were elected as officers of the Association for the ensuing year: President, Wm. Willis, Jr., Corresponding Secretary, Jas. Gordon; Recording Secretary, J. D. K. Sleight; Treasurer, S. B. Smith; Register, J. E. Burress; Librarian Asa. Snyder.

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