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Forty-sixth regiment Massachusetts Infantry (Militia).

Field and Staff.Line.companies.Unassigned Recruits.Totals.
Killed and died of wounds,—
Enlisted men,11
Died by accident or disease,—
Enlisted men,31231243432
Died as prisoners,—
Enlisted men,
Total losses,—
Enlisted men,311231243433

Casualties by Engagements.

Dec. 17, Goldsboroa,N. C.,11

Creek. In the spring of 1863 over one hundred members of the regiment enlisted in the 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery then forming. The regiment embarked for Fortress Monroe June 24, and volunteering for further service, its time having nearly expired, was stationed on guard duty at Baltimore, Md., taking up its position at Marye's Heights July 7 as part of a brigade under Gen. H. S. Briggs. It joined the Army of the Potomac at Funkstown, and while moving with it into Virginia received orders to return to Massachusetts for muster out. It reached Springfield, Mass., July 21, 1863, and was mustered out of service a week later at Hampden Park.

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