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Fourteenth battery Massachusetts Light Artillery.

Capt. Joseph W. B. Wright.

Number on rolls,7187194
Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in battery,22
Enlisted men (included above) serving elsewhere within battery,
Actual total of members of battery,7185192
Killed and died of wounds,178
Died by accident and disease,55
Died in Confederate prison,22
Total losses,11415
Casualties by Engagements.
June 21-22, Petersburg, Va.,33
Aug. 22, Before Petersburg, Va.,44
March 25, Petersburg, Va.,1

Active also at Spotsylvania, Va.; River Ny, May 8, 10, 12, 1864; North Anna, May 14-27; Totopotomoy, June 1; Bethesda Church, June 2-3, 1864.

The 14th Battery, organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service Feb. 27, 1864, received its outfit of guns at Washington, April 24, and on the next day was ordered to join the 9th Army Corps, and left the capital to engage in the Wilderness campaign. The battery was encamped near Rappahannock Station until May 4; then moving forward, was present at the battle of the Wilderness, May 6; on May 10 it was engaged on the Ny River, its division commander, Gen. Thomas Greeley Stevenson, being killed, and was again in action there May 12,16 and 18. From May 24-27 the battery was engaged at the North Anna River; engaged again at Totopotomoy, June 1; at Bethesda Church, June 2; Cold Harbor, June 6-12. It moved by forced marches to Petersburg and on June 17 went into action there; it took active part also during the entire siege, entering into engagements June 21-24, July 10-17, August 5 and 21, and on October 11. In September the battery was transferred to Reserve Artillery, Army of the Potomac, and on October 1 to 2d Army Corps, and went with this corps into winter quarters at City Point, Va. On January 15 it joined the 6th Corps; and on March 15, reunited to the 9th Corps, it took up its position in line at Fort Stedman, Petersburg; one section was in action on March 25 under Lieut. E. B. Nye, who was killed in the engagement, the battery losing also 11 prisoners; both sections were actively engaged on April 1 and 2. After the fall of Petersburg the battery moved to camp at City Point, Va , and on to Fairfax Seminary early in May, remaining there until it left for Massachusetts. It reached Readville, Mass., June 6 and was mustered out June 15, 1865.

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Totopotomoy (2)
Joseph W. B. Wright (1)
Thomas Greeley Stevenson (1)
E. B. Nye (1)
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