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Troy (Turkey) 84 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 46 0 Browse Search
Ilium (Turkey) 32 0 Browse Search
Argos (Greece) 18 0 Browse Search
Phrygia (Turkey) 16 0 Browse Search
Argive (Greece) 10 0 Browse Search
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Hector (New York, United States) 10 0 Browse Search
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Argos (Greece) (search for this): card 386
r my bed, for this my marriage will destroy those whom you and I most hate. Chorus Leader How sweetly at your own sad lot you smile, chanting a strain, which, in spite of you, may prove you wrong! Talthybius Had not Apollo turned your wits to maenad revelry, you would not for nothing have sent my chiefs with such ominous predictions forth on their way. But, after all, these lofty minds, reputed wise, are nothing better than those that are held as nothing. For that mighty king of all Hellas, dear son of Atreus, has yielded to a passion for this mad maiden of all others; though I am poor enough, yet would I never have chosen such a wife as this. As for you, since your senses are not whole, I give your taunts against Argos and your praise of Troy to the winds to carry away. Follow me now to the ships to grace the wedding of our chief. And you too follow, whenever the son of Laertes demands your presence, for you will serve a mistress most discreet, as all declare who came to Ilium.
Troy (Turkey) (search for this): card 386
or my bed, for this my marriage will destroy those whom you and I most hate. Chorus Leader How sweetly at your own sad lot you smile, chanting a strain, which, in spite of you, may prove you wrong! Talthybius Had not Apollo turned your wits to maenad revelry, you would not for nothing have sent my chiefs with such ominous predictions forth on their way. But, after all, these lofty minds, reputed wise, are nothing better than those that are held as nothing. For that mighty king of all Hellas, dear son of Atreus, has yielded to a passion for this mad maiden of all others; though I am poor enough, yet would I never have chosen such a wife as this. As for you, since your senses are not whole, I give your taunts against Argos and your praise of Troy to the winds to carry away. Follow me now to the ships to grace the wedding of our chief. And you too follow, whenever the son of Laertes demands your presence, for you will serve a mistress most discreet, as all declare who came to Ilium.
r my bed, for this my marriage will destroy those whom you and I most hate. Chorus Leader How sweetly at your own sad lot you smile, chanting a strain, which, in spite of you, may prove you wrong! Talthybius Had not Apollo turned your wits to maenad revelry, you would not for nothing have sent my chiefs with such ominous predictions forth on their way. But, after all, these lofty minds, reputed wise, are nothing better than those that are held as nothing. For that mighty king of all Hellas, dear son of Atreus, has yielded to a passion for this mad maiden of all others; though I am poor enough, yet would I never have chosen such a wife as this. As for you, since your senses are not whole, I give your taunts against Argos and your praise of Troy to the winds to carry away. Follow me now to the ships to grace the wedding of our chief. And you too follow, whenever the son of Laertes demands your presence, for you will serve a mistress most discreet, as all declare who came to Ilium.
Paris (France) (search for this): card 386
laid to rest in the embrace of their native land, their funeral rites all duly paid by duteous hands. And all such Phrygians as escaped the warrior's death lived always day by day with wife and children by them, joys the Achaeans had left behind. As for Hector and his griefs, hear how the case stands; he is dead and gone, but still his fame remains as bravest of the brave, and this was a result of the Achaeans' coming; for had they remained at home, his worth would have gone unnoticed. And Paris married the daughter of Zeus, whereas, had he never done so, the alliance he made in his family would have been forgotten. Whoever is wise should fly from making war; but if he come to this, a noble death will crown his city with glory, a coward's end with shame. Therefore, mother, you should not pity your country or my bed, for this my marriage will destroy those whom you and I most hate. Chorus Leader How sweetly at your own sad lot you smile, chanting a strain, which, in spite of you,
Ilium (Turkey) (search for this): card 386
r my bed, for this my marriage will destroy those whom you and I most hate. Chorus Leader How sweetly at your own sad lot you smile, chanting a strain, which, in spite of you, may prove you wrong! Talthybius Had not Apollo turned your wits to maenad revelry, you would not for nothing have sent my chiefs with such ominous predictions forth on their way. But, after all, these lofty minds, reputed wise, are nothing better than those that are held as nothing. For that mighty king of all Hellas, dear son of Atreus, has yielded to a passion for this mad maiden of all others; though I am poor enough, yet would I never have chosen such a wife as this. As for you, since your senses are not whole, I give your taunts against Argos and your praise of Troy to the winds to carry away. Follow me now to the ships to grace the wedding of our chief. And you too follow, whenever the son of Laertes demands your presence, for you will serve a mistress most discreet, as all declare who came to Ilium.
Greece (Greece) (search for this): card 386
try or my bed, for this my marriage will destroy those whom you and I most hate. Chorus Leader How sweetly at your own sad lot you smile, chanting a strain, which, in spite of you, may prove you wrong! Talthybius Had not Apollo turned your wits to maenad revelry, you would not for nothing have sent my chiefs with such ominous predictions forth on their way. But, after all, these lofty minds, reputed wise, are nothing better than those that are held as nothing. For that mighty king of all Hellas, dear son of Atreus, has yielded to a passion for this mad maiden of all others; though I am poor enough, yet would I never have chosen such a wife as this. As for you, since your senses are not whole, I give your taunts against Argos and your praise of Troy to the winds to carry away. Follow me now to the ships to grace the wedding of our chief. And you too follow, whenever the son of Laertes demands your presence, for you will serve a mistress most discreet, as all declare who came to Il