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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 10, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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, 3d Ala; J D Adrian, Capt, 44th Ala; J T Irvin, Capt, 61st Ala; J J Oberdeen, Capt 6th Ala; J C Kitchen, lieut, 6th S C, G M Grimes, lieut, 1st S C, J G Warren, lieut, 6th Ala; C M Compton, lieut, 31st Ga; R P Jennings, Capt, 23d Va; J T Duggan, lieut, 49th Ga; W T Marshall, Capt, 49th Ga; J N Wilson, lieut, 1st Tenn; J O Waddell, Adj't, 20th Ga; W D Starke, lieut, engineer corps; W H May, lieut, 3d Ala; N E Campbell, lieut, 5th S C; J A Watson, lieut, 12th S C; Lt V R Bell, 15th Va; Capt C Hardy, do; Lt R N Turner, 1st Tex; Lt R A Johnson, 15th Va; Capt V S Pitts, do; Lt S W Cox, 48th Ala; Lt W Baird, 53d Ga; Lt J W Gower, 14th Miss; Lt Carter, 6th Va cav; Capt C H Bell, do; Lt E B Langley, 47th Ala; Lt O K Pate, 5th Va; Lt M B Blair, 26th N C; Lieut D S Thompson, 15th N C; Lieut D C Rodgers, 11th Miss; Lt J W Morrow, 11th Ga; Lt Col K Bryan, 5th Tex; Maj Geo Ward,, Hoge's art'y Batt'n; Lt J P Guzzle, 4th Texas; Lieut R H Franks, 4th Texas; Lieut G S Roper, 17th Ga; Capt E Y Kindred
A Watson, lieut, 12th S C; Lt V R Bell, 15th Va; Capt C Hardy, do; Lt R N Turner, 1st Tex; Lt R A Johnson, 15th Va; Capt V S Pitts, do; Lt S W Cox, 48th Ala; Lt W Baird, 53d Ga; Lt J W Gower, 14th Miss; Lt Carter, 6th Va cav; Capt C H Bell, do; Lt E B Langley, 47th Ala; Lt O K Pate, 5th Va; Lt M B Blair, 26th N C; Lieut D S Thompson, 15th N C; Lieut D C Rodgers, 11th Miss; Lt J W Morrow, 11th Ga; Lt Col K Bryan, 5th Tex; Maj Geo Ward,, Hoge's art'y Batt'n; Lt J P Guzzle, 4th Texas; Lieut R H Franks, 4th Texas; Lieut G S Roper, 17th Ga; Capt E Y Kindred, 4th Tex; Capt D H Wilmot, 17th Ga; It J R Walker, 17th Miss; Capt J C Wright, do; It J R Murphy, 6th Ala; Capt W F Avery, 33d N C; It J G Reucher, 3d N C; Maj J C Webb, 27th N C; Capt W R Larkins, do; It J A Graham, do; W Phelan, 3d Ala; It E B Roberts, 6th N C; It T J Lockhart, 17th Miss; It J O Ramseur, do; Capt H W Abernethy, 34th N C; Adj't L Baker, 53d Ga; It B S Howard, 1st S C. All the above, with few exceptions, are slightl
urday last, an account of which was given in this newspaper of yesterday, is represented by officers who were engaged in it to have been the most hotly contested cavalry fight of the war. At the first onset of the enemy, our forces, Wickham's and Lomax's brigades, gave way, but soon recovered and drove the enemy in turn with terrible slaughter. In addition to the casualties reported in the fight, Lt Edmundson, of the 1st Virginia cavalry, was killed, and Major Bowie, of Gen. Fitz Lee's Staff, r sending a message that the enemy was near, and in ten minutes afterwards that "they are here." There were due at the station at that time two trains of commissary stores, which were captured, and, with the locomotive drawing them, destroyed. Gen. Lomax's brigade and some more of our cavalry is following the raiders in quick pursuit. They did not come around Lee's army, but started from Grant's left and passed by Massaponax church on our right. The raid will not incommode Gen Lee in the leas
not dangerously; Col Lane, 25th N C, slightly; Col Saunders, 46th N C, severely; Capt Walker Anderson, ord officer Cook's brig, killed; Col Folum, 14th Ga. dangerously; Col Carter, 45th Ga, killed; Col Miller, 12th S C, severely; Lt Col G H Forney, Ala, killed; Col Avery, 33d N C, severely; Col Davidson, 7th N C, reported captured; Lt Col W W Randolph, Stonewall brig, killed; Maj Frayser, 27th Va, killed; Capt Eugene Hawkins, A A G to Gen Doles, killed; Col Finney, 42d Miss, killed; Lt Col Reynolds, wounded; Maj J Pride, 20th Ga, killed. The body of the Yankee General, Wadsworth, was found in front of our lines, and also the body of a General with the initials "H H C," supposed to be the Yankee General Carr. It is also reported that the dead body of the Yankee General Hayes, who was captured last year at Chancellorsville, has been found inside of our lines. No accurate estimate of the enemy's loss can be given, but it is believed to be quite heavy. The Ambulance Commit
is left, joining Johnson's right on the pike, whilst Early was held in reserve. About one P. M, the enemy made a serious onset upon Brig Gen J M Jones's Virginia brigade, who held the advance, and the extremely of Johnson's division supported by Battle's brigade, and the other three brigades of Rodes's division.--The fight which ensued was contested with great until about 3 P. M. when a lull ensued, our men having repulsed the enemy most handsomely. During the attack on Battle's brigade, and Battle's brigade, and just at a time it was being rapidly forced back, Gordon's brigade was ordered forward, and made one of the grandest charges of the war, forcing the enemy back at all points. Later in the evening about 5 o'clock, the enemy again made a desperate assault upon Johnson's lines, but which was most gallantly and handsomely repulsed, our troops remaining masters of the field, and the Yankee killed and wounded being piled up in great numbers before our breastworks. The enemy not knowing that we had an
Brig Gen J M Jones's Virginia brigade, who held the advance, and the extremely of Johnson's division supported by Battle's brigade, and the other three brigades of Rodes's division.--The fight which ensued was contested with great until about 3 P. M. when a lull ensued, our men having repulsed the enemy most handsomely. During thecially along Ewell's lines. Indeed Ewell, who is always up to time and in action covered himself all over with glory, as did his gallant Major Generals--Johnson, Rodes, and Early. Gen Lee, when he heard of their success, said "I always rely upon the second corps for hard fighting. Give them my thanks." Whilst the infantry , P M, 1864. Yesterday evening, between sundown and dark, Brig Gen Gordon's Georgia brigade, of Early's division, and Brig Gen R D Johnston's N C brigade, of Rodes's division, executed a brilliant flank movement on our extreme left, and another on our extreme right, at a point about four miles above Germanna ford. The result
Stonewall (search for this): article 1
one, wounded in knee; Col Board, 58th Va, not dangerously in hip; Lt Col Winston, 45th N C, in leg, not dangerously; Col D Willis, 12th Ga, not dangerously; Col Lane, 25th N C, slightly; Col Saunders, 46th N C, severely; Capt Walker Anderson, ord officer Cook's brig, killed; Col Folum, 14th Ga. dangerously; Col Carter, 45th Ga, killed; Col Miller, 12th S C, severely; Lt Col G H Forney, Ala, killed; Col Avery, 33d N C, severely; Col Davidson, 7th N C, reported captured; Lt Col W W Randolph, Stonewall brig, killed; Maj Frayser, 27th Va, killed; Capt Eugene Hawkins, A A G to Gen Doles, killed; Col Finney, 42d Miss, killed; Lt Col Reynolds, wounded; Maj J Pride, 20th Ga, killed. The body of the Yankee General, Wadsworth, was found in front of our lines, and also the body of a General with the initials "H H C," supposed to be the Yankee General Carr. It is also reported that the dead body of the Yankee General Hayes, who was captured last year at Chancellorsville, has been found insi
h Ala; J C Kitchen, lieut, 6th S C, G M Grimes, lieut, 1st S C, J G Warren, lieut, 6th Ala; C M Compton, lieut, 31st Ga; R P Jennings, Capt, 23d Va; J T Duggan, lieut, 49th Ga; W T Marshall, Capt, 49th Ga; J N Wilson, lieut, 1st Tenn; J O Waddell, Adj't, 20th Ga; W D Starke, lieut, engineer corps; W H May, lieut, 3d Ala; N E Campbell, lieut, 5th S C; J A Watson, lieut, 12th S C; Lt V R Bell, 15th Va; Capt C Hardy, do; Lt R N Turner, 1st Tex; Lt R A Johnson, 15th Va; Capt V S Pitts, do; Lt S W Cox, 48th Ala; Lt W Baird, 53d Ga; Lt J W Gower, 14th Miss; Lt Carter, 6th Va cav; Capt C H Bell, do; Lt E B Langley, 47th Ala; Lt O K Pate, 5th Va; Lt M B Blair, 26th N C; Lieut D S Thompson, 15th N C; Lieut D C Rodgers, 11th Miss; Lt J W Morrow, 11th Ga; Lt Col K Bryan, 5th Tex; Maj Geo Ward,, Hoge's art'y Batt'n; Lt J P Guzzle, 4th Texas; Lieut R H Franks, 4th Texas; Lieut G S Roper, 17th Ga; Capt E Y Kindred, 4th Tex; Capt D H Wilmot, 17th Ga; It J R Walker, 17th Miss; Capt J C Wright, do; It
an, 5th Tex; Maj Geo Ward,, Hoge's art'y Batt'n; Lt J P Guzzle, 4th Texas; Lieut R H Franks, 4th Texas; Lieut G S Roper, 17th Ga; Capt E Y Kindred, 4th Tex; Capt D H Wilmot, 17th Ga; It J R Walker, 17th Miss; Capt J C Wright, do; It J R Murphy, 6th Ala; Capt W F Avery, 33d N C; It J G Reucher, 3d N C; Maj J C Webb, 27th N C; Capt W R Larkins, do; It J A Graham, do; W Phelan, 3d Ala; It E B Roberts, 6th N C; It T J Lockhart, 17th Miss; It J O Ramseur, do; Capt H W Abernethy, 34th N C; Adj't L Baker, 53d Ga; It B S Howard, 1st S C. All the above, with few exceptions, are slightly wounded. The severely wounded were expected to arrive later in the night. The Central Railroad Tapped — our cavalry After the raiders. Last night, about 7½ o'clock, a body of the enemy's cavalry from Grant's army struck the Central Railroad at Beaver Dam, in Hanover county, 36 miles from Richmond. Their appearance was very sudden — the telegraph operator sending a message that the enemy was near
l Lane, 25th N C, slightly; Col Saunders, 46th N C, severely; Capt Walker Anderson, ord officer Cook's brig, killed; Col Folum, 14th Ga. dangerously; Col Carter, 45th Ga, killed; Col Miller, 12th S C, severely; Lt Col G H Forney, Ala, killed; Col Avery, 33d N C, severely; Col Davidson, 7th N C, reported captured; Lt Col W W Randolph, Stonewall brig, killed; Maj Frayser, 27th Va, killed; Capt Eugene Hawkins, A A G to Gen Doles, killed; Col Finney, 42d Miss, killed; Lt Col Reynolds, wounded; Maj Geo Ward,, Hoge's art'y Batt'n; Lt J P Guzzle, 4th Texas; Lieut R H Franks, 4th Texas; Lieut G S Roper, 17th Ga; Capt E Y Kindred, 4th Tex; Capt D H Wilmot, 17th Ga; It J R Walker, 17th Miss; Capt J C Wright, do; It J R Murphy, 6th Ala; Capt W F Avery, 33d N C; It J G Reucher, 3d N C; Maj J C Webb, 27th N C; Capt W R Larkins, do; It J A Graham, do; W Phelan, 3d Ala; It E B Roberts, 6th N C; It T J Lockhart, 17th Miss; It J O Ramseur, do; Capt H W Abernethy, 34th N C; Adj't L Baker, 53d Ga; It
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