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Browsing named entities in Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.).

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17 abilities, for an offering to Feronia.Feronia was an old Etruscan deity, whose cult was brought to Rome from Capena. A goddess of springs and groves, she was also the traditional patroness of freedwomen. These measures being taken, the decemvirs sacrificed at Ardea in the market-place with the greater victims. Finally-the month was now December —victims were slain at the temple of Saturn in Rome and a lectisternium was ordered-this time senators administered the riteIt was usually carried out by the decemvirs mentioned in § 7. —and a public feast, and throughout the City for a day and a night Saturnalia was cried, and the people were bidden to keep that day as a holiday and observe it in perpetuity.The Saturnalia had been established as an annual festival in connexion with the dedication of the temple of Saturn on December 19th, 497 B.C. (I. xxi 2). Now the public feast was added to the former rites, and in course of time the festival was prolonged for several days.
; nevertheless these men, being driven from a place where even an enemy's envoys are admitted, have come to you. They seek amends in accordance with a treaty. That the state may be void of offence, they demand the author of the wrong, the man on whom they charge the guilt. The more mildly they proceed, the more slowly they begin, the more obstinate, I fear, when they have begun, will be their rage. Set Eryx and the Aegatian islandsOff these islands C. Lutatius Catulus won in 241 B.C. the naval victory which decided the First Punic War (Per. XIX.). before your eyes, and all that you suffered by land and sea for four and twenty years. Nor was this boy your leader, but Hamilcar himself, the father, a second Mars, as his partisans will have it.Hanno knows that most of his hearers are against him, and isti (literally those men of yours) means those who guide your opinion, i.e. the friends of Hannibal. But we could not keep our hands from Tarentum, that is, fr
he college, and Lucius Cornelius Lentulus, the Pontifex Maximus, gave his opinion that first of all a popular vote must be taken about the Sacred Spring; for it couldB.C. 217 not be vowed without the authorization of the people. The question was put to them in this form: Do you will and so order that these things be done in the manner following? If the Republic of the Roman People, the Quirites, shall be preserved for the next five yearsThe ver sacrum was not actually celebrated until 195 B.C., and a flaw in the ceremonies necessitated a repetition in the following year (xxxiv. lxiv. 1-3). —as I would wish it preserved —in these wars, to wit, the war of the Roman People with the People of Carthage and the wars with the Gauls on this side of the Alps, let the Roman People, the Quirites, offer up in indefeasible sacrifice to Jupiter what the spring shall have produced of swine, sheep, goats and cattle —which shall not have been consecrated to some other deity —beginning wit
For the battle at the Trebia cannot have been fought as late as the consulship of Gnaeus Servilius and Gaius Flaminius; for Gaius Flaminius began his consulship at Ariminum, having been elected under the presidency of Tiberius Sempronius who was then consul, and had, after the battle at the Trebia, come to Rome to hold the consular elections, and thenB.C. 219 returned to the winter quarters of the army.This paragraph is a footnote, in which Livy attempts to clear up the chronological muddle which he has got himself into by disregarding the clear statements of Polybius and following an inferior authority. According to Polybius, Hannibal was made general and attacked the Olcades in 221 B.C. In 220 came the war with the Vaccaei and Carpetani. In 219 (consulship of M. Livius Salinator and L. Aemilius Paulus) came the siege of Saguntum, after which Hannibal put his army in winter quarters in New Carthage, and in 218 set forth on the march to Italy (Polybius, III. xiii, xvii, xxxiii).
ardly exercised the Roman arms; while against the Gauls there had been desultory fighting rather than real war.The wars mentioned (and also a war with the Ligurians) occurred in the interval between the First and Second Punic Wars and were described in Book xx (see Summary). But the Phoenician was an old and experienced enemy, who in the hardest kind of service amongst the Spanish tribes had for three and twenty yearsi.e. the interval between the First and Second Punic Wars, though the Carthaginian conquest of Spain had not actually begun so early as 241 B.C. invariably got the victory; he was accustomed to the keenest of commanders, was flushed with the conquest of a very wealthy city, and crossing the Ebro and drawing after him the many Spanish peoples which he had enlisted, would be rousing up the Gallic tribes —B.C. 219 always eager to unsheathe the sword —and the Romans would have to contend in war with all the world, in Italy and under the walls of Rome.
When these arrangements had been made,B.C. 218 in order that, before going to war, they might observe all the formalities, they dispatched into Africa an embassy consisting of certain older men, to wit, Quintus Fabius, Marcus Livius, Lucius Aemilius,M. Livius and L. Aemilius were consuls in 219 B.C., and since they were now available to serve on an embassy, it is a fair inference that the embassy had not set out before the middle of March —then the beginning of the consular year —of 218 (De Sanctis, p. 1.1). Gaius Licinius, and Quintus Baebius, to demand of the Carthaginians whether Hannibal had attacked Saguntum with the sanction of the state; and if, as seemed likely to be the case, they should avow the act and stand to it as their public policy, to declare war on the Carthaginian People. As soon as the Romans had come to Carthage and the senate had granted them an audience, Quintus Fabius asked only the one question contained in his instructions. Then one of
e. A certain barbarian slew him openly, to avenge his master, whom Hasdrubal had put to death. On being seized by the bystanders he expressed in his countenance the cheerfulness of one who had escaped, and even as he was being tortured, joy so got the upper hand of agony that he seemed actually to smile. With this Hasdrubal, because of the marvellous skill which he had shown in tempting the native tribes to join his empire, the Roman People had renewed their covenant,i.e. the treaty of 241 B.C. (Per. XX. and Chap. xix. §§ 1-5). withB.C. 226 the stipulation that neither side should extend its dominion beyond the Ebro, while the Saguntines, situated between the empires of the two peoples,Saguntum (Murviedro) lay about midway between the Ebro and New Carthage (Cartagena). Livy does not mean that it lay between the two spheres of influence —for it must, in that case, have occupied an island in the Ebro —but, vaguely, that the Carthaginians were still far to the south of it and the Rom<
tter; on the contrary, they heard that men of their own race were being driven from the land and even out of the borders of Italy by the Roman People, and were paying tribute and suffering every other humiliation. In the rest of the Gallic councils their proposals and the replies they got were to substantially the same effect, nor did they hear a single word of a truly friendly or peaceable tenor until they reached Massilia.Massilia (Marseilles), founded by Phocaeans about 600 B.C., had been, from the period of the Kings, a faithful ally of Rome. Here they learned of all that had happened from their allies, who had made enquiries with faithful diligence. They reported that Hannibal had been beforehand with the RomansB.C. 218 in gaining the good-will of the Gauls, but that even he would find them hardly tractable —so fierce and untamed was their nature —unless from time to time he should make use of gold, of which the race is very covetous, to secure the favour of thei
ed from the mainland. Here envoys from the Baliaric islands came to Scipio to sue for peace. The fleet now put about and returned to the northern part of the province, and thither flocked ambassadors from all the communities on this side of the Ebro and even from many places in farthest Spain; but the communities that gave hostages and really came under the rule and government of Rome were more than a hundred and twenty. Feeling, therefore, sufficiently strong on land, as well as on the sea, the Roman general advanced as far as the pass of Castulo.Now Cazlona. The pass led through the Sierra Morena, north of the city, which was famous for the silver and lead mines in its neighbourhood. Castulo enjoyed a close alliance with the Carthaginians and one of its daughters became the wife of Hannibal. In 214 B.C. it revolted to the Romans, but by 211 was again in the hands of the Carthaginians (xxiv. xii. 7; xxvi. xx. 6). Hasdrubal retired into Lusitania, nearer the ocean.
Such was the position of affairs in Spain when Publius Scipio came into the province.Scipio had been appointed when consul (218 B.C.) to take command of the Roman forces destined for Spain (XXX. lx. 1 and Polyb. III. xcvii. 2). The senate had prolonged his command after the consulship and had sent him out with thirtyPolybius says twenty (ibid.). men-ofwar and eight thousand soldiers and a great convoy of supplies. This fleet, which the number of cargo-vessels swelled to an enormous size, caused great rejoicing amongst the Romans and their allies, when it was made out in the offing and standing in dropped anchor in the harbour of Tarraco. There Scipio disembarked his troops and set out to joinB.C. 217 his brother; and from that time forward they carried on the war with perfect harmony of temper and of purpose. Accordingly, while the Carthaginians were taken up with the Celtiberian campaign, they lost no time in crossing the Ebro, and seeing nothing of any enemy,
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